Computer Labs 2013/2014 - 1st Semester
Lab 5: The PS/2 Mouse

1. Objectives

The objectives of this lab are twofold. First that you learn the operation of the PS/2 mouse and how to use its low level interface. Second, that you get a better understanding of the interrupt mechanism and that you learn how to use it in the context of the PC's keyboard.

2. What to Do

Write in C language several functions that use the PS/2's mouse low level interface. The key functionality to implement is:

  1. Read and display the packets sent by the PS/2's mouse
  2. Process the interrupts generated asynchronously by more than one device
  3. To display the configuration of the mouse

With respect to the first task, the communication between the keyboard controller (KBC) interrupt handler and the part of your program that displays the packets should use a simple array whose elements are of type unsigned char and a counter variable of type unsigned short that keeps track of the bytes received.

Like in Lab 4 you are not given the prototypes of the functions to implement: the specification of these functions is part of your job. However, to make the task of grading your assignment feasible you are required to implement the following testing functions:

  1. int test_packet()
  2. int test_asynch()
  3. int test_config()

These functions are declared in header file test5.h, and file test5.c contains their implementation stubs. You may find it convenient to add your test code to that file; this way you will avoid mistakes in their definition. Section 5 describes what these functions should do.

IMP. In addition to these files, you should submit the file lab5.c, which should contain only the main() function, and will be used to grade the flexibility of your test code. For testing your code, we will use our own main() function.

2.1 Class Preparation

So that you can accomplish this lab's objectives, you should do some homework. In addition to read, and understand, this script and the class notes, you should:

  1. Create folder lab5 at the top level of your SVN repository;
  2. Write a preliminary version of test_packet that receives the bytes sent by the mouse and displays them on the terminal, without any interpretation (this means that you need not synchronize the mouse, as described below). Your program should exit after receiving 30 of bytes.
  3. Commit the first version to your SVN repository on Redmine

IMP: Once you have created a working copy of your repository, you do not need to make a checkout of the repository before adding new files. All you need is to make an update of your working copy.

3. The PS/2 Mouse and the i8042

The PS/2 mouse has typically 3 buttons and is able to track the movement of the mouse in a plane. Usually, it is configured to report its state, i.e. the state of the buttons or its position in the plane, to its controller in an event-driven fashion, i.e. whenever its state changes. It does so by sending a multi-byte packet to its controller, which puts each of the bytes received in a register, and if configured to generate interrupts, will do so. It is then up to the interrupt handler to read the bytes of the packet, one per interrupt, from the controller.

3.1 Mouse Packets

The packets sent by a mouse to its controller are composed by several bytes. Different types of mouse use different types of packets. For example, whereas the PS/2 mouse uses a 3-byte packet, the Microsoft Intellimouse, which includes a scrolling-wheel, uses a 4-byte packet mouse.

The beauty of the simple interface between the mouse and its controller, is that it is rather flexible and can be used to support a wide range of mice, from very simple to very sophisticated. In this Lab, you'll need only use the standard PS/2 protocol, which was presented in class. Any of the references at the end of this document has a good description of the format of the PS/2 mouse packets.

3.2 The i8042: The keyboard (and mouse) controller (KBC)

In modern PCs, the communication between the mouse and the processor is mediated by an electronic component that provides the functionality of the i8042, the keyboard controller (KBC). I.e., the KBC interfaces with both the AT-keyboard and the PS/2-mouse. The communication between the KBC and the mouse (actually, a microprocessor embedded in the mouse) is by means of a serial communication protocol similar to that used in the communication between the KBC and the keyboard, and is not the object of this lab.

In this lab, you need only to interface with the "i8042". In PS/2 mode, this controller supports some mouse related commands, such as enabling/disabling the mouse interface or enabling/disabling interrupt generation upon reception of a byte from the mouse. As usual, these "KBC-commands" are written to port 0x64. Furthermore, it allows the device driver to issue commands directly to the mouse, by using the KBC-command 0xD4, Write (byte) to the Auxiliary Device.

