Academic Positions

  • Present 2020

    Full Professor

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

  • 2020 2015

    Associate Professor with Habilitation

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

  • 2015 2014

    Assistant Professor with Habilitation

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

  • 2014 2009

    Assistant Professor

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

  • 2009 2006

    Invited Assistant Professor

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. 2006

    Ph.D. in ECE (Computer Vision)

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

    Title of the thesis: "Metadata Assisted Image Segmentation"

  • MSc.2005

    Master in Mathematical Engineering

    University of Porto, Faculty of Sciences

  • B.A.1999

    Licentiate (5-year Licenciatura) in ECE

    University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering

Research Lines

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    Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis

    Through the years, several CAD systems have been developed to help radiologists in the hard task of detecting signs of cancer in the numerous screening mammograms. A more recent trend includes the development of pre-CAD systems aiming at identifying normal mammograms instead of detecting suspicious ones. Normal breasts are screened-out from the process, leaving radiologists more time to focus on more difficult cases. We are interested in learning interpretable models for pre-CAD from weakly annotated data, both from mammograms and tomosynthesis.

    Screening mammography is performed in the asymptomatic population to detect early signs of breast cancer such as masses, microcalcifications (MCs), bilateral asymmetry and architectural distortions (AD). Diagnostic mammography is performed on patients who have already demonstrated abnormal clinical findings. Both screening and diagnostic mammography are performed by radiologists who visually inspect mammograms. This is not an easy task: mammograms generally have low contrast. Mammograms show normal structures such as fat, fibroglandular tissue, breast ducts and nipples, as well as possible abnormalities. Although fat appears as black regions on mammograms, everything else appear as levels of white, making it hard to distinguish between normal and abnormal tissue.

    The assumption made in this work is that, in screening, a substantial proportion of normal cases can be automatically detected, alleviating the human effort and giving the specialist more time to carefully evaluate more ambiguous cases.

    We are interested in learning interpretable models for pre-CAD from weakly annotated data, both from mammograms and using the more recent tomosynthesis exam. For diagnosis, we aim at support the decision process by develping tools to identify clinically relevant findings.

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    Breast Cancer Surgery Planning and Evaluation

    The overall aim of this research line is to improve the Quality Of Life (QOL) of breast cancer surgery patients (BCSP) - patients submitted to loco-regional treatment (surgery and radiation therapy whenever needed), through the development of objective tools for evaluating their aesthetic outcome and related QOL and as consequence to measure the quality of treatment and push the standards to a higher level.

    When a woman faces a breast cancer diagnosis, and surgery is proposed, several options are available. The decision as to which type of surgery to offer patients is largely subjective and based almost exclusively on the judgment and experience of the clinician. The cosmetic outcome of surgery is a function of many factors including tumour size and location, the volume of the breast, its density, and the dose and distribution of radiotherapy. In breast-conserving surgery, there is evidence that approximately 30% of women receive a suboptimal or poor aesthetic outcome, however there is currently no standardised method of identifying these women.

    In surgery planning, we aim to provide objective tools, tailored to the individual patient, to predict the aesthetic outcome of breast conserving surgery.

    After the surgery, we aim to objectively evaluate the aesthetic outcome of the procedure.

    The capability of (automatically) evaluating the aesthetic result depends strongly on our understanding of the main factors contributing to that outcome. Therefore, we study and identify the factors relevant to the aesthetic evaluation and perception of the result of the surgical and radiation therapy procedure. These will be the factors that can be derived from patients, tumour and treatment data and also from objective features extracted from digital photographs and 3D meshes of the breast surface. In spite of the differences between the available surgical and radiation therapy procedures, they share similarities that can be exploited when developing methods specific to each treatment type. The individual factors can be combined to provide an overall assessment of the aesthetic result. We adopt transfer and multitask learning techniques from the machine learning community to leverage the learning of models specific to each treatment type.

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    Cervical Cancer Screening

    Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women, with most cases occurring in low to middle income countries. Screening tests such as cytology or colposcopy have been responsible for a strong decrease in cervical cancer deaths. In this research line we aim to achieve results that exceed the current state-of-the-art in cervical cancer screening and diagnosis, in colposcopy procedures, by creating a Computer Aided-Diagnosis (CADx) system that can be easily integrated in the conventional clinical workflow.

    Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women, with most cases occurring in low to middle income countries. Screening tests such as cytology or colposcopy have been responsible for a strong decrease in cervical cancer deaths. In this research line we aim to achieve results that exceed the current state-of-the-art in cervical cancer screening and diagnosis, in colposcopy procedures, by creating a Computer Aided-Diagnosis (CADx) system that can be easily integrated in the conventional clinical workflow.

    When a new patient arrives at the clinical consultation, a cytology, either conventional or Liquid-based Cytology (LBC), depending on the resource availability, is performed. Cytological testing involves collecting exfoliated cells from the cervix, which are stained, fixated, and then visually examined under a microscope by a cytotechnologist. Despite being recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), this procedure has the disadvantage of requiring great resources in terms of quality control, training and time consumption. If the cytology reveals any suspicious findings, a colposcopy is done, which consists in a common and low cost diagnosis method for the visualization of the affected area using a colposcope. The WHO recommends a protocol to perform the diagnosis which includes the examination using different lens filters and applying several solutions sequentially, which gives different sources of data. Since the manual evaluation is highly error prone, some projects have attempted the automatic detection but with limited performance and including only data from part of the protocol.

    The purpose of this research line is to achieve results that exceed the current state-of-the-art in cervical cancer screening and diagnosis, in colposcopy procedures, by creating a Computer Aided-Diagnosis (CADx) system that can be easily integrated in the conventional clinical workflow. The primary goals of the project include the exploration of low-cost image acquisition approaches for cervical data; quality assessment of cervical imaging; image processing and analysis of cytological and colposcopy data; and fundamental machine learning and computer vision strategies to take advantage of multimodal settings with interpretability requirements.

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    Unconstrained Biometrics

    Very short description of the project.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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    Machine Learning

    Very short description of the project.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


PhD Students

  1. Tiago Filipe Sousa Goncalves, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2020/xxxx
  2. Isabel Rio-Torto, PhD St. FCUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2020/xxxx
  3. Leonardo Gomes Capozzi, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2020/xxxx
  4. Pedro David Carneiro Neto, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2020/xxxx
  5. Maria Helena Sampaio de Mendonça Montenegro e Almeida, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2021/xxxx
  6. Joao Diogo Fernandes Freitas Nunes, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2022/xxxx
  7. Beatriz Vieira, PhD St. IST (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2022/xxxx
  8. Bruno Fonseca, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2022/xxxx
  9. Hossein Zolfagharnasab, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2023/xxxx
  10. Arefeh Mazarei, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2023/xxxx
  11. Felipe Coutinho, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2024/xxxx
  12. Wenwu Ma, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "to be defined", 2024/xxxx
  13. Chao Liu, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2024/xxxx
  14. Pedro Lima, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2024/xxxx
  15. Safa Vakili, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2024/xxxx
  16. Mariana Doria Prata Lima, PhD St. LNCC (co-supervisor), "to be defined", 2025/xxxx

