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L: 06/11/2020 §

Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering
Information Description, Storage and Retrieval
Instance: 2020/2021


Lecture #7 :: 06/11/2020 §

Goals §

By the end of this class, the student should be able to: 

  • enumerate the features of the web as a document collection; 
  • explain the principles of link analysis; 
  • describe the PageRank algorithm; 
  • describe the HITS algorithm; 

Topics §

  1. Web information retrieval 
    • Web characteristics 
    • Ranking 
    • Link analysis  

Materials §

Tasks §

  • Exercises in link analysis (PageRank and HITS). 
  • Milestone #2: experiment and evaluate retrieval results. 

Summary §

  • Web information retrieval. Ranking. Link analysis. 
  • Work on Milestone #2, “Information Retrieval”.  
  • Indexing and retrieval experiments on the working collection. 


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teach/dapi/202021/lectures/07.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/03 09:14 by ssn

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