This is me at the Dead Sea (Jordan) 2010



Home page of

António Pedro Oliveira de Carvalho


Faculty HomePage

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Phone: 351.220414755, Fax: 351.225081940, Email
Address: FEUP, Laboratory of Acoustics, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, P-4200-465 Porto, Portugal

Academic Resume

Professional Resume

Research Field

Current Projects

Selected Publications

  1. "Acoustics, Analytical Programs to Microcomputers", (in Portuguese) Report n. 267/87 L.N.E.C., Lisbon 1987;
  2. "Acoustical Behavior of Lightweight Partitions" (in Portuguese) MSc. thesis, Univ. of Porto 1987;
  3. "Acoustical Behavior of Lightweight Partitions made with cork and gypsumboard" (in Portuguese) article in journal Materiais de Construçäo, vol. 6, n. 21, pg 47-53, 1989, Porto);
  4. "Noise Pollution Perturbs Rest" ("Poluição Sonora Perturba o Descanso"), (in Portuguese) article in "Feira", weekly newspaper, 29.11.1989;
  5. "Porto's Urban Gardens. Acoustical View" (in Portuguese), paper in Viver a Cidade, Lisbon, Oct. 1990;
  6. "Oporto, City Made of Noise" ("Porto, Cidade feita de Ruído") (in Portuguese), article in Jornal de Notícias - Domingo of 06.05.1990;
  7. "Acoustical Behavior of Precast Building Elements" (in Portuguese), paper in 2nd Conference in Building Construction, Porto, Portugal, December 1993;
  8. "The Acoustics of Portuguese Churches", 1994 Graduate Student Forum, Gainesville, March 1994;
  9. "Objective Acoustical Analysis of Room Acoustic Measurements in Portuguese Roman Catholic Churches" Noise-Con '94, Fort Lauderdale, May 1994;
  10. "Relationships between Objective Acoustical Measurements and Architectural Features in Churches" Sabine Centennial Symposium/127th ASA Meeting, Cambridge, MA, June 1994;
  11. "Effect of Architectural Styles on Objective Acoustical Measures in Portuguese Catholic Churches" WESTPRAC V, Seoul, Korea, August 1994;
  12. "Relations between RASTI and other Acoustical Measures in Portuguese Churches" Inter-Noise 94, Yokohama, Japan, August 1994;
  13. "BACH, a New Binaural Room Acoustical Measure" paper presented at 128th ASA Meeting, Austin, TX, December 1994;
  14. "Influence of Architectural Features and Styles on Various Acoustical Measures in Churches" (only conclusions) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Florida (USA) 1994;
  15. "Prediction of Acoustical Measures in Churches", article in Sound & Video Contractor, vol. 13, n. 1, January 1995;
  16. "Liturgy, sound and acoustics: Why a church is not a concert hall", article in Sound & Video Contractor, vol. 13, n. 1, January 1995;
  17. "The use of the Sabine and Eyring Reverberation Equations to Churches", paper presented at 129th ASA Meeting, Washington DC, May 1995;
  18. "BACH, a New Binaural Parameter", 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway, June 1995;
  19. "The Sabine Equations and Coupled Spaces in Churches", Inter-Noise 1995, Newport Beach, CA, July 1995;
  20. "Acoustical behavior of a new lightweight partition made with gypsum board and cork", paper presented at 130th ASA Meeting, St. Louis, November 1995;
  21. "Analysis of subjective acoustic measures and speech intelligibility in Portuguese churches", 131st ASA Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, May 1996;
  22. "Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies Regarding Traffic Noise in Portugal", 1st author, Noise and Planning '96, Pisa, May 1996;
  23. "A new lightweight partition made with gypsum board and cork. Acoustical Design", XXIV IAHS World Housing Congress, Ankara (Turkey) May 1996;
  24. "Subjective acoustic measures and speech intelligibility in churches", NOISE-CON '96, Bellevue, WA, USA, Sept. 1996;
  25. "Cork as a lightweight partition material. Economical and Acoustical Analyses", paper presented at the 1996 CIB Beijing International Conference, (China) October 1996;
