Table of Contents


This page shows a usage example of the toolset, as a means to provide a better understanding of how the learning knowledge cycle is supported and to show the implemented user interface. It is assumed that the framework learner has access to the wiki and has already sign in with her credentials, which gives permission to view the documentation and use the components.

Start your learning path

As depicted in Figure 1, the learner has access to a small menu on the top left side of the wiki. This menu allows her to signal she’s about to start her learning, so the system can begin capturing her navigation steps.

Figure 1 - DRIVER menu when going from not capturing to capturing state.

After entering the capturing state, the system provides the following new actions to the learner while she is browsing the wiki:

Learning trail

Besides these new actions, the learner is presented, in the top of the page and at all times, with a trail of the last steps she took (and that were captured) while browsing the wiki. These steps can have associated markings or icons, as explained in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Depictions of the DRIVER’s learning path trail of the last steps, explaining its constituent parts and icons.

Each cell or step is composed of an icon (optional) and the captured wiki page title. Both these elements are clickable anchors to their respective pages, so that the user can directly navigate to them. In the case of sections, the section title appears first, followed by an abbreviation of the page the section belongs to (subscript and bracketed). The tooltip shows the full name of the page.

Adding a section to the trail

Capturing a page being browsed is easy because the dokuwiki allows for the capturing of the navigation between wiki pages. The same is not true for sections. In the case of sections, the user has to manually mark the section as read. For this, each section has a like action link at the end of its contents. Consequently, the user can add that particular section to the captured learning path. Usually this enables parts of a documentation artifact to be emphasised, instead of the whole document. Later on, the learner can re-arrange the final learning path to indicate only these sections and not the whole document. This like action link only appears when the system is in capturing state (Figure 3).

 Adding a section to the trail.

Figure 3 - Adding sections to the learning path by hitting the like action link at the end of the section.

Filtering and storing

At any time during the capturing state, the learner can filter and store her learning path. For that purpose, she uses the Prune/Graft component, accessible by clicking on a tab on the right side of the wiki. This tab is visible at all times, despite the state the system. If the system is at a not capturing state, the available learning steps remain from the last capturing session.

The Prune/Graft component opens up on a different layer from the wiki itself, providing a set of features without conflicting with the current work session. The user interface can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Prune/Graft component user interface, showing the main functionalities

As such, the following functionalities are allowed:

Figure 5 - Prune/Graft component user interface, showing the preview pane where the user can preview any step from his capturing session. The preview pane visibility can be toggled using the Show/Hide button on the top.

Figure 6 - Prune/Graft component user interface, showing similar learning paths when found. The user can toggle the showing of this list. The shown elements are the same as if doing a search (Search component, see below), except for the rating ability.

Searching and rating

The quickest way to access the knowledge-base of learning paths is to use the Search component. For that, the learner just have to open the respective tab (visible at all times) on the right side of the wiki, or clicking on the search option on the menu on the left sidebar.

The interface is quite simple and straightforward (see Figure 7), if you are used to the popular web search engines (Google3), Yahoo4) or Bing5)). The user just have to enter6) the tags by which she wants to query the knowledge-base and the matched learning paths will be listed.

The search heuristics finds all learning paths that have those tags, where the learning paths with the most matched tags appear first, sorted descendent by rating.

Figure 7 - Search component user interface, showing results for a query with the tag start. There is also a depiction of all the elements present in a result item. The Show Previewer button works similarly to the preview functionality in the Prune/Graft component, showing a preview pane directly below the respective result item.

Each result item has 5 constituent elements:

As such, the Search component not only allows finding a suitable learning path, but enables the community to give their feedback on the usefulness of the learning paths, improving the effectiveness of the learning knowledge.


While in the capturing state, the system can provide the learner with directions on possible next steps in her learning path. This is done using the Hint component in Figure 8. The user has access to a tab at the top of the page that slides open to show a list of recommended next steps, based on the existing learning paths in the knowledge-base.

The list item is composed of clickable links to the page or section to where the user can directly navigate. Prefixed to each item is the number of learning paths (in brackets) that have the current page as the previous step.

Figure 8 - Hint component user interface, showing recommended next steps, based on the current location of the user. The picture shows the hint tab located at the top of the page on a closed state and then on an opened state.

This enables the learner to rely on the knowledge captured from the community to assist on her learning process. Generally, this only happens when the learner is at a loss, and seems to be disoriented in her quest for knowledge that might help her. The common behaviour is to fall back to the last known point, i.e. documentation artifact that appears to lead somewhere, and try to proceed from there. The Hint component can, then, provide an educated guidance to possible solution directions. Of course, if the learner is hacking her way into virgin land, i.e. paving new learning directions, the Hint component won’t be of much use.

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1) All steps so far (if still in capturing state) or all steps from last session (if in not capturing state).
2) Search results are sorted by similarity first, and rating, second.
6) The text box where the tags are entered has an auto-complete feature that shows existing tags on the knowledge-base so that the user can maximise the hit ratio.