Group Description

Please confirm here the name of the group, the Host Institution in which the Principal Investigator is located, four Key words that best describe your work and finally in concise form indicate mains sources of funding for the research of your group. Include all types of funding, like FCT projects, FCT Base, as well as funding from other institutions. You should indicate an approximate amount in EUROS, and the source to which the funds apply.

1. Group Name/Designation
Distributed AI and Robotics Group

2. Principal Investigator
Eugenio da Costa Oliveira
3. Location of Group (Host Institution)
Universidade do Porto
4. Keywords
| | |
5. Funding, source, dates (1000 ca.)

77414 FCT Plurianual 2007

5000 FCT Electronic Institution including Electronic Contracting for Virtual Organizations Project 2007

28125 FCT ABSES Project 2007

4100 FCT RESCUE Project 2007

31667 FCT ACORD Project 2007

2000 GRICES/CAPES Project 2007

+ salaries of team members, University of Porto 2007

+ grants, FCT, Gulbenkian, others 2007

PI & Researchers

In this section indicate first the PhD researchers that make up the group by selecting them from the list of researchers integrated in the Unit. In the second section you can indicate whether other PhD researchers not integrated in the Unit collaborate with group by typing their public key. Finally in the last part you should include all the non-PhDs members of the group.

1. Researchers in the Group (PhD. Only) (1)
Ana Paula Cunha da Rocha (Professor Auxiliar)
Andreia Malucelli (Outra)
Eugenio da Costa Oliveira (Professor Catedrático)
Francisco José de Oliveira Restivo (Professor Associado)
Luís Miguel Martins Nunes (Professor Auxiliar)
Luis Paulo Gonçalves Reis (Investigador Auxiliar)
Maria Benedita Campos Neves Malheiro (Professor-Adjunto)
Rosaldo José Fernandes Rossetti (Professor Auxiliar)
2. Other Researchers in the Group (PhD.) (2)
No researchers found for the Research Group ...
3. Other Researchers in the Group (non PhD.) (2)
Alexessander da Silva Couto Alves (Outra)
André Monteiro de Oliveira Restivo (Assistente Convidado)
António Jesus Monteiro de Castro (Assistente Convidado)
António Manuel Correia Pereira (Assistente Convidado)
Daniel Augusto Gama de Castro Silva (Assistente Convidado)
Henrique Daniel de Avelar Lopes Cardoso (Assistente Convidado)
João Pedro Bugalho Certo (Outra)
Joaquim Fernando Fernandes da Silva (Outra)
Luis Antonio Diniz Fernandes de Morais Sarmento (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Luis Henrique Ramilo Mota (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Pedro Manuel Correia de Abreu (Assistente Convidado)
Pedro Ricardo da Nova Valente (Outra)
Rodrigo A Marques Braga (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Rui Jorge Canelhas Bastos Neves (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Vasco Hugo Vinhas Gonçalves Moreira (Assistente Convidado)

Objectives & Achievements

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group during the 2007 period . If the number of characters is more than the permitted maximum you will not be able to complete the form.

1. Objectives (2000 ca.)

(i) Further progress on an "Electronic Institution" (EI) for agent-based B2B operations, enabling safe and trusted agent-based business operations. FOREV platform includes models for B2B Adaptive Negotiation and Monitoring processes and mechanisms enabling Agents' interoperability for Virtual Enterprises Life Cycle, Agent-based Ontology services, contract drafting, monitoring and enforcement through a normative environment. Trust and reputation models were implemented.

(ii) A specific tool for building up a computational representation of electronic contracts that exploits a normative environment provided by the Electronic Institution is in progress. Another goal is to formalize a model for norm inheritance making contract establishment an easy task.

(iii) Multi-Agent teams' coordination. Strategies for coordinating teams of autonomous agents that perform in dynamic, both cooperative and adversarial environments. We are exploring new coordination protocols as well as methodologies for analyzing team behavior in a way that can be generalized for different application domains.

(iv) Agent-based simulation methodologies. We aim at developing methodologies for the construction of realistic agent-based simulators in domains such as traffic and driving, ecological and sports simulation.

