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void * test_init (unsigned short mode, unsigned short delay)
 Tests initialization of video card in graphics mode.
int test_square (unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short size, unsigned long color)
 Tests drawing a square with a given color.
int test_line (unsigned short xi, unsigned short yi, unsigned short xf, unsigned short yf, unsigned long color)
 Tests drawing a line segment with specifed end points and color.
int test_xpm (unsigned short xi, unsigned short yi, char *xpm[])
 Tests drawing XPM on the screen at specified coordinates.
int test_move (unsigned short xi, unsigned short yi, char *xpm[], unsigned short hor, short delta, unsigned short time)
 Tests moving sprite on the screen along horizontal/vertical axes.
int test_controller ()
 Tests retrieving VBE controller information (VBE function 0x0)

Detailed Description

Functions for outputing data to screen in graphics mode

Function Documentation

void* test_init ( unsigned short  mode,
unsigned short  delay 

Tests initialization of video card in graphics mode.

Uses the VBE INT 0x10 interface to set the desired graphics mode, and resets Minix's default text mode after a short delay. Before exiting, displays on the console the physical address of VRAM in the input graphics mode.

mode16-bit VBE mode to set
delaydelay in seconds after which returns to text mode
Virtual address VRAM was mapped to. NULL, upon failure.
int test_square ( unsigned short  x,
unsigned short  y,
unsigned short  size,
unsigned long  color 

Tests drawing a square with a given color.

Tests drawing a square with the specified size and color, at the specified coordinates (which specify the upper left corner (ULC)) in video mode 0x105

xhorizontal coordinate of ULC, starts at 0 (leftmost pixel)
yvertical coordinate of ULC, starts at 0 (top pixel)
sizeof each side in pixels
colorcolor to set the pixel
0 on success, non-zero otherwise
int test_line ( unsigned short  xi,
unsigned short  yi,
unsigned short  xf,
unsigned short  yf,
unsigned long  color 

Tests drawing a line segment with specifed end points and color.

Tests drawing a line segment with the specified end points and the input color, by writing to VRAM in video mode 0x105

xihorizontal coordinate of "first" endpoint, starts at 0 (leftmost pixel)
yivertical coordinate of "first" endpoint, starts at 0 (top pixel)
xfhorizontal coordinate of "last" endpoint, starts at 0 (leftmost pixel)
yfvertical coordinate of "last" endpoint, starts at 0 (top pixel)
colorcolor of the line segment to draw
0 upon success, non-zero upon failure
int test_xpm ( unsigned short  xi,
unsigned short  yi,
char *  xpm[] 

Tests drawing XPM on the screen at specified coordinates.

Tests drawing a sprite from an XPM on the screen at specified coordinates by writing to VRAM in video mode 0x105

xihorizontal coordinate of upper-left corner, starts at 0 (leftmost pixel)
yivertical coordinate of upper-left corner, starts at 0 (top pixel)
xpmarray with XPM (assuming indexed color mode)
0 upon success, non-zero upon failure
int test_move ( unsigned short  xi,
unsigned short  yi,
char *  xpm[],
unsigned short  hor,
short  delta,
unsigned short  time 

Tests moving sprite on the screen along horizontal/vertical axes.

Tests moving a XPM on the screen along horizontal/vertical axes, at the specified speed, in video mode 0x105

xihorizontal coordinate of upper-left corner, starts at 0 (leftmost pixel)
yivertical coordinate of upper-left corner, starts at 0 (top pixel)
xpmarray with XPM (assuming indexed color mode)
horwhether the movement is in the horizontal direction (!= 0) or in the vertical direction (== 0)
deltamovement in along specified direction in pixels
timeduration in seconds of the movement
0 upon success, non-zero upon failure
int test_controller ( )

Tests retrieving VBE controller information (VBE function 0x0)

Tests retrieving VBE controller information (VBE function 0x0) and its parsing. Upon its invocation it should provide at least the following information:

  • Capabilities
  • List of mode numbers supported
  • Total memory
0 upon success, non-zero upon failure