MSc Students

  • to be updated

Alumni Students

PhD Students

  1. Diana Leitao Montezuma Pego Felizardo, PhD St. ICBAS (supervisor), "A new vision in Pathology: From clinical implementation of Digital Pathology to algorithm development in Computational Pathology", 2020/2025
  2. Maxime Dumont, PhD St. Aix-Marseille Université (co-supervisor), "Deep Learning pour le phasage de télescope segmenté. Analyse de front d’onde en plan focal pour télescope spatial : application au phasage d’un Cubesat deployable pour l'observation de la Terre.", 2021/2024
  3. Tome Mendes Albuquerque, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Multimodal Cervical Cancer Diagnosis: Deep Learning for Automatic Decision Support", 2019/2024
  4. Eduardo Meca Castro, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Deep Learning based Computer Aided Diagnosis for Breast Cancer Screening", 2018/2023
  5. Joao Tiago Ribeiro Pinto, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring", 2018/2022
  6. Wilson Jose dos Santos Silva, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deep Aesthetic Assessment of Breast Cancer Surgery Outcomes", 2017/2022
  7. Sara Isabel Pires de Oliveira, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Cancer diagnosis in digital pathology: learning from label scarcity", 2018/2022
  8. Ana Filipa Domingues Geros, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Novel Tools for Quantification and Automatic Classification of Behavior in Laboratory Animals - Advancing Computational Ethology", 2016/2022
  9. Ricardo Jorge Terroso de Araujo, PhD St. FCUP (co-supervisor), "Computer vision for blood vessel segmentation and related applications", 2016/2021
  10. Diogo Pernes, PhD St. FCUP (supervisor), "Learning from multi-entity data", 2017/2021
  11. Silvia Bessa, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Personalized 3D Breast Cancer Models: from Multimodal Registration to Predictive Shape Modelling", 2016/2021
  12. Ricardo Cruz, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Rethinking a Deep Learning Pipeline for Images", 2016/2021
  13. Joana Raquel Cerqueira da Silva, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Machine Learning Applied to Fall Prediction and Detection Using Wearable Sensors", 2015/2020
  14. Pedro Miguel Martins Ferreira, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Sign Language Recognition: Integrating Prior Domain Knowledge into Deep Neural Networks", 2015/2020
  15. Anisa Allahdadidastjerdi, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Performance Anomaly Detection in 802.11 Wireless Networks Applying Hidden Markov Models", 2012/2020
  16. Kelwin Alexander Fernandes Correia, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Fundamental Topics in Machine Intelligence and their Application to Digital Colposcopy", 2014/2018
  17. Luis Filipe Caeiro Margalho Guerra Rosado, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Computer-aided Detection of Malaria Parasites", 2013/2018
  18. Hooshiar Zolfagharnasab, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Toward a 3D Planning Approach for Breast Conserving Surgery", 2012/2018
  19. Joao C. Monteiro, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Multimodal Biometric Recognition Under Unconstrained Settings", 2012/2017
  20. Samaneh Khoshrou, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Learning in Evolving Video Streams", 2011/2017
  21. Chetak Kandaswamy, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Contributions on Deep Transfer Learning", 2013/2016
  22. Eduardo José Marques Pereira, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Humans in Action at Different Levels: the group, the whole and the parts", 2011/2016
  23. Ana Filipa Pinheiro Sequeira, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Liveness Detection and Robust Recognition in Iris and Fingerprint Biometric Systems", 2011/2015
  24. Ines Campos Monteiro Sabino Domingues, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "An automatic mammogram system: from screening to diagnosis", 2009/2015
  25. Andre Miguel Passos Baltazar, PhD St. Escola das Artes, Univ. Catolica (co-supervisor), "Zatlab: Recognizing gestures for artistic performance interaction", 2009-2015
  26. Helder Filipe Pinto de Oliveira, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "An Affordable and Practical 3D Solution for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", 2008/2013
  27. Ana Maria Silva Rebelo, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Robust Optical Recognition of Handwritten Musical Scores based on Domain Knowledge", 2008/2012
  28. Ricardo Jorge Gamelas de Sousa, PhD St. FEUP (supervisor), "Multicriteria learning on ordinal data", 2008/2012
  29. Pedro Miguel Machado Soares Carvalho, PhD St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Video Object Tracking - Contributions to Object Description and Performance Assessment", 2007-2012

