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Project Rules §

LBAW · Databases and Web Applications Laboratory, 2021/22
L.EIC · Bachelor in Informatics and Computing Engineering
FEUP and FCUP, U.Porto


1. Introduction §

The evaluation in LBAW includes two elements: a practical work to be performed in groups of four students; and an individual assessment based on a multiple-choice test. 

The discussion forum in Moodle is the preferred means of electronic contact with the teachers. Using the forum allows a quick response by any of the teachers or by your colleagues. 

We also manage a Slack workspace for immediate communication, including a specific channel for each class. Avoid using Slack for topic-related questions or problems that might be of interest to more students. 

2. Practical work §

LBAW is designed to consolidate the materials exposed in previous courses, particularly in the topics of databases and web technologies, through the development of an information system with a web interface and supported by a relational database management system. 

The theme of the project should be chosen from a list of proposals. The project dimension should lead to the identification of approximately 10 organizational entities. There is a set of common features that all projects must support, including user registration and management, search, notifications, and others. A project theme cannot be repeated in the same class. 

The project is structured in components, which are organized as a collection of individual artefacts. Details about these elements are presented in Project Components. 

The work of each group must be original and authored by the group members. All used sources (code blocks, phrases, figures, etc.) and aids (documents, colleagues, etc.) must be clearly identified. Failing to do so can result in a violation of academic integrity rules and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 

The number of students per group is four (from the same class). Due to COVID management rules, each group must include members from both shifts (i.e. even and odd), ideally two students from each shift. 

3. Documentation §

During this course, groups will develop artefacts that justify and document their project decisions. Either Portuguese or English can be used as the project language. In addition to the writing rules of the language (i.e., spelling, grammar), and to better convey the ideas, it is essential that a technical writing style is used so that the simplicity of writing and the absence of ambiguity facilitates understanding. 

Gross mistakes, easily preventable through the use of spell checkers, and grammar errors due to misuse of language, will be penalized. These errors impair the legibility making it difficult to read and understand the documents. 

All components are required for evaluation and must be submitted as PDF in Moodle before each deadline. There is a suggested structure for each component, but groups can make changes to it. Nonetheless, each component must include all the required elements. 

4. Technologies §

The practical work that will be developed is based on a fixed technology stack. Key technologies to be used are: PostgreSQL at the database level; PHP as the programming language on the server; Docker as the virtualization environment; Laravel as the server framework; Git for software versioning; NGINX as the web server; and HTML, CSS and JavaScript as client languages. 

The use of other extensions or libraries requires authorization by the teachers. 

The vertical prototype must be developed based on the prototype example provided. After the evaluation of the prototype, the group can discuss with the teachers the use of any other technology stack, provided that the final product can run in the LBAW production environment. 

However, the prototype delivered by the group must be large enough to demonstrate the mastery of the default technology stack, should include authentication and user management, and another complete non-trivial module. 

5. Assessment §

The practical assessment comprises the components (groups of artefacts), the product delivered, and its presentation. 

Details about each component and its corresponding weight in the evaluation are published in the course’s fact sheet. It should be noted that the assessment reflects the quality of the work produced rather than the amount of work (i.e., the number of hours spent). 

Students are expected to participate in all project tasks (analysis, design, coding, testing, documentation, presentation) in order to satisfy the minimum grade in each evaluation component – and also so that they can learn the concepts, methodologies and tools involved, and feel the main problems associated. All students should contribute to the project, the individual final grade of each student is dependent on his involvement and quality of his contribution. 

The four evaluation components, Requirements (ER), Database (EBD), Architecture (EAP), Product (PA), are divided into 10 artefacts (A1-A10). 

All components must be delivered within the deadlines published in the course plan. The deadline for each delivery is 12h00 of the day before the practical class of the week. The components are delivered in Moodle and should be self-contained in PDF files to serve as a basis of evaluation (i.e., it cannot contain links to external documents). 

It is the group's responsibility to ensure that teachers will assess the correct materials and that all materials to review are submitted in Moodle – for example, links to download materials from external sources will not be considered. 

The credentials required for using the product during the evaluation must be included in the final component (PA). 

The final classification of the project may vary from element to element of the same group, in more or less 3 values, based on the opinion of the professors and on the self-assessment and hetero-assessment to be carried out internally in each group. 

6. Conclusions §

The practical work of the course should follow the rules presented here, and the project to be developed by the working group should meet the goals and the user requirements.  

LBAW, L.EIC 21/22 

teach/lbaw/202122/project.1633470396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/05 23:46 by ssn

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