8. Submission

8.1 Source code files and Makefile

You should submit your code to the SVN repository as you develop and test it. This code should be under directory lab4, which should be at the top level of the SVN repository of your Redmine project.

Given that in this lab we give you very few files, we suggest that you use the following SVN commands to setup the repository:

svn mkdir https://svn.fe.up.pt/repos/<proj_id>/lab4
This creates a directory named lab4 under the root of the Redmine project with id <proj_id>. Note that this need not be given inside a working copy. It can be used to create the directory for this lab directly in the SVN repository. Afterwards, you'll need either to update your working copy if you have one, using the update command, or else create a working copy, using the checkout command. If you already have a working copy, you may prefer to use the following command, which works also for directories.
svn add <file_name>
This "adds" the file named <file_name> to the working copy. To be precise, what it does is to schedule that file in your working copy to be added to the repository in the next commit. I.e., the file must already exist in a directory that already belongs to the working copy. Furthermore note that, add does not add the file to the repository. That will only happen on the next commit of your working copy. As mentioned above, if <file_name> is the name of a directory that already exists, it will add it to the working copy.

These commands are rather flexible. You should read their documentation in Chapter 9 of the SVN 1.6 Red Book. In particular, you should be aware of the revert command, just in case you change your mind before commiting.

The deadline for the submission of your work is 6 hours after the end of your lab class.

There is no tolerance, beyond this one. Thus, as you complete the different milestones of this lab, you should commit your work to the SVN repository in Redmine.

I suggest that you also commit your code even if you have not completed the new functionality you are working on. I.e., I suggest that you use the SVN repository also as a backup. Although this is not the proper way of using a SVN repository, it may save your day. (As the platform we have been using appears not to be robust enough for some of you.)

IMP. You should add to the SVN repository all files needed so that compilation of your code can be done by checking out the lab4 directory, and executing:


under that directory in the working copy. You'll score points for this.

8.2 Self-Evaluation

You must fill out the following a Google Form, which in addition to some fields for student and group identification, includes several fields for you to provide us information about:

Your contribution to the final result
In %. (The contribution of all group members will add up to 100%, if all group members have a consensual and consistent view of the each other's contribution. However, if you do not agree on the contribution with your group peers, the sum of the contributions of all group members may be different from 100%, even if all of you try to be honest.) You must also provide a short description of your contribution to each of the 4 functions listed in Section 2. This description should detail your contribution to the functions your group has designed for the respective function.
Your effort
This is the amount of work you spent preparing for this work, including the number of lectures you attended

The deadline to send your self assessment is the day (until 23:59:59) after your lab class for this lab.

IMP- Each student must fill the Google form for her/his self-assessment. Failure to do it, will penalize you: we consider that as lack of participation in the classes, and that will be reflected in your class participation grade.