MSc Students

  1. Bruno Aloysio Marques Chicre da Costa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Sistema de comparação de objectos com base em AI/ML", 2024
  2. Joao Filipe Miranda Fragao, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Explainability and Detection of Anomalies in Video", 2024
  3. Nikolas Ivakko, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Exploring 3D and kinematic information for 2D Human Pose Estimation", 2024
  4. Pedro Miguel Sampaio Ferreira Machado, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "A deep generative approach for HER2 status assessment on breast H E", 2024
  5. Maria Jose Valente da Silva Carneiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Quality Control in Digital Pathology: Improving fragment detection and counting", 2024
  6. Maria Miguel Santos Beirao, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Classification of Keratitis from Eye Corneal Photographs using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study on Amoeba, Bacteria, and Fungi", 2024
  7. Ines Alves Martins, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "A Data-Driven Framework for the Assessment and Mitigation of Clinical Measurement Disparities", 2024
  8. Airton Matos Andrade Fernandes Tiago, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Data Augmentation for Ordinal Data", 2024
  9. Pedro Fernandes Sousa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "AI-based Conditional Generation of Diffusion MR Images", 2023
  10. Ines Rodrigues Campos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Prediction of Knee Osteoarthritis using MRI-based Radiomic Features", 2023
  11. Mariana Margalho Alves Calado, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Application of Explainable AI in Deep Learning Models", 2023
  12. Francisco Campos da Silva Ferreira Ribeiro, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Machine learning applied to deep space images", 2023
  13. Rafael Valente Cristino, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Introducing Domain Knowledge to Scene Parsing in Autonomous Driving", 2023
  14. Claudia Maria Eira Ribeiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Drawing the Line: Multimodal Lane Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles", 2023
  15. Caio Macedo Nogueira, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Explainable AI in Object Detection for Autonomous Driving", 2023
  16. Ricardo Jorge Cruz Fontao, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Multimodal Deep Implicit Representations for Autonomous Driving", 2023
  17. Maria Carolina Morgado Bastiao Guedes Bras, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deep Learning for improved NCP quantification and false positive reduction in CCTA", 2023
  18. Joao Carlos Ramos Goncalves de Matos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Research Frameworks towards Health Equity", 2023
  19. Joao Filipe Delgado Lemos de Matos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Synthetic Data in Semantic Segmentation and Lane Estimation for Autonomous Driving", 2023
  20. Francisco Tiago de Espírito Santo e Caetano, MSc St. FEUP (cosupervisor), "Visual Data Processing for Anomaly Detection", 2023
  21. Vitor Hugo Pereira Barbosa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Robust occupant action classification in shared autonomous vehicles", 2022
  22. Maria Manuel Domingos Carvalho, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Towards Biometrically-Morphed Case-Based Explanations", 2022
  23. Joao Pedro Pinto Mota, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deep Implicit Representations in Autonomous Driving", 2022
  24. Nuno Pinheiro da Silva Mota Freitas, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Classification of Cervical Cancer Risk using Deep Learning", 2022
  25. Miguel Andre Costa e Silva, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Machine Learning Applied to Deep Space Images", 2022
  26. Margarida Gonçalves Gouveia, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Geometric Deep Learning in Fingerprint Recognition Systems", 2022
  27. Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Efficient Neuromorphic Architectures for Visual Perception", 2022
  28. Maria Jorge Miranda Loureiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Transfer Learning Techniques for Classification of Biological Samples using Optical Fingerprint", 2022
  29. Pedro Duarte da Cunha Nunes Lopes, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Deep Neural Networks for Face-based Emotion Recognition", 2022
  30. Mariana Silva Xavier, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Inside Out: Fusing ECG and Face Information to Recognise Emotions", 2022
  31. Guilherme Augusto Tiritan Romano Barbosa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Going 2D: Exploring Learnable Bidimensional Representations for ECG Biometric", 2022
  32. Diogo Baptista Martins da Mata, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Biomedical multimodal explanations - increasing diversity and complementarity in explainable artificial intelligence", 2022
  33. Liliana Filipa Pinho Ribeiro, MSc St. ESS (supervisor), "Diagnostico assistido por computador no Cancro Colorretal: podemos faze-lo?", 2021
  34. Manuel José Pereira Curral, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Machine learning in the diagnosis of disorders of consciousness using SMART", 2021
  35. Victor Manuel Alves, MSc St. FEP (co-supervisor), "Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT Images with Convolutional Neural Networks", 2021
  36. Rolando de Sousa Chichorro Avides Moreira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Scene understanding from 3D point clouds and RGB images for autonomous driving", 2021
  37. Bernardo Magina Madureira Palha de Araujo, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Label-efficient learning of LiDAR-based perception models for autonomous driving", 2021
  38. Maria Helena Sampaio de Mendonça Montenegro e Almeida, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "A privacy-preserving framework for case-based interpretability in machine learning", 2021
