CAPE FORUM 2023 - Conference Programme


Programme (U.PORTO-FEUP, Rooms: E107 & B117 )
06-Sept-2023 07-Sept-2023 08-Sept-2023  Keynotes & Workshops

17:00 Registration

17:45 Welcome Session

Keynote I 

09:00 Keynote II

09:45 Presentations PhD students I  

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Workshop I: Pedro Castro

12:30 Lunch & networking

14:00 Keynote III

14:45 Presentations PhD students II

15:45 Coffee break

16:15 Workshop II: Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa

17:45 Adjourn

19:30 Meeting dinner

09:15 Presentations PhD students III

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Workshop III: 
 Rafael Amoedo

12:30 Lunch & networking

14:00 DataHow Presentation - Sponsor

14:15 EURECHA presentation, 2nd Prize SCP2023
Moderador: Fernando Martins

14:45-Presentations PhD students IV

15:45 Coffee break

16:15 Closure and Goodbye

Keynote I - Marco Reis  (CV & KD)
The Role of Industrial Process Analytics in Process System Engineering

Keynote II - Marco Ferraz (CV & KD)
Energy Transition and Decarbonisation Applied to the Industry

Keynote III - Lino Dias (CV & KD)
Addressing Global Changes

Workshop I - Pedro Castro (CV & WD)
Generalized Disjunctive Programming or the Art of Modelling with Binary Variables

Workshop II - Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa (CV & WD)
Design and Planning Sustainable Supply Chains

Workshop III - Rafael Amoedo (CV & WD)
Surrogate Models in Process Systems Engineering

Note 1: The duration of each presentation will be 10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for dicussion

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