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DAPI 2020/2021

Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering
Information Description, Storage and Retrieval
Instance: 2020/2021

Information Description, Storage and Retrieval (Descrição, Armazenamento e Pesquisa de Informação)

This course aims to: (i) introduce the main issues in the organization, storage and characterization of large data collections; (ii) introduce the main concepts in textual information retrieval and their application in retrieval tools; and (iii) explore the semantic web methods and tools and use web resources and their descriptions in applications that make use of data semantics.

General Information

Assessment Details

Course Materials


Week Day Topics (Friday 14h00, B020) Milestones Materials
1 25/Sep 0. Introduction. I. Datasets. I1. Domain identification. I2. Collection and preparation of data. Milestone #1: Groups and practical work. [Class]
2 2/Oct I3. Models and data characterisation. I4. Storage and access to data. Milestone #1: Working with datasets. [Class]
3 9/Oct II. Information Retrieval. II1. Basic concepts. Milestone #1: Dataset characterization. Brief presentation. [Class]
4 16/Oct II2. Information Retrieval models. Milestone #2: Information Retrieval. [Class]
5 23/Oct II2b. Information Retrieval models. Delivery and Presentation #1 [Class] [Schedule]
6 30/Oct II3. Evaluation of Retrieval systems. Milestone #2: Information Retrieval. [Class]
7 6/Nov II4. Information Retrieval on the Web. Milestone #2: Information Retrieval. [Class]
8 13/Nov FEUP Week [Break]
9 20/Nov Mini-test #1 (B208) [Guide]
10 27/Nov Delivery and Presentation #2 [Schedule]
11 4/Dec III. Semantic Web. III1. Representation. RDF, RDF Schema. Querying. SPARQL. Milestone #3: Semantic Web. [Class]
12 11/Dec III2. Ontologies. OWL. Milestone #3: Semantic Web. [Class]
13 18/Dec III3. Vocabularies. Linked data. Dublin Core. Milestone #3: Semantic Web. [Class]
8/Jan Mini-test #2 (B104, 14:00) + Delivery and Presentation #3 (mixed: online + B020, 16:00) [Schedule] [Guide]

Recent changes

Sérgio Nunes, Cristina Ribeiro

teach/dapi/202021/index.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/24 15:33 by ssn

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