SIMUlation of behavioural aspects for SAFEr transport

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Project Info

SIMUSAFE aims to improve driving simulator and traffic simulation technology to safely assess risk perception and decision making of road users:

  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists and powered two wheelers
  • Vehicle drivers

Currently, driving simulators and traffic simulation models have limited use in safety studies due to the limited realism of road users’ behaviours in models. Using a three-phase research cycle, SIMUSAFE will bridge this gap by collecting and integrating sources of road user behaviour to build more realistic simulation environments.

Data collected from simulations will be correlated with naturalistic driving tests, such that the simulation and model aspects are the closest possible to real world data. From the developed models, contributing factors causing an event (crash, near-collision, infractions) will be identified and studied further.


  • Reduction of fatal, serious, and minor crashes through mitigation of unsafe transport user behaviour patterns.
  • Economic savings linked to the reduction of crashes.
  • Safer use of vehicles and increased awareness of other users.
  • Effective enforcement and training schemes based on reliable behavioural models.
  • Safer integration of new vehicle types.
  • Translation to other transport modes.