====== Lab #2 :: Week of 01/11/2021 ====== {{page>..:header&nofooter}} ===== Goals ===== By the end of this class, the student should be able to: * Identify and describe the system actors and their user stories (A2) * Identify and describe supplementary requirements (A2) * Design a sitemap proposal (A3) * Identify and design the main user interfaces using wireframes (A3) ===== Tasks ===== * Present and discuss the artefact A1 (Project Presentation) * Copy the ER tabs (ER, A1, A2, A3) from the [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14yj904W4QGnwpVw-zo2ijc3Y_2IBR6rkcZVl7HVj-j4|Reference Checklist]] * Identify and describe the actors and their user stories for the project * Identify and describe supplementary requirements for the project * Develop the A2 artefact (Actors and User Stories) * Design the sitemap for the project * Design wireframes for the main user interfaces * Develop the A3 artefact (Information Architecture) ===== Materials ===== * Requirements Specification Component * [[..:artefacts:index#i_requirements_specification_and_user_interfaces_er_10|ER Component]] | [[https://git.fe.up.pt/lbaw/components/-/wikis/er|ER Template]] * [[..:artefacts:a01|A1. Project Presentation]] | [[..:artefacts:a02|A2. Actors and User Stories]] | [[..:artefacts:a03|A3. Information Architecture]] * MediaLibrary Example * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vThZg9zGsSAGukKAZ76DfUvyDKjKkxD5g-uFdznjtUDJkE63un0Wyk-i4qL34bC5VqhaNViG2mXo75V/pub|A1. Project Presentation]] | [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ8JFODyvI93B5SrPNAYkkZ4a9NDC6DQGl6zbrhoBCVq6Wulak6FnBk55V-PEwRFzX4RnrbLpwIbej1/pub|A2. Actors and User Stories]] | [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSGjJUvGKDjAfjxnFitfeUi0CnE8zVtC4ED85dXdY3VlizdAzvZvk1B0tHsvwABz965iWVwFjOuFVKo/pub|A3. Information Architecture]] ===== Summary ===== * Presentation and discussion of artefact A1 (Project Presentation). * Development of the component ER (Requirements Specification). * Development of artefacts A2 (Actors and User stories) and A3 (Information Architecture). [[01|« Previous]] | [[index|Index]] | [[03|Next »]]