Group Description

Please confirm here the name of the group, the Host Institution in which the Principal Investigator is located, four Key words that best describe your work and finally in concise form indicate mains sources of funding for the research of your group. Include all types of funding, like FCT projects, FCT Base, as well as funding from other institutions. You should indicate an approximate amount in EUROS, and the source to which the funds apply.

1. Group Name/Designation
Formal Models of Computation

2. Principal Investigator
Sabine Babette Broda
3. Location of Group (Host Institution)
Universidade do Porto
4. Keywords
| | |
5. Funding, source, dates (1000 ca.)


31373 Plurianual 2007

+ salaries of team members, University of Porto 2007

+ grants, FCT, Gulbenkian, others 2007

PI & Researchers

In this section indicate first the PhD researchers that make up the group by selecting them from the list of researchers integrated in the Unit. In the second section you can indicate whether other PhD researchers not integrated in the Unit collaborate with group by typing their public key. Finally in the last part you should include all the non-PhDs members of the group.

1. Researchers in the Group (PhD. Only) (1)
António Mário Silva Marcos Florido (Professor Associado)
Sabine Babette Broda (Professor Associado)
Sandra Maria Mendes Alves (Professor Auxiliar)
Simão Patrício Melo de Sousa (Professor Auxiliar)
2. Other Researchers in the Group (PhD.) (2)
No researchers found for the Research Group ...
3. Other Researchers in the Group (non PhD.) (2)
David Miguel Ramalho Pereira (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Hugo Miguel Oliveira Romualdo Simões (Não aplicável (bolseiro))

Objectives & Achievements

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group during the 2007 period . If the number of characters is more than the permitted maximum you will not be able to complete the form.

1. Objectives (2000 ca.)

- Linear Calculi: in 2006 we defined a new linear type system for a functional

language based on iteration (System L). Our main goals for 2007 were to

study in detail System L type system (particularly the role of a new

kind of polymorphism, which we called iterator types), to apply

linearisation techniques to other computational models (besides the

lambda-calculus) and to define efficient reduction strategies for system L.

- Type-inhabitation: application of the Formula-Tree proof method in

the area of type-inhabitation.

- Resource analysis for lazy functional languages: cost analysis has

been undertaken in the context of a strict functional

language, producing cost information in the form of data structure

sizes. Our goal was to extending it to languages that use lazy

evaluation (such as Haskell).

- Logics for multi-agents systems: provide a logical framework for

reasoning about the role of Artificial

Emotions in the Belief-Desire-Intention agent architecture following

the Emotional BDI architecture, developed by the team in a previous


- Formal Verification and Specification: we were particularly interested

in the use of formal methodologies, tools and applications for the

reliability and security of computer systems.

2. Main Achievements (2000 ca.)

Linear Calculi:

- We defined a monomorphic version of system L and studied in

detail the polymorphic version, where an iterated function is used with

different types each time. We studied these new types, gave a Curry-style

type system for System L, and related it to intersection type assignment systems.

Finally we showed that this type system is decidable.

- We showed that any primitive recursive function

can be defined using a syntactically linear system and

that any computable function can be defined using a single minimisation

operator and linear functions. This yields an alternative formulation of

the theory of recursive functions, where each function is linear, which

we called linear recursive functions.

- A proof of minimality of the call-by-need strategy for System

L. Note that there exists no computable minimal strategy for the lambda-calculus.


- We obtained a neat characterization of the principal types

of BCK-lambda-terms, or equivalently the theorems of condensed BCK-logic.

Resource analysis for lazy functional languages:

- We defined a semantics for lazy evaluation with appropriate cost

information and a preliminary version of a type system for deriving

cost information for lazy programs, which is sound with respect to the

semantics. This work will be submitted for publication in 2008.

Logics for multi-agents systems:

- Development of the logic EBDI for modelling and reasoning about the

Emotional BDI architecture. This framework is an extension of BDI_CTL,

with modal operators for capabilities, Resources, Actions and

Emotional States.

Formal Verification and Specification:

- COCO/R for F#. A compiler for the F# programming language

(in col. with A. Pereira).

– Formal analysis and development of the Condorcert Voting Method

system using the B method (in col. with R. Romano).

– PCSC for Ocaml, a middleware for programming smart cards in the

OCaml programming language (in col. with M. Preliteiro).


