Sistemas Operativos - MIEEC
Project Submission Instructions

1. Instructions

Please follow the instructions below to submit the deliverables of your device driver project.

  1. Create a zip archive named <student numbers>.zip. Where <student numbers> is the sequence of the University of Porto student number (this is a number, so you should not include the prefix "up") of each student in increasing order separated by the underscore character, _. For example, in a group whose members have student numbers 201505779 and 201504461, the name of the zip archive should be This archive must include a top level directory named <student numbers>, whose contents are:
    1. One directory per device driver (DD), with the name of the respective DD, serp or seri, each of which should contain the files specified in Section 5 of the last handout
    2. Your project's report, as described in the Section 5 of the last handout
    You can find more detailed instructions to create your zip archive below.
  2. Upload the zip archive you created in the previous step, <student numbers>.zip, to the Moodle assignment corresponding to your lab section.

IMPORTANT Make sure you strictly follow these instructions, as well as those previously provided in Section 5 of the last handout. Failure to do that, may prevent us from grading your project.

Annex: Detailed Instructions for Creating the Zip Archive

This section provides detailed instructions for creating the zip archive. There are several ways you can do this. The one we describe here assumes that your DD code is in a directory (or folder) shared between the host and the guest OS. Furthermore, we assume that your host OS is Linux and we use line commands that you should issue on a terminal. These instructions should also work for Mac users. Please make sure that you perform each step in the right OS, either guest or host.

Note As above, we use <student numbers> as your group name. You should use the appropriate string.

  1. In the host OS, create a directory with name <student numbers>, by executing:
    mkdir <student numbers>
  2. In the guest OS, clean up the directories with the device drivers you have implemented, serp and/or seri, by executing:
    make clean
    in each of these directories
  3. Back in the host OS, copy to the directory created in the first step the directories you have cleaned up in the previous step. First change to the parent directory of the directory you created in step 1. Then execute the following commands:
    cp -r <vm_path>/serp <student numbers> cp -r <vm_path>/seri <student numbers>
    where <vm_path> is a path to the directory of the folder shared between the host and the guest that contains the DD directories serp and seri.
  4. In the host OS, copy your report, either a PDF file or a plain ASCII file, to the directory you have created in step 1.
  5. In the host OS, create a zip archive with your submission, by executing the following command in the parent directory of the directory you have created in the first step:
    zip -r <student numbers> <student numbers>