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A8: Vertical Prototype [10] §

The Vertical Prototype includes the implementation of the features marked as necessary (with an asterisk) in the common and theme requirements documents. This artefact aims to validate the architecture presented, also serving to gain familiarity with the technologies used in the project. It must be based on the LBAW Framework (see the template-lavavel repository) and include work on all layers of the architecture of the solution to implement: user interface, business logic and data access. 

The US implemented must be specific of the group's project. Adapting the provided authentication system is required but not considered part of those US. The US must include at least a form, an action, an AJAX request, search, and updates to the database. 

The instructions on installing and deploying the framework are provided at Developing the project with Docker, Laravel & PostgreSQL

When the image is uploaded FEUP's GitLab, the prototype will be available, inside the FEUP VPN, at (it may not be immediate). 

A8 MediaLibrary example | EAP template | A8 checklist 

teach/lbaw/202122/artefacts/a08.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/17 14:47 by ssn

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