This section refers to the research output of the group during the 2007. From the list provided choose the items that you want to complete and a field will appear. Follow the instructions provided in each item. You are not required to fill in all the items only those for which your group has output. Please note that for peer reviewed publication you must include impact factor and number of citations. If these indicators are not available you must include that publication as Other Publications.

Other publications International (3000 ca.)
(Include only Books, chapters or full papers published in conference proceedings up to max of 10. Give title and full citation in original language)

S. Alves, M. Fernandez, M. Florido and I. Mackie.

Linear Recursive Functions. In Rewriting, Computation and Proof, Essays

dedicated to Jean-Pierre Jouannaud on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

LNCS 4600 Festschrift, Springer, 2007.

S. Alves, M. Fernandez, M. Florido and I. Mackie.

Iterator Types. Foundations of Software Science and Computation

Structures (FOSSACS 2007), Springer LNCS 4423, 2007.

S. Alves, M. Florido, I. Mackie and F.-R. Sinot.

Minimality in a Linear Calculus with Iteration. Proc. of the 7th

International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and

Programming (WRS 2007), Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science

(ENTCS) 2007.

S. Alves, M. Fernández, M. Florido and I. Mackie.

Very Primitive Recursive Functions.

Computability in Europe (CiE 2007),

Sienna, Italy, 2007.

S. Alves, M. Fernandez, M. Florido and I. Mackie.

System T Revisited (Abstract).

Workshop on Linear Logic, Ludics, Implicit Complexity and Operator Algebras:

Dedicated to Jean-Yves Girard on his 60th birthday. Siena, Italy, 2007.

S. Broda, L. Damas.

On Principal Types of BCK-lambda-terms,

Wollic'2007, LNCS 4576, pp.120-130, 2007.

D. Pereira, E. Oliveira, and N. Moreira.

Formal modelling of emotions in bdi agents.

In 8th Workshop on Computational Logic in

Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-VIII),

Porto, Portugal, 10-11/09 2007

V. Santos, M. Freire, J. Hyuk Park, S. Melo de Sousa et al.

(Eds.). Proceeedings of the "International Symposium on Information

Security - IS 2007". Integrado nas

actas de "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007" Springer Verlag,

LNCS 4803 e LNCS 4804, ISBN 978-3-540-76846-3 e ISBN 978-3-540-76835-7.

V. Santos, P. Rangel Henriques, S. Melo de Sousa et al. (Eds.).

Proceedings of the conference Corta’07 "COmpilers, Related

Technologies and Applications". Universidade da Beira Interior. ISBN


H. Simoes, K. Hammond, M. Florido and P. Vasconcelos.

Using Intersection Types for Cost-analysis of Higher-Order Polymorphic

Functional Programs. Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2006 (Revised

Selected Papers), LNCS 4502, Springer Verlag 2007.

Master and Ph.D. thesis completed (3000 ca.)

PhD Thesis:

Sandra Alves, Linearisation of the Lambda-calculus.

PhD in Computer Science, DCC-FCUP, April 2007.

Msc Thesis:

David Pereira, Modelação Lógica de Agentes BDI Dotados de Emoções Artificiais.

Master in Informatics - Systems and Networks, DCC-FCUP, May 2007.

Organization of conferences (2000 ca.)

- Organization of Corta’07 "COmpilers, Related Technologies and

Applications". Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, July 2007.

- Organization of IS2007, International Symposium on Information

Security, November 26-27th, 2007, Vilamoura, Algarve - Portugal.

Internationalization (2000 ca.)
(Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the international level)

Collaboration with:

- Maribel Fernández, King's College, Ian Mackie, École Polytécnhique,

in the area of linear languages, that resulted in the following

publications: [1,2,3,4,5].

- Kevin Hammond, St. Andrews University in the area of resourse

analysis of functional programs, that resulted in publication [10].

- Temur Kutsia, RISC Institute in the area of unification, resulting

in the following publication:

Jorge Coelho, Mário Florido and Temur Kutsia. Sequence Disunification

and its Application in Collaborative Schema Construction. WISE 2007

Workshops. LNCS 4832, 2007.

Graduate training:

- Hugo Simões. PhD co-advised by Mário Florido (FCUP) and Kevin Hammond

(University of St. Andrews).

- Co-supervision of Stephane Cauchie (with Thierry Brouard) from the

Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Tours.

Design and validation of a cryptographically secure and distributed

biometric system.

- François Régis-Sinot. Post-doc advised by Mário Florido (FCUP). This

Post-doc originated a research collaboration with École Normale

Supérieure de Cachan.