Laboratory for Systems Control Optimization and Estimation
PhD: Amélia Caldeira, Fernando A C C Fontes, Jorge Martins de Carvalho, Maria Margarida Ferreira, Maria do Rosário de Pinho, Paulo Lopes dos Santos (PI), Sofia Oliverira Lopes
Others: Ana Filipa Ribeiro, Igor Kornienko, Luís Tiago Paiva, Luís Roque, Md. Haider Ali Biswas
Aims and Research
The objectives of this group of research are
• To consolidate our three lines of research and to increase the level of international collaboration;
• To open new lines of research as
- development of real life applications; application to engineering problems;
- development of numerical methods;
• To increase interaction with highly reputed international partners and establishment of common joint projects with other internal and external research groups;
• To attract young researchers;
The main lines of activity of this group of research are research and training. In these two activities the CEO group will continue to pursue external cooperation with networking with highly reputed researchers inside the unit, at national (as our collaborations in the projects mentioned below shows) and international level (as we already do; see our participation in the SADCO project). Also we will continue our pursue for the reorganizational of the research unit as to create a fertile ground for discussion of research ideas broaching challenging problems for engineers and mathematicians and fostering scientists advanced methods and new tools for their research activity.
As for scientific objectives we will continue to:
♣ improve on necessary conditions for constrained optimal control problems to guarantee the stronger conclusions under weaker conditions;
♣ get new information on regularity of minimizers for constrained problems.
♣ apply of new developments to real life engineering problems
♣ develop of MPC frameworks to guarantee stability which are applicable to distributed systems such as vehicle formations.
♣ develop new identification algorithms in discrete-time or continuous time for linear and nonlinear systems
♣ develop new identification algorithms to bidimensional systems
♣ To use the identification algorithms in real life engineering applications such as process modeling, fault detection, etc.
Main Publications in 2011- 2012
Sofia O. Lopes, F. A. C. C. Fontes, MdR de Pinho. ``On Constraint Qualifications for Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions Of Optimality Applied to Optimal Control Problems''. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems series A, AIMS, vol. 29, n. 2, 2011.
P. Lopes dos Santos, Teresa-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, G. Jank , Jose A. Ramos, J. L. Martins de Carvalho. ``Leakage detection and location in gas pipelines through an LPV identification approach''. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol.16 nº 12, pp.4657 -4665, 2011
P. Lopes dos Santos, Teresa-P Azevedo-Perdicoúlis, José A. Ramos, J. L. Martins de Carvalho, J. Milhinhos. ``An LPV Modeling and Identification Approach to Leakage Detection in High Pressure Natural Gas Transportation Networks''. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems technology, Vol.19 nº 1, pp.77-92, 2011
J. A. Ramos, A. Alenany, H. Shang, P Lopes. dos Santos. ``Subspace algorithms for identifying separable-in-denominator two-dimensional systems with deterministic inputs''. IET Control Theory and Applications S, Vol.5 nº 15, pp.1748-1765, 2011
MdR de Pinho, Ilya Shvartsman, ``Lipschitz continuity of optimal control and Lagrange multipliers in a problem with mixed and pure state constraints ‘’, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Serie A, Vol.29 nº 2, pp.505-521, 2011
Francis Clarke, Yuri Ledyaev, MdR de Pinho, ``An extension of the Schwarzkopf multiplier rule in optimal control’’, SIAM J. Control and Optim, Vol.49 nº 2, pp.599-610, 2011.
Md. Haider Ali Biswas, MdR de Pinho, ``A nonsmooth maximum principle for optimal control problems with state and mixed constraints - convex case’’, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2011, Proceedings of the 8th AIMS International Conference (Dresden , Germany), 174 - 183, Issue Special, September 2011 (
.Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, Fernando A.C.C. Fontes and Amélia Caldeira. ``Optimal formation switching with collision avoidance and allowing variable agent velocities'' Dynamics of Information Systems. Alexey Sorokin, My T. Thai, Panos M. Pardalos editors Springer Proc. in Math., .
Paulo A. S. Pereira, Dalila B.M.M. Fontes, Fernando A.C.C. Fontes. ``A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Constrained Combinatorial Problems: An Application to Promotion Planning Problems.'' Operations Research Proceedings 2010, Springer Verlag, 2011 .
Luís Roque, Dalila B. M. M. Fontes, Fernando A. C. C. Fontes. ``A biased random key genetic algorithm approach for the unit commitment problem''. In Experimental Algorithms. Panos M. Pardalos and Steffen Rebennack editors. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6630 , pp.327-339, 2011
P. Lopes dos Santos, T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, José A. Ramos, Jorge Leite Martins de Carvalho. ``LPV Indirect Continuous-Time System Identification Through a Downsampled Subspace Approach'' in ``Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification - New Developments and Trends''. pp. 231-258, 2011.
Carlo Novara, P. Lopes dos Santos, T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, José A. Ramos, Daniel E. Rivera. ``Introduction'' in ``Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification - New Developments and Trends'', pp. 1-9, 2011.
P. Lopes dos Santos, , T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, Carlo Novara, José A. Ramos and Daniel Rivera editors, Advanced Series in Electrical and Computer Eng., vol 14, World Scientific, Singapore, to be published in Jan. 2012.
7.P. Lopes dos Santos, , T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, Carlo Novara, José A. Ramos and Daniel Rivera editors. ``Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification - New Developments and Trends''. , Advanced Series in Electrical and Computer Eng., vol 14, World Scientific, Singapore, to be published in Jan. 2012
.P. Lopes dos Santos, , T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis, Carlo Novara, José A. Ramos and Daniel Rivera (editors), Advanced Series in Electrical and Computer Eng., vol 14, World Scientific, Singapore, published in Jan. 2012.