====== Components ====== The DRIVER toolset was developed as a bundle of dependent plug-ins for dokuwiki, with the sole purpose of supporting the [[learningknowledgecycle|learning knowledge cycle]]. Component-wise, it can be divided into 5 main complementary items, which are detailed below. ===== Capture ===== The **Capture** component allows the system to become aware of the learning steps of the user, by tracking all the navigation along the wiki. All pages and sections the user reads are logged and recorded, so that the user can, progressively, build her learning path. The start and end of this capture is signalled by the user, therefore the system has two global states: //capturing// and //not capturing//. ===== Search ===== The **Search** component allows any user, at any time (no matter what state the system is in), to query the knowledge-base for learning paths that might prove useful. This query relies on tags that previous users have used to describe their learning paths((The component provides an auto-completion feature, e.g., while the user is typing her tags, the system provides a list of already existing tags in the knowledge-base)), and the search results are sorted according to the rating score each learning path has. The user can then preview and //walkthrough// a specific queried learning path to find out if it’s really helpful. Additionally, the user can rate any of the queried learning paths according to its usefulness or even change the scores of learning paths she has already rated. All of this is done without disrupting any previous navigation the user has made in the wiki, as the plug-in resides, graphically, in a different layer (side tab). ===== Prune/Graft ===== The **Prune/Graft** component allows the user to build her (final) learning path for storage (sharing) purposes. At any time during the //capturing// state, the user can access all the steps of the learning path (captured so far) and re-arrange them to compose the relevant order by which she reached a solution. The composed learning path can then be tagged for indexing purposes and stored in the knowledge-base for access by the community of learners. The user can keep building her learning path (resuming her navigation on the wiki) without loosing the captured steps, until she signals the end of her learning activities and the system changes to a //not capturing// state. Even so, the captured steps won’t be lost until a new //capturing// state is signalled. ===== Hint ===== The Hint component allows the system to recommend possible directions the user might take towards her solution. This plug-in only operates when the system is in a //capturing// state. Depending on the present position((The documentation artifact (i.e. wiki page) the user is currently browsing.)) of the user, the system shows a list of possible directions the user might browse next, according to the existing learning paths in the knowledge-base. The user can then, if so wishing, navigate directly to those artifacts. ===== (Learning knowledge) Database ===== This component is, non other than, the implementation of the learning path knowledge-base. It assembles and provides access to the database of learning paths. It was developed to accommodate the need to store and share the learning paths in a relational database structure, whereas the //dokuwiki// engine had no such infrastructure. Nevertheless, it relied on a file-based database technology to maintain simplicity. [[start|< back to start page]]