Computer Labs - 1st Semester
Lab 3: The PC's Keyboard
1. Objective
The objectives of this lab are threefold:
that you learn the operation of the PC's keyboard and how to use its low level interface.
that you learn how to mix C-code and ASM code in your program.
that you get a better understanding of the interrupt mechanism and that you learn how to use it in the context of the PC's keyboard
This lab is planned for 2 lab classes. You are expected to attend the lectures and in addition to spend about 5 hours to prepare each of the lab classes.
This handout is structured as follows:
2- What to do?, which summarizes what you have to do in this lab, and what you should do in order to prepare it.
3- The PC's Keyboard, which provides an overview of the PC keyboard and its controller.
4- Minix 3 Notes, which describes some aspects of the Minix 3 kernel that are relevant to this lab (and also future labs).