Group Description

Please confirm here the name of the group, the Host Institution in which the Principal Investigator is located, four Key words that best describe your work and finally in concise form indicate mains sources of funding for the research of your group. Include all types of funding, like FCT projects, FCT Base, as well as funding from other institutions. You should indicate an approximate amount in EUROS, and the source to which the funds apply.

1. Group Name/Designation
Advanced Programming Systems

2. Principal Investigator
Ana Paula Nunes Gomes Tomás
3. Location of Group (Host Institution)
Universidade do Porto
4. Keywords
| | |
5. Funding, source, dates (1000 ca.)

39216 FCT Plurianual 2007

28333 FCT Project MYDDAS 2007-2008

5000 FCT Project AGILMAT 2007

+ salaries of team members, University of Porto 2007

+ grants, FCT, Gulbenkian, others 2007

PI & Researchers

In this section indicate first the PhD researchers that make up the group by selecting them from the list of researchers integrated in the Unit. In the second section you can indicate whether other PhD researchers not integrated in the Unit collaborate with group by typing their public key. Finally in the last part you should include all the non-PhDs members of the group.

1. Researchers in the Group (PhD. Only) (1)
Ana Paula Nunes Gomes Tomás (Professor Auxiliar)
Jorge Manuel Neves Coelho (Professor-Adjunto)
Luis Manuel Martins Damas (Professor Associado)
Michel Celestino Paiva Ferreira (Professor Auxiliar)
Miguel Caetano de Oliveira Filgueiras (Professor Catedrático)
2. Other Researchers in the Group (PhD.) (2)
Antonio Leslie Bajuelos Dominguez (Professor Auxiliar)
João Francisco Cordeiro de Oliveira Barros (Professor Auxiliar)
José Paulo de Vilhena Geraldes Leal (Professor Auxiliar)
Ricardo Jorge Gomes Lopes da Rocha (Professor Auxiliar)
3. Other Researchers in the Group (non PhD.) (2)
Cláudio Oliveira Amaral (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
David Manuel Gonçalves Vaz (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
FERNANDA LINS LEAL UCHÔA DE LIMA (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Hugo Marcelo Fernandes da Conceição (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos (Assistente)
Ricardo Jorge Fernandes (Não aplicável (bolseiro))
Rodrigo Liberal Fernandes (Outra)

Objectives & Achievements

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group during the 2007 period . If the number of characters is more than the permitted maximum you will not be able to complete the form.

1. Objectives (2000 ca.)

The APS group is concerned with the development of advanced systems that put fundamental research to practical use. Current research concentrates on four main areas:

--- Logic Programming and Spatial Data Processing

--- Automatic Complexity Analysis

--- XML Processing and Collaborative Knowledge Management Systems

--- Algorithms and Constraints

During 2007, we plan to continue previous work on:

* Extensions of Yap Prolog system (jointly with researchers of CRACS-UI) to support inductive logic programming, tabling and deductive databases.

* MYDDAS deductive database system, for efficiently coupling Yap logic system and MySQL database management.

* Spatial-Yap, extending MYDDAS to access spatial attributes of relational tables.

* Intelligent transportation systems: platforms for urban traffic simulation

* DIVERT prototype, exploring intelligent database systems and V2V communications for traffic flow optimisation (with J. Barros, NIP group/IT)

* GPSMan, a user-friendly graphical environment for preparation, inspection and edition of GPS data.

* Bounded resource computation (with K.Hammond, St.Andrews University and H.Simões and M.Florido, FMC/LIACC group) addressing type-based analysis for inferring size and cost-equations for functional programming in embedded systems.

* Tools for syntactic validation, semantic verification and unification of XML documents for automatic website verification and collaboration on the web (with M. Florido, FMC/LIACC, and also T.Kutsia, RISC, Linz)

* Models and solvers for discrete constraint and algorithmic problems -- matchings with preferences, geometric problems, diophantine constraints, configuration, symbolic solvers with application to AGILMAT (collaborators N. Moreira (LCC/LIACC), Ana Gonçalves (UA) and L. Bajuelos CEOC-UI/UA)).

