====== Lab #1 :: Week of 25/10/2021 ====== {{page>..:header&nofooter}} ===== Goals ===== By the end of this class, the student should be able to: * Identify and register a project group * Choose the project theme * Set up and start using the group’s GitLab code repository * Start writing the project presentation (A1) * Start identifying the actors and user stories (A2) ===== Tasks ===== * Read the [[..:index|course rules]] and the rules that apply to the [[..:project|practical work]] * Read the available [[..:proposals|project proposals]] * You will need a [[https://www.up.pt/it/en/services/accounts-and-passwords/google-for-education-94a08d3c|Google U.Porto Account]] to access and use shared resources, set up one if necessary. * Make a first login to [[https://git.fe.up.pt|FEUP’s GitLab]] * Form the project group and **wait for the teacher to approve it** (the teacher assigns a theme and adds your account to the group GitLab repository) * Initiate the GitLab wiki to support artefact development (with the teacher) * Start the ER wiki page with the artefact A1 (with the teacher) * Initiate the Checklists spreadsheet (with the teacher) * Discuss with the teacher (client) the theme of the project * Initiate the GitLab repository README file * Register the members of the group in [[https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=3970|Moodle]] * Read the README tab in the group's Checklists spreadsheet * Copy the ER, A1 and A2 tabs from the [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14yj904W4QGnwpVw-zo2ijc3Y_2IBR6rkcZVl7HVj-j4|Reference Checklist]] * Answer the [[https://forms.gle/6u7jkDfYE9xMjJNSA|LBAW 21/22 Survey]] (if you haven't done it yet) ===== Materials ===== * LBAW * [[..:index|LBAW 21/22 web page]] | [[https://sigarra.up.pt/feup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=484433|Course Fact Sheet]] | [[..:plan|Course Plan]] * Project * [[..:project|Project Rules]] | [[..:proposals|Project Proposals]] * Requirements Specification Component * [[..:artefacts:index#i_requirements_specification_and_user_interfaces_er_10|ER Component]] | [[https://git.fe.up.pt/lbaw/components/-/wikis/er|ER Template]] * [[..:artefacts:a01|A1. Project Presentation]] | [[..:artefacts:a02|A2. Actors and User Stories]] * MediaLibrary Example * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vThZg9zGsSAGukKAZ76DfUvyDKjKkxD5g-uFdznjtUDJkE63un0Wyk-i4qL34bC5VqhaNViG2mXo75V/pub|A1. Project Presentation]] | [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ8JFODyvI93B5SrPNAYkkZ4a9NDC6DQGl6zbrhoBCVq6Wulak6FnBk55V-PEwRFzX4RnrbLpwIbej1/pub|A2. Actors and User Stories]] * GitLab * [[https://git.fe.up.pt|GitLab at FEUP]] | [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/index.html|GitLab Docs]] | [[https://git.fe.up.pt/help/user/markdown|GitLab Flavored Markdown]] * Git Documentation * [[https://git-scm.com/doc|Git Documentation]] | [[https://git-scm.com/docs/gittutorial|Git Tutorial]] | [[https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/|A successful Git branching model]] ===== Summary ===== * Introduction to the course and organization of lab classes. * Set up the working groups and project themes. * Start working on the project documentation. * Development of the component ER (Requirements Specification). * Development of artefacts A1 (Project Presentation) and A2 (Actors and User stories). Previous | [[index|Index]] | [[02|Next »]]