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A3: Information Architecture [04] §

The Information Architecture artefact presents a brief overview of the information architecture of the system to be developed. It has the following goals: 

  • Help to identify and describe the user requirements, and raise new ones; 
  • Preview and empirically test the user interface of the product to be developed; 
  • Enable quick and multiple iterations on the design of the user interface. 

This artefact enables a brief exploration of the information architecture of the system to be developed, in particular the identification of the content, how it is organized and made available, and how it is presented. 

This artefact includes two elements: 

  • Overview of the information architecture from the viewpoint of the users (sitemap); 
  • Description and prioritization of the functionally and content of, at least two, main individual screens (wireframes). Include the homepage and the core product page (e.g. view question, view action, view timeline, etc). 

A3 MediaLibrary example | ER template | A3 checklist 

teach/lbaw/202122/artefacts/a03.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/01 18:13 by ssn

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