The commands for the mouse, and their arguments, if any, are arguments of the 0xD4 KBC-command. That is, to issue a command to the mouse, the driver must first write command 0xD4 to the KBC, i.e. using port 0x64, and afterwards the mouse command to port 0x60. Like the keyboard, the mouse will send an acknowledgment (message), which indicates whether or not the command was successfully received. The KBC puts this reply in the output buffer, and it must be read from port 0x60. If the command has any arguments, they should be written using the same protocol. I.e., for each byte of the arguments, the driver must first write command 0xD4 to port 0x64, and afterwards the byte to port 0x60. As before, the mouse will send an acknowledgment to the byte sent by the KBC, and the KBC will put it in the output buffer. Again, each acknowledgment must be read from port 0x60. Finally, after receiving the last byte of a command (either the command itself, or the last byte of its arguments), the mouse will execute the command, and if it elicits a response, the mouse will send it to the KBC, which again will put it in the output buffer, and must be read from port 0x60.

Summarizing, for each byte sent using command 0xD4, either a command or an argument, the mouse will send back an acknowledgment, which is put in the output buffer, and must be read from port 0x60. Furthermore, if the mouse command elicits a response, the mouse will send it after the acknowledgment to the last byte of the command (either the command itself or the last byte of its arguments), it will be put in the output buffer, and must be read from port 0x60.

3.3 Synchronization Issues

A PS/2-mouse packet is a sequence of 3 bytes. The device driver must be synchronized with the mouse to ensure that when it processes a packet, the 3 bytes it uses all belong to the same packet. For example, using two bytes of a packet and the first byte of the following packet may lead to incorrect behavior.

While testing a solution to this lab, I have found that usually my "driver" was out of sync with the mouse in the very beginning. For example, even though I did not move the mouse, it would report overflow when I pressed a button. This, happened, even if I reseted the mouse. I suspect that this is caused by interference by the Minix 3 KBC code, but I have not investigated the issue further. The important is that, if the driver is out of sync, for example, because one of the bytes is corrupted, it must synchronize again.

However, the bytes of the PS/2 packet do not carry an identification, and therefore it is not easy to detect that the code is not in sync. The solution I found relies on the fact that bit 3 of byte 1, must be 1. Thus, if the byte your code is expecting is the first one, and bit 3 of the byte received is 0, the byte received cannot be the first one and the code is not in sync with the mouse.

Although this does not guarantee that your code will always be in sync, other bytes can have bit 3 set to 1, I've found that this would solve the problem. Actually, the efficacy of this approach will depend on the mouse usage pattern: if the user starts only by clicking the mouse, then bit 3 of all packets but the first will be 0, and in 1 or 2 packets, the "driver" will get in sync with the mouse.

3.4 Other Remarks

Finally, I'd like to call your attention to two paragraphs in the Synaptics Interfacing Guide. The first one refers to some steps that must be taken before issuing any command to the mouse, to prevent interference from packets sent by the mouse.

"If the device is in Stream mode (the default) and has been enabled with an Enable (0xF4) command, then the host should disable the device with a Disable (0xF5) command before sending any other command." Synaptics TouchPad Interfacing Guide, pg. 33

The second one concerns the actions that should be taken upon the reception of a negative acknowledgment to some byte written using the 0xD4 KBC command.

“When the host gets an 0xFE response, it should retry the offending command. If an argument byte elicits an 0xFE response, the host should retransmit the entire command, not just the argument byte.” Synaptics TouhcPad Interfacing Guide, pg. 31

3.5 Other Resources

You can find an overview of both the mouse-related KBC commands and the mouse commands in the class notes. A detailed description of the mouse commands can be found in Synaptics Interfacing Guide. You may also find interesting the data sheet of an 8042-compatible IC that supports the PS/2 mouse. There are several other resources on the Web, including the other two mentioned in the class notes, which include some information regarding protocols other than the PS/2.

4. Minix 3 Notes

4.1 Disabling the Default Interrupt Handler

Although Minix 3 boots up in command line mode and does not use the mouse, its terminal driver configures the mouse and installs its own mouse interrupt handler. So, you need not initialize the mouse, and can use Minix 3's configuration. However, to prevent this handler from stealing the mouse packets away from your program, you should do as described in Section 4.1 of Lab 4. I.e., when subscribing the mouse interrupts, your program should specify not only the IRQ_REENABLE policy but also the IRQ_EXCLUSIVE policy. As a result, the standard Minix 3 mouse interrupt handler will not be notified of the occurrence of mouse interrupts, thus preventing it from interfering with your code.

Although Minix 3 in command line mode does not use the mouse, your code should cancel its subscription of the mouse interrupt before exiting, by calling the sys_irqrmpolicy() kernel call

Note that the IRQ number for the mouse is 12.

