An Extension of the Schwarzkopf Multiplier Rule
Francis Clarke, Yuri Ledyaev, M. d. R. de Pinho
SIAM J. Control and Optim, Vol.49 nº 2, pp.599-610, 2011
Lipschitz continuity of optimal control and Lagrange multipliers in a problem with mixed and pure state constraints
Maria do Rosario de Pinho, Ilya Shvartsman
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Serie A, Vol.29 nº 2, pp.505-521, 2011
On constraint qualifications for nondegenerate necessary conditions of optimality applied to optimal control
Sofia Lopes, F. A. C. C. Fontes , Maria do Rosario de Pinho
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Serie A, Vol.29 nº 2, pp.559-575, 2011
A nonsmooth maximum principle for optimal control problems with state and mixed constraints - convex case
Md Biswas, M. d. R. de Pinho
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol.Issue Special, pp.174-183, 2011
Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints
Francis Clarke, M. R. de Pinho
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , Vol.48 nº 7, pp.4500-4524, 2010
A weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with nonsmooth mixed constraints
M.d. R. de Pinho, P. Loewen, G. N. Silva
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, Vol.17 nº 2, pp.203-221, 2009
The Nonsmooth Maximum Principle
Francis Clarke, Maria do Rosario de Pinho
Control Cybernetics, Vol.38 nº 4, pp.1151-1168, 2009
On Possibly Nonregular Mixed Constrained Optimal Control Problems
M. d. R. de Pinho, M.M.A. Ferreira, F.A.C.C. Fontes
International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.5, pp.42-51, 2009
On Regularity Assumptions and Necessary Conditions for Mixed Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Maria do Rosário de Pinho
International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.5, pp.32-41, 2009
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, Javier Rosenblueth
Necessary conditions for Constrained Problems under Mangasarian-Fromowitz Conditions
SIAM J. Control and Optim, Vol.47 nº 1, pp.535-552, 2008
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, M M A Ferreira , Fernando A C C Fontes
On necessary conditions for state constrained problems
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.7 nº 1, pp.1061705-1061706, 2007
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, Javier Rosenblueth
Mixed constraints in optimal control : an implicit function theorem approach
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol.24 nº 2, pp.197-218, 2007
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, M Margarida A Ferreira, Urszula Ledzewicz, Heinz Schaettler
A model for cancer chemotherapy with state-space constraints
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Maria do Rosário de Pinho, M M A Ferreira , Fernando A C C Fontes
Unmaximized inclusion necessary conditions for nonconvex constrained optimal control problems
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Maria do Rosário de Pinho
Mixed constrained control problems
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Maria do Rosário de Pinho, Achim Ilchmann
Weak Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints,
Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.48 nº 8, pp.1179-1196, 2002
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, M M A Ferreira , Fernando A C C Fontes
An Euler-Lagrange inclusion for optimal control problems with state constraints
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Maria do Rosário de Pinho
Maximum principle for mixed constrained control problems
Nonlinear Analysis, Vol.47 nº 1, pp.387-398, 2001
Maria do Rosário Pinho, R. Vinter, H. Zheng
A Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints,
IMA J. Math. Control and Inform., Vol.18, pp.189-205, 2001
Maria do Rosário de Pinho
On the weak maximum principle for optimal control problems with state dependent control constraints
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods Applications, Vol.30 nº 4, pp.2481-2488, 1997
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, R. B. Vinter
Necessary conditions for optimal control problems involving nonlinear differential algebraic equations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.212 nº 2, pp.493-516, 1997
Maria do Rosário de Pinho, R. B. Vinter
An Euler-Lagrange inclusion to optimal control problems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.40 nº 7, pp.1191-1198, 1995