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Welcome to the DRIVER tool's entry site.

What is DRIVER?

DRIVER is a platform that enables framework users to effectively learn how to use a framework in a collaborative, user-friendly, knowledge-intensive environment. It promotes social learning within a community of framework users, with different levels of experience, motivated with finding answers to their problems and sharing them for the benefit of all. Its architecture relies on the notion of Collective Knowledge System, supporting knowledge quality evolution through social interaction. Its features include:

  • Collective knowledge management. The learning knowledge is captured and maintained by the community in a non-intrusive way. Learners can search and rate available knowledge and get recommendations on the best course of action.
  • Collaborative documentation. The framework documentation artifacts are available for editing and updating by the community of learners.
  • Social Classification. Tagging and folksonomies are at the basis of the learning knowledge classification.
  • Extensibility. The platform is open for extension to accommodate new features that might appear in the future.

Through collective knowledge improvement and a collaborative framework learning process, the DRIVER tool provides a setting and a set of components that provide an environment for a more effective learning experience.

Figure 1 - Screenshot of the DRIVER tool

Quick Demo


The DRIVER tool works as a plug-in on top of dokuwiki. Although it could be available as a autonomous plug-in for dokuwiki, it works in conjunction with a visual template, has well as some other plug-ins. Therefore, and to facilitate its installation and setup, it is provided as a bundle.

The bundle includes:

  • dokuwiki (2014-09-29d “Hrun”) already with the following plug-ins (besides those bundled with dokuwiki):
    • driver (the tool's core).
    • snippets (allowing templating of wiki pages).
    • tag (allowing tagging of wiki pages and sections).
  • “a_driver perspective” template (for dokuwiki).
  • A few documentation examples of a framework (OGHMA).
  • patterns for framework documentation (as wiki contents).
  • patterns for framework understanding (as wiki contents).
  • By default, there is a user account for administration, you can use, which credentials are:
    • username: owner
    • password: owner

Download here: driver.tgz

(You may wish to try the “Live” demo)


Installation is somewhat similar to installing a dokuwiki. Make sure your server meets the requirements.

Instead of downloading and installing a basic dokuwiki (no plug-ins or templates), just extract the DRIVER tool bundle to the public directory of your server (as if it was a basic dokuwiki). It should be immediately available for use.

Any troubleshooting, refer to dokuwiki's installation page (and try checking the security issues page).

When all else fails, you can contact the authors.

Other resources

Live Demo

  • The Driver tool is “live” for immediate try-out here (user: learner1, passwd: driver1).

User's Manual

Background and Rationale

The next video sums up the rationale and purpose behind the Driver tool. It was used has a pre-treatment stage for an academic experiment with students.

Published Papers

N. Flores and A. Aguiar, “DRIVER – A Platform for Collaborative Framework Understanding,” 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Lincoln, NE, 2015, pp. 783-788. pdf

N.Flores and A. Aguiar, “Learning Frameworks in a Social-Intensive Knowledge Environment - An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp.699-725, 2017. pdf

start.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/13 19:37 by admin
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