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Lecture #6 :: 29/11/2021 §

LBAW · Databases and Web Applications Laboratory, 2021/22
L.EIC · Bachelor in Informatics and Computing Engineering
FEUP and FCUP, U.Porto


Goals §

By the end of this class, the student should be able to: 

  • Distinguish between server-side and client-side web development. 
  • Describe the standard workflow of a server-side web application.  
  • Describe the typical architectural options for a web application. 
  • Describe the elements of the Architecture Specification and Prototype (EAP) component. 
  • Describe the elements of the Web Resources Specification (A7) artefact. 

Content §

  • Overview of server-side web development. 
  • Overview of architectural patterns for web applications. 
  • The Architecture Specification and Prototype (EAP) component. 
  • The Web Resources Specification (A7) artefact. 
  • The PHP programming language for server-side web development. 

Materials §

Summary §

  • Architecture of web-based systems. 
  • Architecture Specification and Prototype (EAP) Component. 
  • Artefact A7 (High-level Architecture. Privileges. Web Resources Specification). 

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teach/lbaw/202122/lectures/06.1638118046.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/28 17:47 by ssn

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