(v) The development of Machine Learning and MAS hybrid architecture, including "emotion-like" concepts, to deal with unexpected situations in dynamic environments. Applications: Search and rescue, Mobile Robots, Air Traffic Control, Intelligent Transportation Systems, personalized multimedia interaction and fire and pollution detection.

(vi) Intelligent Text Mining. We are developping algorithms to mine very large Data Bases of Portuguese text through semantic analysis and learning techniques.

2. Main Achievements (2000 ca.)

* Electronic Institution: integrates Adaptive Negotiation protocol, Ontology-based mapping services and preliminary E-Contracting. A new prototype (with an Ontology editor) is running in JADE. Scenario illustrating B2B relationships in domotics was designed

* E-Contracts and Normative Environments: A generic contract model was defined that simultaneously: - takes advantage of an established normative system, enabling an easy creation of new contracts; - is expansible, allowing the inclusion of non-predefined information and contractual norms while keeping its computability, using Jess; - the model of norm inheritance and defeasibility has been formalized

* Development of a Strategic Layer for MA Teams. A formal model for a strategic coordination layer for Heterogeneous MAS was developed, including a Simple Graphical Strategy Editor and mechanisms to fulfill the team strategy through actions of individual agents; implementation of agent-based common framework for controlling teams of cooperative robots; very good results at Robosoccer competitions (with IEETA/Aveiro U.): Simulation League 3D (European Champion 2007); Simulation League 2D (2nd European contest 2007); PV-League (2nd in World contest)

* Implementation of an Ecological MAS simulation for coastal ecosystem (EcoDynamo); a visualization application; a calibration agent for the simulation models; and aquaculture agents capable of interacting with the simulation system. Design of a high-level communication ecological modeling language: ECOLANG

* A logic-based formalization of an Emotion-like BDI agent architecture was proposed. Implementation of a prototype of an intelligent wheelchair with shared control, including a multimodal interface, high-level planning, navigation and communication capabilities

* Tool for Semantic analysis for IR from text corpora. RAPOSA question answering system for Portuguese ranked 3rd in the international contest QA@CLEF 2007

* 6 Master of Sciences theses


This section refers to the research output of the group during the 2007. From the list provided choose the items that you want to complete and a field will appear. Follow the instructions provided in each item. You are not required to fill in all the items only those for which your group has output. Please note that for peer reviewed publication you must include impact factor and number of citations. If these indicators are not available you must include that publication as Other Publications.

Publications in peer review Journals (3000 ca.)
(Up to a max of 10. Always indicate at the end of the citation, impact factor of the journal (IF=) and number of citations (nº C=). Give title and full citation in original language. DO NOT translate)

- Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Eugénio Oliveira (2007). “Institutional Reality and Norms: Specifying and Monitoring Agent Organizations”, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (special issue on Emergent Agent Societies), World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2007, pp. 67-95, ISSN 0218-8430.

Impact Factor: 0.971

- Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Eugénio Oliveira. “Electronic Institutions for B2B: Dynamic Normative Environments”, Artificial Intelligence & Law (special issue on Agents, Institutions and Legal Theory), Springer, ISSN 0924-8463. SpringerLink Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

- Figueiredo, L. C.; Avila, G.; Reinaldo, F.; Camacho, Rui; Magalhães, Demétrio Renó ; Reis, Luís Paulo . “A Tool for the Development of Robot Control Strategies”. EJIS. Electronic Journal of Information System, v. 8, p. 3, 2007

Other publications International (3000 ca.)
(Include only Books, chapters or full papers published in conference proceedings up to max of 10. Give title and full citation in original language)

Referred at ISI :

- José Torres, David Hutchison and Luís Paulo Reis. Semantic Image Retrieval Using Region-Based Relevance Feedback. In Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, E. Bruno, Andreas Nurnberger, Marcin Detyniecki (eds.) Selected Papers of AMR 2006 - 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Image Retrieval, July 27-28, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland, Springer LNCS, pp. 192-206, March 2007, ISBN: 3540715444

- João Certo, Nuno Lau and Luís Paulo Reis, A Generic Strategic Layer for Collaborative Networks, In Camarinha-Matos, L. Afsarmanesh, H., Novais, P., Analide, C., (eds.), IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 243, Establishing the Foundations for Collaborative Networks, Boston Springer, pp. 273-282, September 2007, ISBN 978-0-387-73797-3