  26. "Relationships between subjective and objective acoustical measures in churches",  Third Joint Meeting - Acoustical Society of America / Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu, USA, December 1996;
  27. "Relationships between speech intelligibility and objective acoustical parameters or architectural features in Catholic churches", NOISE-CON '97, State College, (USA), June 1997;
  28. "Speech intelligibility in churches. How it relates with objective acoustical parameters and architectural features", 133rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, PennState (USA), June 1997;
  29. "New Methodology regarding environmental impact assessment for traffic noise in Portugal", INTER-NOISE '97, Budapest (Hungary), August 1997;
  30. "Objective and subjective acoustical parameters in Catholic churches", 5th Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Adelaide (Australia), December 1997;
  31. "Relationships between subjective and objective acoustical measures in churches", article in Journal of Building Acoustics, (UK),  4(1), pp 1/20, 1997;
  32. "Ruído em Incubadoras e Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos em Neonatalogia" (in Portuguese), I Ibero-American Congress in Acoustics, Florianópolis (Brazil), April 1998;
  33. "A New Sound Absorbing Lightweight Concrete Masonry Block", XXV IAHS World Housing Congress, Lisbon (Portugal), June 1998;
  34. "Noise in infant incubators and in neonatal intensive care units", INTER-NOISE '98, Christchurch (New Zeland) November 1998;
  35. "Acoustic Regulations in European Union Countries", paper presented at the Workshop COST Action E5-Timber Frame Building Systems "Acoustics Performance of Medium-Rise Timber Buildings", Dublin (Irlanda), 3-4 December 1998;
  36. Relations between rapid speech transmission index (RASTI) and other acoustical and architectural measures in churches”, article in Applied Acoustics, (UK) vol. 58 n. 1, pp 33/49, 1999;
  37. “The use of agglomerated cork as underlay for improvement of impact sound insulation in buildings”, 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America & 2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association: Forum Acusticum, Berlin, March 1999;
  38. "How does RASTI change with sound reinforcement systems in churches?", 6th ICSV, Copenhagen (Denmark) July 1999;
  39. "Casa da Música do Porto - oportunidade perdida ou desastre acústico?" (in Portuguese), Jornal de Notícias (19.08.1999, p. 16);
  40. "The effect of pulpits in the Rasti values within churches", Inter-Noise '99, Fort Lauderdale (USA) December 1999;
  41. "Catholic Churches, Sound-reinforcement Systems and RASTI", article in the Int. Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, vol. 5 no. 1, March 2000;
  42. "Acoustical Measures in Churches - Oportos's Clérigos Church, A comprehensive example", Proceedings of the 7th ICSV, vol. III, pg. 1645-1652, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) July 2000;
  43. "Expeditious noise mapping at a municipal level", Inter-Noise 2000, Nice (France), August 2000;
  44. "The significance of the church occupancy in the RASTI values in a Catholic church", CFA2000, Lausanne (CH), September 2000;
  45. "Economia das Empresas de Construção", (in Portuguese) Suport book (209 pages) to the course EEC (5th year BSc. Civil Eng. FEUP), 2000 (1st edition);
  46. "Analysis of reverberation time values in churches according to country and architectural style", 8th ICSV, Hong-Kong, July 2001;
  47. "The effect of occupancy in the speech intelligibility in churches", Inter-Noise 2001, The Hague (NL), August 2001;
  48. "Acoustic effectiveness of pulpit reflector in churches", ICA2001, Rome, September 2001;
  49. "Efficiency of 13th-century acoustic ceramic pots in two swiss churches", NC 2001, Portland, October 2001;
  50. "Plafonds d'église, Survol Historique et Remarques Acoustiques", article in "TRACÉS - Bulletin Technique de la Suisse Romande" (SIA - Société suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes), n. 23, 28 Nov. 2001, pp. 12-17;
