CAPE FORUM 2023 - Keynote I

Marco Reis  The Role of Industrial Process Analytics in Process System Engineering

Marco S. Reis is an Associate Professor with Habilitation of Chemical Engineering at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His research interests include process systems engineering, industrial data science, sensor fusion, hybrid modelling, fault detection/diagnosis/prognosis, predictive analytics, structured process improvement and chemometrics. He was President of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) (2015-2017) and is currently an Honorary Member of this society. He was awarded with the Fulbright scholar fellowship (2020) and is the recipient of the Professor Almiro e Castro Award which distinguishes the scientific merit of a Portuguese researcher or faculty under 45 years old (2018). He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems and Processes, Associate Editor of Statistical Papers, and Member of the International Advisory Panel of Chemical Engineering Science; he was a member of the Editorial Board of Quality Engineering.

Keynote Details
This talk invites everyone for a short tour through the analytical workflow of data analysis in process industries. The tour contemplates several discussion points, where current challenges are addressed in more detail and a broader perspective is provided of the landscape of solutions available to address them. Topics include the intermingle of analysis goals, data structure, prior knowledge and analytical methods. Some examples are shared regarding process monitoring, fault diagnosis, process analysis and prediction activities.

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