4.2 Measuring Time

Like the keyboard, the mouse communicates with the KBC via a serial line, and thus you should not expect to receive the acknowledgment to a byte you write to the mouse, or the response it sends to a command, immediately after issuing a command. As suggested for Lab4 rather than wait indefinitely, or until the KBC reports a time-out, your code should give enough-time for the KBC or the mouse to respond, retry a few times on time-out, and finally give up. Given that the time intervals to consider are in the order of tens of ms, it is not appropriate to use sleep(), which measures time intervals whose duration is a multiple of a second. Instead, you can use the function tickdelay() of Minix 3's libsys as described in Section 4.2 of Lab 4

5. Testing Code

So that we can grade your work, you are required to implement the following testing functions. We will develop the code that will call them, so make sure that your implementation matches their prototypes.

When designing your solution always think about modularity and generality. The grade of your code will depend also on these aspects.

5.1 test_packet()

The purpose of this function is to test that your code is able to read the packets from the PS/2 mouse using an interrupt handler that puts its bytes in a global variable unsigned char packet[3], declared in file test5.c. You'll need also a global variable unsigned short count so that your code can keep track of which byte in a packet you have received.

Thus, test_packet() should first subscribe the mouse interrupts, as described in the previous section.

Then it should print on the console the packets that the interrupt handler puts in the global variable packet. The content of each byte in that packet should be displayed on the console in a user friendly way, as shown in Figure 1.

B1=0x8 B2=0x12 B3=0x14 LB=0 MB=0 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=18 Y=20
B1=0x8 B2=0x12 B3=0x12 LB=0 MB=0 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=18 Y=18
B1=0x8 B2=0x12 B3=0xe LB=0 MB=0 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=18 Y=14
B1=0x8 B2=0x10 B3=0xe LB=0 MB=0 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=16 Y=14
B1=0x9 B2=0x0 B3=0x0 LB=1 MB=0 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=0 Y=0
B1=0xC B2=0x0 B3=0x0 LB=0 MB=1 RB=0 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=0 Y=0
B1=0xA B2=0x0 B3=0x0 LB=0 MB=0 RB=1 XOV=0 YOV=0 X=0 Y=0
Figure 1: Example of output generated by test_packet

The test_packet() function should exit after the user presses the left mouse key, and then the right mouse key while keeping the left key down. Note that the packets corresponding to the keys need not be consecutive, e.g. there may be packets reporting only the movement of the mouse.

5.2 test_asynch(unsigned short duration)

The purpose of this function is to make you think about the structure of the code that handles asynchronous interrupt notifications from multiple devices, namely the PC's Timer 0 and the mouse.

This function should essentially do the same as test_packet(), i.e. it should display the packets received from the mouse, as shown in Figure 1.

The difference is on the exit condition: now, the function should terminate after the number of seconds specified in its argument.

For measuring the time you must use the Timer 0 interrupts.

5.3 test_config()

The purpose of this function is to test your code that displays the configuration of the mouse. The mouse configuration should be presented in the console in a user friendly way. Your program should exit after displaying the mouse configuration.

6. Compiling your Program

Follow the procedures described for the previous labs (of course now you should use directory lab5 instead of directory lab4 or lab3), but do not forget to modify the Makefile.

7. Configuring your Program

Your program invokes functions that are privileged. Thus, before you can run it, you need to add a file named lab5 to the /etc/system.conf.d/ directory to grant your program the necessary permissions.

Unless you use privileged functions that are not really necessary, the following entry is enough:

service lab5 { system DEVIO IRQCTL ; ipc SYSTEM rs vm pm vfs ; io 40:4 60 64 ; irq 0 # TIMER 0 IRQ 1 # KBD IRQ 12 # AUX/MOUSE IRQ ; uid 0 ; };

8. Submission

As you complete the different milestones of this lab, you should commit your work to the SVN repository in Redmine.

Note that SVN is able to keep the different versions of your code. Therefore, you need not create different directories/folders for lab's preparation and for the lab's final version. Just commit your work at the beginning and at the end of class. (You have a 5 minute tolerance.)

I suggest that you also commit your code even if you have not completed the new functionality you are working on. I.e., I suggest that you use the SVN repository also as a backup. Although this is not the proper way of using a SVN repository, it may save your day. (As the platform we have been using appears not to be robust enough for some of you.)



This lab is based on a lab by João Cardoso and Miguel P. Monteiro for DJGPP running on Windows98.