  51. "Chaires et abat-voix: Mythe ou réalité acoustique?", Journées d'Automne de la Societé Suisse d'Acoustique, Nov. 2001 (Lucerne, Switzerland);
  52. "Church acoustics and the influences of occupancy", article in "Journal of the Building Acoustics", vol. 9(1),  2002;
  53. "Acoustic behavior of ceramic pots used in middle age worship spaces - a theoretical and laboratory analysis", ICSV9, Orlando, July 2002;
  54. "Acquisition and reproduction of factory noise with low-frequency extended bandwidth: a case study",  ICSV9, Orlando (USA), July 2002;
  55. "Sound absorption of 18th-century baroque woodcarving in churches",  Inter-Noise 2002, Dearborn, MI, (USA), August 2002;
  56. "Liturgical conditions of Catholic and Reformed celebrations and their relationships with architectural and acoustic characteristics of churches",  Forum Acusticum, Sept. 2002, Seville;
  57. "Practical methodology for speedy environmental field measurements", Forum Acusticum, Sept. 2002, Seville;
  58. "The ACUSTILAB, a small educational doble reverberant chamber", 4th AECEF International Symposium - Environmental Aspects in Civil Engineering, Sept. 2002, Porto;
  59. "Dancing the aerobics hearing loss choreography", (lay paper), 1st Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Dec. 2002, Cancun;
  60. "Noise levels in the learning-teaching activities in a dental medicine school", 1st Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Dec. 2002, Cancun;
  61. Absorção sonora de retábulo em talha barroca, (in Portuguese), article in the magazine Património-Estudos IPPAR, nº 3, 2002;
  62. "Chronic exposure of rats to cotton-mill-room noise changes the cell composition of the tracheal epithelium",  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, (44)12, Dec. 2002;
  63. "Laboratório de Acústica/Laboratory of Acoustics", (28 pages), Porto, Feb. 2003;
  64. "Noise from amplified music played in discotheques, pubs and clubs - A review of some national regulations", 5th Euro-Noise, Naples (Italy), May 2003;
  65. "Natural vegetal fibbers as a new resilient layer for floating floors", 5th Euro-Noise, Naples (Italy), May 2003;
  66. "Acoustics of courtrooms in Portugal", Noise-Con 2003, Cleveland, USA, June 2003;
  67. "Changes of the bronchial lining of rats caused by noise", Proceedings of the ICBEN 2003, Roterdam, Holland, July 2003;
  68. "The new megachurch for the Sanctuary of Fatima", ISCV10, Stockholm, July 2003;
  69. "Expedite methodology for assessing noise levels in an urban scenario based on a new parameter: the significant measurement starts (SMS)", ISCV10, Stockholm, July 2003;
  70. “Cell suffering of the respiratory epithelia of rats submitted to environmental noise pollution”, Proceedings of the CICTA2003, Porto, Sept. 2003;
  71. "Some environmental comfort parameters in health fitness centres", Proceedings of the II Congreso Mundial de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, Granada, Spain, Nov. 2003;
  72. "Reduction of rat pleural microvilli caused by noise pollution",  Experimental Lung Research, 29(7):445/454, Oct.-Nov. 2003;
  73. "Acústica Ambiental e de Edifícios", (in Portuguese), Suport book (240 pages) to the course AAE (5th year BSc. C. Eng. FEUP), 2004 (1st edition);
  74. "Noise reduction by urban traffic management", Proceedings of the ICA2004, Kyoto, April 2004;
  75. "A new sound insulation lightweight concrete masonry block design and experimental characterization", co-author, Proceedings of the IB2MAC, Amsterdam, July 2004;
  76. "Acoustic characterization of historic cloisters in Portugal", Noise-Con 2004, USA, July 2004;
  77. "Caracterização acústica de salas de audiências em tribunais" (in Portuguese), IV IberoAmerican Acoustics Congress, Portugal, Sept. 2004;
  78. "Alterações no epitélio brônquico de ratos Wistar por exposição crónica a ruído industrial” (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the X Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Anatomia, Porto, Sept. 2004;
