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L: 30/10/2020 §

Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering
Information Description, Storage and Retrieval
Instance: 2020/2021


Lecture #6 :: 30/10/2020 §

Goals §

By the end of this class, the student should be able to: 

  • describe a test collection: documents, topics, relevance judgements; 
  • explain the need for specific evaluation methods in information retrieval; 
  • define precision, recall and their variants; 
  • interpret a precision vs recall graph; 

Topics §

  1. Evaluation in Information Retrieval 
    • Test collections 
    • IR measures: precision, recall, P@n, F, MAP 
    • Evaluation of ranked results 

Materials §

Tasks §

  • Experiment with full-text indexing tools. 
  • Milestone #2: define information needs for the full-text search task. 
  • Milestone #2: perform indexing experiments in the project collection. 

Summary §

  • Evaluation in Information Retrieval. Test collections. IR measures: precision, recall, P@n, F, MAP. 
  • Evaluation of non-ranked results. Evaluation of ranked results. Relevance judgements. 
  • Work on Milestone 2 in the course project (Information Retrieval). 
  • Indexing experiments on the working collection. 
  • Definition of retrieval features for the domain. 


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teach/dapi/202021/lectures/06.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/03 09:54 by mcr

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