2. What to Do

Essentially, you have to do the following:

  1. Create a Redmine project for your group;
  2. Configure a VM on VirtualBox with the image of Minix 3.1.8 locally available;
  3. Configure the RSE to allow the development of programs in Minix on the host OS;
  4. Develop a short program of your choice on Minix, using Eclipse, and test it;
  5. Import the code you have created to the SVN repository associated to your Redmine Project;
  6. Create a working copy with the contents of your SVN repository.

2.1 Class Preparation

This lab class is not very demanding, but we will cover many topics. Therefore, it will be more productive if you do some homework before. In particular, I suggest that you watch the following Redmine tutorials on YouTube:

Redmine Intro - 2 - Managing Users
Very useful, as you'll have to add members to the project in a very similar way.
Redmine Intro - 3 - Repositories
Rather comprehensive. In FEUP, we can only use SVN, so you can ignore the details about GIT (i.e. the last 10 minutes of this 15 minutes presentation). Note also that details at FEUP are slightly different, as detailed below.
Redmine - Guided Tour
Overview of some Redmine features useful for tracking a project's activity. You don't have to use them in LCOM, but you may wish to play with them.

You should also read:

LCOM's Development Process (Part 1: Minix login)
some notes on how to login in the VirtualBox's Minix image, so that you can more easily do it during the lab class.
Version Control with SVN
the notes of a lecture on SVN that we had to cancel this year, because the semester is 1 week shorter.

and the remainder of this handout.

If you've never used the Linux command line, or if you want to refresh your knowledge on that interfave, you may want to try the on-line course Learn the command Line on Code Academy