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João Correia Lopes

Faculty of Engineering of Porto University
Department of Informatics Engineering

> Assistant Professor at University of Porto, Department of Informatics Engineering, InfoLab
> Senior researcher at INESC TEC Technology and Science, Information and Computer Graphics Systems Unit
> PhD in Computing Science by Glasgow University, June 1997
> Diploma in Electrical Engineering and Computers (5 years degree) by University of Porto, July 1984
> Current research in e-Science, Research Data Management, Service-Oriented Architectures, Web and Mobile Applications

Teaching: [Activities]  [FPRO]  [LBAW]
Research: [Activities]  [Publications]  [Students]  [Conferences]
Personal: [Schedule]  [Contacts]  [Public key]
Institutional: Personal info Office I129 Campus FEUP Sigarra
Contact me: [Suggestions]

OPorto from Gaia
Porto, October 2015

Private (staff only): [Logbook]  [Projects]  [Teaching]  [FPRO]  [LBAW]

index.1575886556.txt.gz · Last modified: 09/12/2019 10:15 by Correia Lopes

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