* Tools for the translation of mathematical texts to and from the special Braille systems used for Mathematics (with M. Arala Chaves, Atractor)

2. Main Achievements (2000 ca.)

- DIVERT, a state-of-the-art traffic simulator, for large scale V2V networks. It was used for studying critical parameters of vehicular adhoc networks [2] . DIVERT ( is raising great interest and appeared on a news cast of the Portuguese national TV. A spin-off -- GeoLink -- was created.

- The MYDDAS system, a successful deductive database coupling YapTab and MySQL. Extensions of the YapTab tabling system reinforced our belief that tabling can contribute to expand LP applications ([8,10] and P. Costa MSc).

- Spatial-Yap, extending the Yap Prolog system and the MYDDAS interface to handle vectorial spatial data. It improves spatial data handling in all aspects [1,3].

- XCentric, a constraint logic programming language for declarative XML processing based on the unification of flexible arity terms and a type system [5]. It was also demonstrated at ACM-PLAN-X 2007.

- VeriFlog was extended with the ability to repair the web-pages that do not obey to a given rule, based on compile time and run-time type-checking [6].

- New procedures for sequence disunification were developed [4].

- GPSMan, work in 2007 covered the addition of the least squares fit for geo-referencing images, and the integration of contributed support for Russian, what increases the number of available languages to 9. A new release (6.3.2) was made public on July.

- AGILMAT, a web application for mathematics education was presented at ICWL 2007 [9]. AGILMAT appeared in a Portuguese magazine.

- A translator of mathematical texts with LaTeX denotations to the special Braille system used for Mathematics in Portugal, Spain and Latin America. Context-dependencies make the translation not straightforward.

- A new implementation of our solver for Minimum Vertex-guard Problems, working for orthogonal polygons with or

without holes, distinct partitions and visibility ranges. Extensive experiments were carried out (Ana Gonçalves, MSc)

- Extensive simulations showed that our algorithm for solving the Teachers Problem (PTTR) scales up efficiently.

- Jorge Coelho defended his Ph.D thesis. Pedro Vasconcelos has finished writing his Ph.D thesis (for submission to St.Andrews Univ.).

- JEDI (a Joint Environment for Deduction and Induction - and its application over spatial data) Project proposal, PTDC/EIA/66924/2006, was ranked excellent, and recommended for top funding.


This section refers to the research output of the group during the 2007. From the list provided choose the items that you want to complete and a field will appear. Follow the instructions provided in each item. You are not required to fill in all the items only those for which your group has output. Please note that for peer reviewed publication you must include impact factor and number of citations. If these indicators are not available you must include that publication as Other Publications.

Other publications International (3000 ca.)
(Include only Books, chapters or full papers published in conference proceedings up to max of 10. Give title and full citation in original language)

[1] David Vaz, Michel Ferreira, Ricardo Lopes: Spatial-Yap: A Logic-Based Geographic Information System. 23rd International Conference Logic Programming (ICLP 2007). LNCS 4670, pp. 195-208. (

[2] Hugo Conceição, Luís Damas, Michel Ferreira and João Barros. The DIVERT Project: Development of Inter-Vehicular Reliable Telematics. OSGeo Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue on the Proc. of the Free Open-Source Software for Geospatial - 2007. pp 51-56. (

[3] David Vaz and Michel Ferreira. Spatial-Yap: A Spatio-Deductive Database System. OSGeo Journal, Volume 3, Special Issue on the Proc. of the Free Open-Source Software for Geospatial -2007. pp. 44-47. (

[4] Jorge Coelho, Mário Florido and Temur Kutsia. Sequence Disunification and its Application in Collaborative Schema Construction. WISE 2007-Workshops. LNCS 4832, Springer-Verlag 2007, pp 91-102. (

[5] Jorge Coelho and Mário Florido. XCentric: Logic Programming for XML Processing. 9th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM'07). ACM Press, 2007, pp. 1-8. (

[6] Jorge Coelho and Mário Florido. Type-based Static and Dynamic Website Verification. Proc. 2nd International Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. (

[7] H. Simões, K. Hammond, M. Florido and P. Vasconcelos. Using Intersection Types for Cost-analysis of Higher-Order Polymorphic Functional Programs. Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2006 (Revised Selected Papers), LNCS 4502, Springer-Verlag 2007, pp 221-236.


