D.3 Cooperation Top D.2.2 NIAAD: Ongoing projects D.2.3 NIAD&R: Ongoing projects

D.2.3 NIAD&R: Ongoing projects

1. AgentLink II

This project is funded by the European Union IST Programme and supports an international network of excellence for Agent Based Computing. It follows AgentLink I that has finished beginning of 2000

Project title: AgentLink II
Effort at LIACC: 1 man year
Funding entity: EU (IST)
Total award period covered: from August/2001 to August/2003
Coordinator at LIACC: Eugénio Oliveira
Prime contractor: University of Southampton

Other partners include, Queen Mary Westfield College/University of London, Technical University of Munich, University of York, OFAI (Vienna), University of Paris VI, University of Neuchatel, IIIA/Barcelona, Imag/Grenoble and many others.

Partners are grouped in different Special Interest Groups and NIAD&R - LIACC belongs to two different SIGs: Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC) and Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALAD). Our activity in AgentLink II is directly related with our research on: Agents Negotiation protocol models

Our main objectives in this project are:

2. PORTUS - A Common Framework for Cooperation in Mobile Robotics

Project title: PORTUS (POSI/SRI/41315/2001)
Effort at LIACC: 71 man months
Duration period: 36 months
Funding entity: FCT, POSI
Coordinator at LIACC: Eugénio Oliveira
LIACC team: Luis Paulo Reis, Eugénio Oliveira
Partners: ISR-Porto (leader) and LIACC

Motivation: This project aims at developing a new approach to cooperative robotics in general and to building RoboSoccer teams in particular. The project main goal is to design a software common framework suitable for the implementation of a agent-based software that may control robots to be used for several cooperative robotic tasks and in particular, may control robots that are able to play in any Robotic Soccer leagues (simulation, small-size, middle-size and legged). The same agent-based software will control each one of the robots of Portus team, regarding its action and perception capabilities and the cooperative task to perform. The common framework will include a knowledge representation structure capable of representing structured knowledge supplied by a domain expert to a team of cooperative robots. This structure is instantiated by special supervisor agents developed for each RoboCup league or cooperative task to perform.

Each agent in Portus includes a dynamic world state model that will be updated though visual perception, robot communication and action prediction. In Portus project, both inter-agent cooperation and team coordination policies have to be investigated. This will include cooperation methods like dynamic positioning and role exchange, strategic positioning and intelligent communication.

In order to control different robots, the common framework software agent need specific parts that must also be built to deal with special constraints related with the agent's perception and action capabilities.

The very idea of Portus project is then to design an agent-based common framework applicable in partially cooperative, partially adversarial domains, to different cooperative robotic tasks, including all major RoboCup soccer leagues.

Main objectives of the project:

The main objective of Portus is to develop a common agent-based framework for controlling cooperative teams of mobile robots. According to the general architecture we are envisaging for the proposed framework, this objective may be subdivided into the following sub-objectives:

3. SAM-AC - Distributed Cooperative Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

Project proposal submitted to FCT Sapiens Program (Projectos de Investigação científica e de desenvolvimento tecnológico em todos os domínios científicos) - 2002. Coordinator: Eugénio Oliveira Prime Contractor: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (LIACC group) Other partners: ADETTI- Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Telecomunicações e técnicas de Informática

4. FC Portugal - New Coordination Methodologies Applied to the Simulation League

Project proposal submitted to FCT Sapiens Program - BETA (Projectos de Investigação em Programas Específicos - 2002). Project Coordinator: Luis Paulo Reis Prime Contractor: LIACC, University of Porto. Other partners: IEETA, University of Aveiro

5. LEMAS - Learning in Multi-Agent Systems in the RoboCup Sony Legged League

Project proposal submitted to FCT Sapiens Program - BETA (Projectos de Investigação em Programas Específicos - 2002).

Project Coordinator: Eugénio Oliveira Prime Contractor: Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. 

©LIACC, Universidade do Porto, 2003
D.3 Cooperation Top D.2.2 NIAAD: Ongoing projects D.2.3 NIAD&R: Ongoing projects