6. Supervising experience


- Since January 2006 co-supervises together with Prof. Fernando Veloso Gomes, from FEUP, the PhD Thesis of Pedro Miguel Teiga, entitled “Avaliação Ambiental, Medidas de Mitigação de Impactes e Metodologia Geral de Reabilitação de Rios e Ribeiras em Espaços Edificados” (Environmental evaluation, measures for impact mitigation and general methodology for rehabilitation of rivers in edified areas).


- Since January 2006 supervises the PhD Thesis of Eduardo Bruno de Freitas Vivas, entitled “Gestão Integrada de Recursos Hídridos em Bacias Partilhadas – O Caso do Guadiana” (Integrated Water Resources Management in shared river basins – the Guadiana case).


- Since April 2005 supervises the Master Thesis of Cristina Maria Fernandes da Silva, entitled “O abastecimento público de água na região do Algarve: caracterização e perspectivas de evolução” (The public water supply in the Algarve region: characterisation and evolution perspectives).


- Since December 2004 co-supervises with Prof. Paulo Pinho, from FEUP, the Master Thesis of Sofia Freitas da Rocha Pires Anastácio, entitled “Estudo dos factores essenciais à localização de novos campos de golfe” (Study on the essential factors for golf courses localization).


- Since October 2004 co-supervises together with Prof. Maria Fernanda Proença, from FEUP, the PhD Thesis of Elsa Maria da Silva Carvalho, entitled “Fenómenos de Sedimentação e Transporte - Novas Perspectivas de Análise (Sedimentation and Transport Studies – New analytical perspectives), developed at FEUP under a 4 year PhD FCT scholarship.


- Since January 2001 co-supervises together with Prof. Franz Durst, from LSTM-Erlangen, the PhD Thesis of João Pedro Moreira Pego, entitled “Fluid Mechanics Design Strategy for Ship Propulsion System“, developed at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, for 4 years, sponsored by a PhD scholarship of FCT (submitted).


- Since October 2002 supervises the Master Thesis of Rui Jorge Ferreira Aleixo, entitled “Estudos de sedimentação e transporte, utilizando novas técnicas analíticas e experimentais” (Study on sedimentation and transport using the latest analytical and experimental techniques).


- From October 2003 to March 2005 co-supervised together with Prof. Paulo Pinho, from FEUP, the Master Thesis of Ana Borges Monterroso, entitled "Reflexões sobre os Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental em Projectos de Mini-Hídricas em Portugal” (Reflections on Environmental Impact Assessment methods and techniques regarding Small Hydropower plants in Portugal) (concluded).


- From October 2000 to October 2003 supervised the Master Thesis of Nuno Pereira da Costa, entitled “Perdas de Carga em Tês de derivação de Sistemas de Tubagem” (Energy Losses in Pipe Network Systems), developed in collaboration with the Research Project Praxis PRAXIS/P/ECM/10259/1998 (concluded).


- From October 2002 to July 2004 supervised the Master Thesis of Marisa Silva, entitled “Implicações da Implementação das Directivas Europeias, no Âmbito da Qualidade da Água” (Implications of European Directives Implementation in the scope of water quality) (concluded).


- From July 2001 to April 2005 co-supervised together with Prof. Maria Fernanda Proença, from FEUP, the Master Thesis of Ana Isabel de Rocha e Sá Lopes, entitled “Dissipação de energia em estruturas hidráulicas fundadas sobre leitos móveis” (Energy dissipation in Hydraulic Structures Established on a mobile bed) being developed in collaboration with the research Project POCTI/ECM/36031/2000 (concluded).