As business leaders and innovators race to reach the promise of artificial intelligence to deliver a competitive advantage as well as cost and time savings, the technology is altering industries from finance to manufacturing with new products, processes and capabilities. key characteristics.Companies such as 150-year-old Heineken are using AI, the vast amount of data they collect and the Internet of Things to drive marketing decisions and initiatives, improve operations and customer service.


Artificial intelligence isn’t just improving lives; in some cases, it will save lives. There are many companies, including tech companies, that are investing in and researching ways that artificial intelligence can help improve our healthcare system. From figuring out personalised drug protocols to better diagnostic tools and even robots to assist in surgeries, AI is altering our healthcare system from its processes to the care that these organisations provide.


AI has been deployed to enhance our lives as well. Experiments with AI to compose original compositions from books to music, develop recipes based on what’s currently in the cupboard and even to create works of art are extending the influence of AI on our lives. The AI-powered recommendation engines of Netflix and Spotify help streamline our decision-making process when we are looking for the next show to watch or song to listen to.