[8] Pedro Costa, Ricardo Rocha and Michel Ferreira. Tabling Logic Programs in a Database. 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2007). 2007, 125--135.

[9] Ana P. Tomás, José P. Leal, M. Domingues. A Web Application for Mathematics Education. In Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Web-based Learning (ICWL'2007), pp.384-391. (also to appear in ICWL'2007-- Revised Papers, LNCS 4823, pp 380-391, 2008) (

[10] Pedro Costa, Ricardo Rocha and Michel Ferreira. Relational Storage Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs. 1st Int. Conference on Compiler, Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA 2007), pages 3-14. Covilha, Portugal, July 2007.

Master and Ph.D. thesis completed (3000 ca.)

PhD Thesis:

----- Jorge Manuel Neves Coelho. XML Processing in Logic Programming. PhD Thesis in Computer Science. University of Porto, 11/2007. (supervised by M. Florido, LIACC-FMC Group)

MSc Thesis:

---- Pedro Miguel Pereira Mota da Costa. Relational Storage Mechanisms for Tabled Logic Programs. MSc in Informatics, DCC-FCUP, 07/2007, supervised by Ricardo Rocha (CRACS/UP) and Michel Ferreira (LIACC)


---- Ana Rosa Marques Gonçalves. On Illuminating Polygons with Vertex Floodlights . MSc in Mathematics (Modelação e Visualização Gráfica), University of Aveiro, 09/2007, supervised by Ana P.Tomás (LIACC) and L. Bajuelos (CEOC/UA) (

Patents/propotypes (2000 ca.)


AGILMAT: a web application for math education, 2003-2007.

DIVERT:Development of Inter-VEhicular Reliable Telematics, 2007.

GPSMan version 6.3.2: a graphical manager of GPS (Global Positioning System) data, 1998-2007.

MYDDAS: a deductive database system coupling YapTab and MySQL, 2005-2007.

OPTYap: a parallel logic programming system supporting or-parallelism and tabling, based on Yap Prolog, 2000-2007.

SimTraffic: a traffic micro-simulator using a continuous model, 2006-2007.

Spatial-Yap: a spatio-deductive database system, 2006-2007.

XCentric: a logic programming language specialized for XML-processing, 2006-2007.

VeriFLog: a tool for verification and automatic correction of content in large websites, 2006-2007.

Internationalization (2000 ca.)
(Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks or other forms of participation of the Research Group at the international level)

- Stéphane Grumbach, INRIA (France) and LIAMA (Beijing), Director of LIAMA, as project consultant (for JEDI).

- Deepak Kapur, Univ. New Mexico, USA, as project consultant (for MYDDAS).

- Manuel Hermenegildo, Univ Politécnica de Madrid and Univ. New Mexico, USA, Director of IMDEA, as project consultant (for MYDDAS).

- Kevin Hammond (PhD supervisor of Pedro B. Vasconcelos) , St. Andrews University in the area of resourse

analysis of functional programs. Publication [7] (jointly with FMC members).

- Temur Kutsia, RISC Institute in the area of unification, resulting in publication [4] (jointly with FMC members).

-- Research networks, bi-lateral actions:

* CRUP Spanish-Portuguese Action 77/06 "Algorithmic Problems in Illumination, Visibility and Surveillance", coordinated by M.Abellanas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and L.Bajuelos (CEOC/Universidade de Aveiro) (01/2006-12/2007). Intensive working sessions during workshop WCG 2007 organized by CEOC Unit, February 7-9, 2007 (

-- A. P. Tomás, member of the examining committee of the PhD thesis of Pedro Cardoso (on "Ant Colony algorithms for multiple objective combinatorial optimization"), Univ of Seville (Spain), March 2007.