
The OnStage competition:

  • 8-19 years* 

*o participate in Robocup 2019 only members oh the team aged 12 or more are eligible (according to Robocup 2019 rules).

The onStage competition is a dynamic and interactive competition where robots from each team are programmed to perform a choreographed dance in sync with a song. Thus, this competition provides excellent artistic performances that are evaluated by a specialist jury in both Robotics and Dance.

 The contest takes place in a flat stage with a total area of 12 m² and the competing robots may not surpass its limits, delimited by tape. Robots are allowed clothes/costumes and the stage can be decorated, to give more shine to the competition.

 This is the competition that attracts more public, in view of its animated features, diversity and spectacle. The creativity of young people has no limits making this competition very appealing. The Junior Dance is especially designed to primary, secondary and professional schools and is divided into two age groups: 8-14 and 15-19 years old. However, teams from other educational institutions, research units, companies, electronic clubs or people on an individual basis may also register.

 This competition follows the official rules of the RoboCup. The robots are programmed to move in sync with a song for 1-2 minutes.


(New)  http://rcj.robocup.org/dance.html

Coordinating Team

Rui Baptista (ESB)

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