High-Performance Computing Approaches for Monitoring, Exploring, Optimizing and
Tuesday, 29 May, 2018, from 14:30 to 18:30
European HPC Summit Week 2018, 28 May to 01
June, 2018
Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
The topics of the workshop are focused on the
Monitoring, Exploring, Optimizing and Autotuning
stages targeting high-performance applications. The program of the event will
consist of invited talks, presentations about the projects involved, their
approaches, key innovations, and up to date results achieved. The program will
also include demonstrations using the tools and the libraries provided by each
project and presentations from young researchers (e.g., PhD students involved
in those topics). The workshop will close with a session focused on
collaboration opportunities.
organization of the workshop involves the following four FET-HPC projects:
João MP Cardoso, jmpc@acm.org
Thomas Fahringer, tf@dps.uibk.ac.at
Robert Schöne, robert.schoene@tu-dresden.de
Tom Vander Aa, Tom.VanderAa@imec.be
29 May, Room Sem. 3 |
14:30-14:35 |
Opening session |
14:35-15:13 |
ALLScale: AllScale: On exploiting nested recursive parallelism for performance
improvement, by Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria |
15:13-15:51 |
The ANTAREX HPC Approach
to Help Developers on
Program Analysis, Parallelization and Runtime Autotuning,
by João MP Cardoso, University of Porto, Portugal |
15:51-16:29 |
READEX: Runtime Exploitation of Application
Dynamism for Energy-efficient eXascale computing,
by Umbreen Sabir Mian, Technical University Dresden (TUD) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break and poster session |
17:00-17:38 |
The ExCAPE Project: Machine Learning on HPC,
by Thomas Ashby, IMEC, Belgium, and Jan Martinovic, IT4Innovations, Czech
Republic |
17:38-18:25 |
Open meeting to discuss
collaboration opportunities • Opportunities for collaboration • Sharing of tools and applications • Exploitation opportunities • Standardization |
18:25-18:30 |
Closing session |