Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning

(external site)

GIG researchers involved:

António Coelho
Rui Rodrigues
Augusto de Sousa

Project Info

BEACONING stands for Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning and will focus on ‘anytime anywhere’ learning by exploiting pervasive, context-aware and gamified techniques and technologies, framed under the Problem-Based Learning approach.

Main goals:

1. Integrate technologies, pedagogical and social perspectives

using pervasive, context-aware and gamified approaches ensuring that the BEACONING platform is innovative while also extending our scientific understanding and practice-based experiments of engaging a community of learners including those with disabilities with a more inclusive, connected and contextualised learning process.

2. Develop, implement and validate the BEACONING platform that:

  • leverages cutting-edge approaches including the Future Internet technology, mobile, gamification, pervasive gaming, procedural game content generation, game authoring, human-computer interfaces, learning analytics and problem-based learning model;
  • is usable, adaptable, extendable and sustainable.

3. Explore and measure the level of engagement, effectiveness and impact

that is enabled by the BEACONING platform towards incentivising learners and fostering acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills, validate this through large scale pilots involving a community of stakeholders and practitioners in Europe, and provide an exploitation and business plan for the platform adoption.