- Filipe Cruz, António Pereira, Luís Paulo Reis, Pedro Duarte and Pedro Valente, Intelligent Farmer Agent for Multi-Agent Ecological Simulations Optimization, In Neves J, Santos M.F., Machado J.M. (eds.), Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2007, Guimarães, Portugal, December 3-6, 2007, Springer LCNS, Vol. 4874, pp. 593-604, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-77000-8

- Nuno Lau, Luís Paulo Reis and João Certo, Understanding Dynamic Agent’s Reasoning, In Neves J, Santos M.F., Machado J.M. (eds.), Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2007, Guimarães, Portugal, December 3-6, 2007, Springer LCNS, Vol. 4874, pp. 542-551, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-77000-8

- Pedro Miguel Faria, Rodrigo A. M. Braga, Eduardo Valgôde and Luís Paulo Reis. Interface framework to drive an intelligent wheelchair using facial expressions. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007). pp. 1791-1796. Vigo, Spain. June 4–7, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0755-9

- Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Eugénio Oliveira (2007). “A Contract Model for Electronic Institutions”, in J. Sichman & S. Ossowski (orgs.), Proceedings of The AAMAS’07 Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in agent systems (COIN@AAMAS’07), pp. 73-84, Honolulu – Hawaii, USA, May 14, 2007.

- Malucelli, Andreia, Editor of Special Issue on Ontologies and their Applications, Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) V.13, Issue Nr,12. 2007.

- L. Sarmento, V. Jijkoun, M. de Rijke, and E. Oliveira. "More Like These: Growing Entity Classes from Seeds”, In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2007), pp. 959-962, November 2007.

- Daniel Castro Silva, Vasco Vinhas,. “An Interactive Augmented Reality Battleship Game Implementation”, in Proceedings of the 1st Learning with Games 2007, pp. 213-219, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2007, ISBN: 978-88-901168-0-3.

- Pedro Miguel Faria, Rodrigo A. M. Braga, Eduardo Valgôde and Luís Paulo Reis. Platform to Drive an Intelligent Wheelchair using Facial Expressions. In Cardoso J., Cordeiro J., Filipe J. (eds.) Proceedings 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction (ICEIS 2007). pp. 164-169. Funchal-Madeira, Portugal. June 12–16, 2007. ISBN: 978-972-8865-92-4.

Master and Ph.D. thesis completed (3000 ca.)

- Antonio Castro. "Designing a Multi-Agent System for Monitoring and Operations Recovery for an Airline Operations Control Centre" . Master Thesis in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering. March 2007.

Orlando Ribas Fernandes. "Construção e Monitoração de Empresas Virtuais através de Plataformas Automáticas", (co-orientação: Eugénio Oliveira and Ana Paula Rocha). Mestrado em Inteligência Artificial e Sistemas Inteligentes, July 2007

- Flávia Fadel. “Prontuário Eletrônico para Pacientes de Hanseníase via Web.” Master Thesis (Mestrado em Tecnologia em Saúde) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, . Co-Supervisor: Andreia Malucelli.

- Darya Alexandrovna Barteneva, Computational Mind Models for Emotional Behavioral Multi-Agent Systems, Mestrado em Inteligência Artificial e Sistemas Inteligentes (FEUP and FEP), April de 2007 (Supervisor –L. P. Reis)

- Heloísa Lopes Borges. “Método Centrado no Usuário Aplicado na Atenção Básica em Saúde: Fisioterapia na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Curitiba”, Master thesis (Mestrado em Tecnologia em Saúde) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Co-Supervisor: Andreia Malucelli.

- Jorge Manuel Esparteiro Garcia, "Assistente Web para Análise Automática e Colaborativa de Dados- WebCAD”, Master Thesis in Informatics Engineering, FEUP, Co-supervisor Rui Carlos Camacho de Sousa Ferreira da Silva

- Collaboration on David Pereira Master Thesis, together with Nelma Moreira (from other LIACC Group).

Patents/propotypes (2000 ca.)

We have specified and design models as well as implemented software systems in the form of prototypes that have been demonstrated and reported:

- ForEV V.2.0: Virtual Enterprise Formation Platform. An Agent-based tool and

platform enabling multi-attribute, adaptive negotiation between enterprises aiming at

forming a temporary consortium (V. E.) Now in JADE, Java and JESS. A.P. Rocha, H.L.Cardoso, E.Oliveira,R.Neves, (new version), 2007.