  79. "S-Shaped glass also stands for soundless. Sound insulation measurements and implication for buidling pratice", paper presented at the 148th ASA Meeting, San Diego (USA) Nov. 2004;
  80. "Ruído em Equipamentos no Ensino em Medicina Dentária" [in Portuguese], Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilo Facial, 45(1) 5-14, Dec. 2004, Lisboa;
  81. "Caracterização do conforto ambiental em centros de condição física" (in Portuguese),  Revista Portuguesa de Gestão de Desporto (ISSN 16458958), 2(1):75-83, Jan. 2005;
  82. "Arrest in ciliated cell expansion on the bronchial lining of adult rats caused by chronic exposure to industrial noise", Environmental Research, 97(3), 282-6, March 2005;
  83. "Sustainability of acoustic materials and acoustic characterization of sustainable materials", Proceedings of the ICSV12, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2005;
  84. "Social acoustic survey and noise mitigation solutions on a Portuguese urban highway", Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2005;
  85. "Caracterização do conforto ambiental em centros de condição física" (in Portuguese),  Revista Portuguesa de Gestão de Desporto (ISSN 16458958), 2(1):75-83, Jan. 2005;
  86. "Noise levels in dental schools", European Journal of Dental Education, 10(1) 32-37, Feb. 2006;
  87. "Urban Planning and Traffic Noise in Portugal: How did we get here?", Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Europe 2006, Goteborg, Sweden, June 2006;
  88. "Reproducibility in interlaboratory impact sound insulation measurements", Proceedings of the ICSV13, Vienna, Austria, July 2006;
  89. “A Realidade Portuguesa do Conforto em Instalações de Fitness. O que mudar?”, I Simpósio Internacional Ciência e Fitness, S. João da Madeira, Feb. 2007;
  90. "Materiais e sistemas de condicionamento acústico”, Construlink Newsletter 121, April 2007;
  91. Caracterização da Patologia Pulmonar Induzida pela Exposição ao Ruído e à Poeira de Algodão na Indústria Têxtil” (in Portuguese, book 69 pp.), ISHT, ISBN 978-989-8076-11-3, Lisbon, May 2007;
  92. "Traffic Noise Influence on Road Network Planning in Portugal", Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research Society, Berkeley, EUA, July 2007;
  93. "Action Plans and Municipal Noise Reduction Plans in Portugal", Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2007, Istambul, Turkey, August 2007;
  94. "A Realidade Portuguesa do Conforto em Instalações de Fitness. O que mudar?" (in Portuguese), Revista Motricidade (ISSN 1646-107X), 3(2): 68-79, 2007;
  95. "Manual Técnico para Elaboração de Planos Municipais de Redução de Ruído" (in Portuguese) ISBN 9789728577.42.1 , APA/FEUP, 4/2008;
  96. "Acoustic Characterization of Rehabilitated Cloisters", Proceedings of the Acoustics ‘08, Paris, 2008;
  97. Acoustic Characterization of Courtrooms by a Multiple Criteria Method", Proceedings of the Noise-Con ‘08, Dearborn, MI, USA, 2008;
  98. Caracterização acústica de cafés-concerto(in Portuguese), Proceedings of the ACUSTICA 2008 - V Congresso Ibérico de Acústica, Coimbra, 2008;
  99. Ordenamento do Território, Ruído e Impostos sobre a Propriedade(in Portuguese), Proceedings of the ACUSTICA 2008 - V Congresso Ibérico de Acústica, Coimbra, 2008;
  100. Metodologia Multi-Critério para Análise da Qualidade Acústica em Igrejas(in Portuguese), Proceedings of the ACUSTICA 2008 - V Congresso Ibérico de Acústica, Coimbra, Outubro 2008;
  101. Zonamento acústico em Pequenos Aglomerados Urbanos(in Portuguese), Proceedings of the ACUSTICA 2008 - V Congresso Ibérico de AcústicaCoimbra, Outubro 2008;
  102. "Portuguese Real Estate Taxation, Land Use and Noise", Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China 2008;
  103. "Acoustic characterization of worship ambience in Catholic churches - Old Goa's Capela do Monte, A comprehensive example", Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China 2008;
  104. "Comparison of the acoustics of mosques and catholic churches, 16th ICSV, Krakow, Poland, July 2009;

