Start of the project: January 2011 , December 2014
Contract number: 264735-SADCO
Funding institution: European Commission (EU)
The multi-partner initial training network SADCO aims at:
Training young researchers and future scientific leaders in the field of control theory with emphasis on two major themes sensitivity of optimal strategies to changes in the optimal control problem specification, and deterministic controller design;
Advancing the theory and developing new numerical methods; Conveying fundamental scientific contributions within European industrial sectors
Network Coordinator: Hasnaa Zidani, Ensta Paris-Tech, Inria
Portuguese Team Coordinator: Maria do Rosário de Pinho, FEUP
See SADCO web page for other partners coordinators.

Maria Margarida A. Feereira, FEUP
Fernando A C C Fontes, FEUP
Dalila Fontes, FEP
Sofia O. Lopes, Univ. Minho
Fernando Lobo Pereira, FEUP
Paula Rocha, FEUP
Gueorgiu Smirnov, U. Minho
Igor Kornienko, FEUP
- Astos Solutions, Stuttgart
- EADS Astrium Transportation, Paris
- Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London
- INRIA: Institut de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Saclay Ile de France
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Sapienza - Universita' di Roma
- U.PORTO: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
- Università degli Studi di Padova
- UPMC: Université Pierre et Marie Curie
- University of Bayreuth
- Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
Projects of the Portuguese Team
WP1: Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions, and sensitivity analysis
1.1.First order optimality conditions under state constraints.
1.2. Higher order optimality conditions and numerical validation of local optimality
1.3. Sensitivity of the minimum cost function to parameter perturbations, for state constrained
optimal control problems
1.6 Robust control, hybrid systems.
WP3: Stabilisation methods for nonlinear systems