- “FC Portugal 2D” - Simulation 2D League Team - RoboCup - Version 2007. L. P. Reis, N. Lau, L.Mota, in collaboration with IEETA/UA, (new version), 2007.

- MastterLab- Traffic simulation Prototype. Version 1. Rosaldo Rossetti.

- “FC Portugal 3D” - Simulation 3D League Team (Humanoid Robots) - RoboCup, L. P, Reis, N. Lau, J, Certo(new), 2007.

- Visual Debugger v3.0 - Agent Behavior Analysis Tool, Joao Certo, N. Lau, and L.P. Reis, 2007.

- PV-League (Mixed Reality) Setup and Team (R. Gimenes, L. Mota and L. P. Reis), 2007

- Intelligent Wheelchair with shared control (R. Braga, P.Faria, A.P.Moreira, M.Petry, L.P.Reis), 2007

- “EcoDynamo” – Multi-Agent Simulation System (including calibration and aquaculture agents), P. Duarte, A. Pereira, F.Cruz, L. P. Reis, in collaboration with CIAGEB/UFP, (new version), 2007.

Organization of conferences (2000 ca.)

- Co-organiser and Chair for the Special Session on Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation, held at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Seattle, WA, Sept. 30 to Oct. 3. (Rosaldo Rossetti).

- MASTA’2007 – 4th Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Theory and Applications, EPIA – Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimarães, December 2007 (Workshop Chairs: L. P. Reis, E. Oliveira).

- IROBOT’2007 – 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Robotics, EPIA – Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimarães, December 2007 (Workshop Chair: L. P. Reis)

- Co-organiser and Chair for the Workshop on AI Applications for Sustainable Transportation Systems, 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Guimarães, Portugal. (Rosaldo Rossetti and Eugénio Oliveira).

- BAOSW’07 - 2nd Building and Applying Ontologies for the Semantic Web Workshop. 2007 (A Malucelli)

- COMIC’2007 – 2nd Conference on Scientific Research Methodologies, Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering, January 2007, FEUP, Portugal (L.P.Reis and E. Oliveira).

- Ana Paula Rocha was Member of the Jury of TLeIA 2007 Contest, “2nd Edition of the National award for graduation Works in Artificial Intelligence.

Industry contract research (2000 ca.)

- TAP- Portuguese Airlines: Joint research on Multi-Agent Systems paradigm applied to crew and plane scheduling disturbances management (A.Castro and E.Oliveira)

- Three years contract between Schneider Electric GmbH/FEUP, Mechanisms and Tools for Orchestration and Choreography on Service Oriented Architectures (responsible at FEUP LIACC member Francisco Restivo).

Internationalization (2000 ca.)
(Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the international level)

- Joint papers with the U. of Amsterdam ILPS group. (L. Sarmento).

- Besides have staying at UvA, L. Sarmento was for six months, at the GOOGLE Labs in NY.

- With SINTEF Lab, Norway, we collaborate through joint supervision of MSc theses.

- Joint Organization of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Seattle (R.Rossetti).

- With Brazilian Universities we organize conferences and supervise PhDs (U. Católica Curitiba, U. Minas Gerais, UFRGS, Universidade São Paulo). We coordinated a bi-lateral project with Prof. Ana Bazzan’s group at UFRGS.

- We belong to the Editorial Board of the following Journals: "Autonomous Agents and

Multi-agent Systems", (E. Oliveira); “Agent Oriented Software Engineering”, (E. Oliveira);

“Computational Intelligence”, “Enformatika”, (L.P. Reis); "Frontiers in AI and its Applications" sub-series (E. Oliveira);

- Andreia Malucelli is now Co-Director of the “Web Intelligence Consortium Brazil” -

- Collaboration work and Joint PhD supervision with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Hans-Dieter Burkhard). Luis Mota was in Berlin for three months.

- Hugo Marques is at the University of Essex for PhD thesis preparation.

- Students (Daniel Palzer) from the University of Trier in Germany and from U. Madrid, have done their graduation thesis in our group.

We have also participated in large number of PCs of International Scientific meetings.