  105. "Prediction of acoustic comfort and acoustic silence in Goan Catholic churches", Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2009, Ottawa, Canada 2009;
  106. "The true cost of road traffic noise in Portugal", Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2009, Ottawa, Canada 2009;
  107. Divisórias autoportantes de desempenho acústico optimizado (in Portuguese), Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2009, Cadiz, Spain 2009;
  108. Aplicação de método multi-critério para avaliação acústica de bibliotecas públicas(in Portuguese), Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2009, Cadiz, Spain, 2009;
  109. Caracterização acústica da Mega-igreja da Santíssima Trindade – Fátima(in Portuguese), Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2009, Cadiz, Spain, 2009;
  110. "The effect of source location, posture and language on speech intelligibility in Goan churches", Journal of Building Acoustics, 16(3):283-297, Sept. 2009;
  111. Investment in noise reduction: a good option in Portugal?”, Proceedings of EURONOISE 2009, Edinburgh, UK, 2009; 
  112. Relationship between acoustic worship ambience and speech intelligibility in Goa’s Bom Jesus Basilica”, Proceedings of EURONOISE 2009, Edinburgh, 2009;
  113. "Squealing noise in light rail transport systems: implications in noise mapping", 158th ASA Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA, POMA-Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 8, 2009;
  114. "Model of a benefit/cost ratio analysis for comparison of environmental noise barriers", 159th ASA Meeting/Noise Con 2010, Baltimore, USA, Noise Con 2010 Proceedings, April 2010;
  115. "Sound isolation provided by shading screens applied in façades", 159th ASA Meeting/Noise Con 2010, Baltimore, USA, Noise Con 2010 Proceedings, April 2010; 
  116. Chapter “Relationships between subjective and objective acoustical measures in churches” (pp 97-116) in the book: “Collected papers in building acoustics: Room Acoustics and Environmental Noise”, Ed: B. Gibbs, J. Goodchild, C. Hopkins and D. Oldham, ISBN 978-1-907132-14-8, Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd., UK, May 2010;
  117. "Sound, noise and speech at the 9000-seat Holy Trinity Church in Fatima, Portugal", 15th Int. Conf. on Noise Control (Noise Control '10), Noise Control '10 Proceedings, June 2010;
  118.  Sound, noise and speech at the 9000-seat Holy Trinity Church in Fatima, Portugal”, Archives of Acoustics, (ISSN 0137-5075, Index 351873, Indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded), 35(2) 145/156, 2010;
  119. Living with high noise levels, is it sustainable?”, Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2010;
  120. Acoustic characterization of Portuguese libraries”, A. Carvalho and A. Costa, Proceedings of the 17th ICSV – Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairo, Egypt, July 2010;
  121. "Acoustic characterization of sacred music rendered by a human whistle at the Divine Providence church in Goa, India”, Proceedings of the ICA2010, Sydney, August 2010;
  122. "A acústica das capelas subterrâneas da nova Igreja da Santíssima Trindade, Fátima" (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the Tecniacustica 2010, León, Spain, October 2010;
  123. "Acústica da Mesquita Central de Lisboa" (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the Tecniacustica 2010, León, Spain, October 2010;
  124. "Desenvolvimento de “tinta” com pó de cortiça com desempenho acústico optimizado" (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the Tecniacustica 2010, León, Spain, October 2010;
  125. “Planos municipais de redução de ruído” (in Portuguese), in Magazine “Indústria e Ambiente”, 65(6), pp. 23-26, Nov./Dec. 2010;
  126. "From Portugal to Florida, and the Newman award", 161st ASA meeting, Seattle, USA, May 2011;
  127. Acoustical Characterization of the Central Mosque of Lisbon”, Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011;

