Publicações Publicações internacionais TEL'03 Sumário
Sumários TEL'03: Mechatronics is an area that merges
multidisciplinary knowledge coming from mechanical engineering, electronics and
computer technology. Vocational training in mechatronics requires the teaching
of ‘multi-skills’ in various learning contexts, as well as a good blend of
learning in the classroom and practical training in work surroundings. This
paper presents the contribution of MARVEL to meet these target requirements. The
aim of the MARVEL project is to implement and evaluate learning environments for
mechatronics in vocational training, allowing students ubiquitous access to
physical workshops and laboratory facilities from remote places. The project
will cover concepts that merge real and virtual as well as local and remote
worlds in real time. We describe a concept of experiential learning which
proposes a ‘mix’ of virtual learning sessions (remote labs, simulations) in
combination with learning in real labs or even at the workplace.