The main purpose of the HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing is to provide a forum for researchers active in domains within the reconfigurable computing area to discuss the latest developments.
Its main focus is on reconfigurable architectures, tools and algorithms that facilitate reconfigurable systems and applications tailored for reconfigurable platforms. The WRC’2020 forum intends to provide a substantial different event from the well-known conferences and workshops related to reconfigurable computing, by focusing on an informal way to discuss challenges, new fresh ideas, new and future trends, work in progress, etc.
The format of the workshop has been redesigned, and it is now based on talks by invitation only. The organizing committee will invite established research groups from a specific research area as well as young researchers and students in order to enable a wide range of representations and discussions.
- Topic 1: Open Source FPGA
- Topic 2: FPGA for Space
Both topics are timely and of high interest for the community. Reconfigurable Systems are not treated any more as bespoke hardware, but there are many industrial players that provide solutions based on reconfigurable computing systems. Moreover, new companies have started to appear for supporting deployment of these systems, making them even more accessible to the users.
Open source solutions from high-level design to bitstream generation are also pointing out as a promising solution to turn FPGAs even more accessible. However, questions such as the benefits that RC provides, scalability, ease of deployment and portability, as well as security, are few of the topics that we are planning to address through the talks.
The second topic is also highly relevant to the community as FPGA reconfigurability is a powerful mechanism to support the new trend of mini satellite deployments for space exploration. Questions on mechanisms to protect the systems from failures caused by radiation and the new approaches to mitigate the associated problems are some of the topics that we intend to point out during the workshop.