  128. Acoustical Characterization of the Underground Chapels of the New Holy Trinity Church in the Fatima Shrine, Portugal”, Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2011;

  129. Will high speed trains change Portuguese railway noise?”, Proceedings of the Noise-Con 2011, Portland, USA, July 2011;
  130. Paint” with powdered cork with optimized acoustical behavior”, Proceedings of the Noise-Con 2011, Portland, USA, July 2011;
  131. Acoustic Silence, Acoustic Intelligibility and Acoustic Sacred Factor in Goan Catholic Churches”, Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Sept. 2011;
  132. The Acoustics of the Mekor Haim Synagogue, Portugal”, Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, Sept. 2011;
  133. Estudo Acústico de Bancos de Igreja”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2011, Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica, Cáceres-Spain, Oct. 2011;
  134. Igrejas Modernas com Problemas Acústicos - O caso da Igreja Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Porto)”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2011, Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica, Cáceres-Spain, Oct. 2011;
  135. "Ruído na Cidade do Porto - A Evolução em Duas Décadas”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2011, Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica, Cáceres-Spain, Oct. 2011;
  136. Chapters (Acoustics) of book: “Manual de Apoio ao Projecto de Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos”, Coordenation V. P. Freitas, Ordem dos Engenheiros (RN), March 2012;
  137. "Acoustic rehabilitation of middle twentieth century Portuguese churches", Proceedings of the 19 ICSV – Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2012;
  138. "Acoustics of churches from Portugal and Peru when they were once the same country", Proceedings of the 19 ICSV – Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lihtuania, July 2012;
  139. Sound absorption of church pews”, Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2012, NY, USA, August 2012;
  140. O som e o ruído nos jardins do Porto”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2012, VIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Acústica, Évora, Oct. 2012;
  141. A acústica do museu nacional Soares dos Reis, Porto”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2012, VIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Acústica, Évora, Oct. 2012;
  142. A acústica do museu de Serralves (Porto) entre outros museus modernos”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2012, VIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Acústica, Évora, Oct. 2012;
  143. Pavimento flutuante com aglomerado de cortiça, de desempenho acústico optimizado”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2012, VIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Acústica, Évora, Oct. 2012;
  144. "Sound and noise in urban parks", 164th ASA Meeting, Kansas, MO, USA, POMA-Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 18 (2012);
  145. "Exposure to industrial wideband noise increases connective tissue in the rat liver", Noise & Health (ISSN 1998-4030), 14(60), pp. 227-9, Oct. 2012;
  146. "Pre-restoration characterization of acoustical heritage of Nossa Senhora do Pilar church, Goa", Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation and Restauration of Structures, Madras, India, Feb. 2013;

  147. "Acoustics of modern and old museums", Proceedings of Noise-Con 2013, Denver, Aug. 2013;
  148. "Contributos para o desenvolvimento de uma tinta com características de absorção sonora", Proceedings  TECNIACUSTICA 2013, Valladolid (Spain), Oct. 2013.
  149. "Ruído no parque nacional da Peneda-Gerês, Portugal", Proceedings  TECNIACUSTICA 2013, Valladolid (Spain), Oct.. 2013;
  150. "Portuguese Catholic churches as reference acoustical models for heritage Catholic churches in Goa, India", Proceedings of the Acoustics 2013, Nov. 2013, CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India;
  151. Pre-Restoration subjective acoustic comfort in the Goan church of Nossa Senhora do Pilar", Proceedings of the Acoustics 2013, Nov. 2013, CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India;
  152. "Sound and noise in high school gymnasiums", 167th ASA Meeting, Providence, RI, USA, POMA-Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 21 (2014);
  153. A multi-criterion method to assess the acoustic quality in museums”, Proceedings of the Noise-Con 2014, Fort Lauderdale, EUA, Sept. 2014;
  154. A influência da colmatação de frinchas em portas de salas de aulas”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2014, Murcia, Spain, Oct. 2014;
  155. Caracterização acústica de caixas de ovos e similares”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2014, Murcia, Spain, Oct. 2014;
  156. Caracterização acústica de grutas turísticas - Casos de estudo em Portugal”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2014, Murcia, Spain, Oct. 2014;
  157. "Acoustical characterization of live music and singing in Nossa Senhora do Pilar church - Goa", Proceedings of the National Symposium Acoustics 2014 (NSA 2014), All India Inst. of Speech & Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysore, India, Nov. 2014;

