The Graphics, Interaction and Games (GIG) group brings together several senior researchers and post-docs, and more than 20 PhD and MSc students, in the areas of Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction and Game Design and Development.
Research in CG includes realistic 3D modeling and representation, real-time visualization and animation (2D and 3D), procedural modeling (including for GIS applications), multisensory virtual reality and augmented reality, and GPU programming. The area of Computer Vision is also covered by the group.
In the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), there is a particular focus on Interaction and User Experience, multimodal interfaces, natural interfaces, physical computing and usability.
Many of these topics combine in the area of game design and development, where among other things serious games, location-based games and gamification are explored.
Most of the activities of the group are carried out at the GIG lab, located at Room I 220 of the I building of FEUP (see contacts).
The lab includes:
Given the lab's close relation with INESC TEC, there are also connections to other interactive facilities, such as the MASSIVE lab, and the IILab.