  158. "Caracterização acústica de grutas turísticas - Casos de estudo em Portugal” (in Portuguese), Revista de Acustica (Sociedade Española de Acustica), vol. 46(1-2), pp. 23-28, Spain, April 2015;
  159. "Exposure to firework noise in festivals", Proceedings of the Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, NL, May 2015;
  160. "Sound absorption of egg boxes and trays”, Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2015, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015;
  161. "Caracterização acústica de grandes centros comerciais”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2015, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 2015;
  162. "Solução combinada de subcamadas de aglomerados de cortiça para sistemas duplos de laje e pavimento fltuantes”, Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2015, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 2015;
  163. "Acoustical characterization of touristic caves in Portugal", 170th ASA Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, USA, Nov. 2015, POMA-Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 24 (2015);
  164. "Sound and noise in shoping malls", Procedings of Noise-Con 2016, Providence, USA, June 2016;
  165. Sobre o efeito da área da amostra em ensaios de absorção sonora em câmara reverberante", Proceedings of TECNIACÚSTICA 2016, Porto, June 2016;
  166. "Effect of sample area in reverberant chamber measurements of sound absorption coefficients", Proceedings of ICA 2016, Buenos Aires, Sept. 2016;
  167. "Sound absorption proprities of polyurethane foams derived from crude glycerol and liquefied coffee grounds polyol",  Polymer Testing 62(13-22), Sept. 2017;
  168. "Acoustically conserving the worship heritage of Nossa Senhora de Penha de França church, Goa”, Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2018, Chicago, USA, Aug. 2018;
  169. "Melhoria do desempenho acústico de uma sala de aula com materiais de desperdício", Proceedings of FIA 2018, Cádiz, Oct. 2018;

  170. "Caracterização acústica de estações subterrâneas do Metro do Porto, Portugal", Proceedings of FIA 2018, Cádiz, Oct. 2018;
  171. "Infrasound induces coronary perivascular fibrosis in rats", Cardiovascular Pathology, 37 (39-44), Oct. 2018;
  172. "Acoustics of Portuguese Romanesque churches", Proceedings of ICA 2019, Aachen, Sept. 2019;
  173. "Atrial fibrosis and decreased connexin 43 in rat hearts after exposure to high-intensity infrasound", Experimental and Molecular Pathology, vol. 114, June 2020;
  174. "Roof replacement of a heritage building using transparent solutrions: room acoustic performance comparison", International Journal of Architectural Heritage, June 2020;
  175. "Effects of high-intensity infrasound on liver lipid content of rats", Heliyon, 6(7):e04383, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04383, July 2020;
  176. "Acoustic characterization of acoustic vases in the synagogue of Tomar, Portugal", Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon (on-line, COVID),  Dec. 2020;
  177. "Environmental Noise Exposure Assessment from fireworks at festivals and pilgrimages in Northern Portugal", Applied Acoustics 181 (2021);
  178. "High-intensity infrasound effects on glucose metabolism in rats", Scientific Reports 11(1) Aug. 2021;
  179. "Infrasound exposure promotes development of atrial fibrosis in rats", Annals of Medicine, 53:sup1, S90, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2 021.1897455, Sept. 2021;
  180. "Acoustic characterization of the municipal museum Abade Pedrosa", Proceedings of Inter Noise 2024, Nantes, Aug. 2024.
  181. "Caracterização acústica do teatro nacional S. João (Porto)", Proceedings of Acústica 2024, Faro, Sept. 2024.


(some of the above publications are in co-author form, see links with documents)


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heartOn your next trip to Portugal: Visit PortoPorto

For the Restoration of the Monarchy in Portugal


Long live the King!

In Memoriam to my father [in Portuguese]

last updated: 13.09.2024
Web Site by APOC