  39. Pedro Antonio Ferreira Cardoso Videira Lopes, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Generative XAI in Computer-Aided Detection of Glaucoma Risk", 2021
  40. Martim Gil Reis Chaves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deep Learning for Backscatter Classification", 2021
  41. Ines Alexandra Teixeira Antunes de Magalhaes, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Feel My Heart: Emotion Recognition Using the Electrocardiogram", 2021
  42. Sofia Cardoso Beco, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Make My Heartbeat: Generation and Interlead Conversion of ECG Signals", 2021
  43. Isabella Medeiros de Sousa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Machine Learning para Segmentação de Lesões de Esclerose Múltipla em Imagens de Ressonância Magnética", 2021
  44. Maria Carolina Silva Teixeira Pinto, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automotive Interior Sensing - Human Interaction Recognition", 2021
  45. Jose Pedro Passos Leocadio, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Protecting IOT devices against cyberattacks using deep learning to classify radio-frequency emissions of code running on the processor", 2021
  46. Beatriz Oliveira Ferreira, MSc St. IST (co-supervisor), "Multimodal approach to Alzheimer's Disease Classification", 2020
  47. Arthur Johas Matta, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Open­World Face Recognition", 2020
  48. Joao Manuel Guedes Ferreira, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Head Pose Estimation for Facial Biometric Recognition Systems", 2020
  49. Jose Martinho Peres, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automotive Interior Sensing - Temporal Consistent Human Body Pose Estimation", 2020
  50. Pedro Miguel Coutinho Augusto, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automotive Interior Sensing - Anomaly Detection", 2020
  51. Mariana Silva, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Reduction of non-regression time through artificial intelligence", 2020
  52. Francisco Tuna Andrade, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Sensor Networks", 2020
  53. Joao Afonso Pinto Pereira, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Fingerprint Anti Spoofing - Domain Adaptation and Adversarial Learning", 2020
  54. Pedro Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Machine Learning Improvements to Human Motion Tracking", 2020
  55. Maria Francisca Pessanha de Meneses Ribeiro dos Reis, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Automatic Assessment of Equestrian Pain", 2020
  56. Hugo Miguel Miranda Barros, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Aquaculture Fish Quality Control Using Synthetic Data", 2020
  57. Francisca Morgado, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Cervical Cancer Screening: tools for automatic image quality assessment and diagnosis support", 2019
  58. João Soares Sousa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automation of Waste Sorting with Deep Learning", 2019
  59. António Pedro Rodrigues Pereira, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Detection and Classification of Obstacles for Autonomous Ships using Machine Learning", 2019
  60. Margarida João Castro Neves Fernandes, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Driver drowsiness detection combining non-intrusive signal acquisition modalities", 2019
  61. Gabriel Carneiro Lopes, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Don't You Forget About Me: Enhancing Long-Term Performance in Electrocardiogram Biometrics", 2019
  62. Tiago Filipe Sousa Goncalves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deep Aesthetic Assessment of Breast Cancer Surgery Outcomes", 2019
  63. Diogo Antunes Vaz de Carvalho, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Framework for Machine Learning Interpretability Assessment", 2019
  64. Ana Filipa Adonias Costa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Towards Automatic Detection and quantification of Mice Arthritis", 2019
  65. Jose Luis Pacheco Martins, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Glaucoma in Fundus Image", 2019
  66. Guilherme de Oliveira Santos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automotive Interior Sensing Imaging solutions", 2018
  67. Joni Ramiro Pires Gonçalves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Vehicle's Interior Presence Detection and Notification System", 2018
  68. Filipa Branco Fanzeres de Castro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Efficiently Scaling the Annotation of Tennis Videos via Crowdsourcing", 2018
  69. Jose Soares Rebelo, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "CNN-Based Refinement for Image Segmentation", 2018
  70. Filipe Martins Marques, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Facial Expression Recognition: Towards Meaningful Prior Knowledge in Deep Neural Networks", 2018
  71. Ricardo Dantas Cerqueira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "New Learning Strategies in Deep Models for Breast Cancer Screening", 2018
  72. Licinio Manuel França de Oliveira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Driver drowsiness detection using non-intrusive signal acquisition", 2018
  73. Tiago Salgado Magalhães Taveira-Gomes, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Reinforcement Learning for Primary Care Appointment Scheduling", 2017
  74. Borgine Vasques Gurue, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Analise e Classificacao de Imagem Hiper-espectral", 2017
  75. Bruno Miguel Ferreira Moreira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Analise Automatica de Melanoma Utilizando Imagens Dermatoscopicas", 2017
  76. Eduardo Meca Castro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Rotated Filters and Learning Strategies in Convolutional Neural Networks for Mammographic Lesions Detection", 2017
  77. Pedro Guilherme Reis Alves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automatic Assessment of Infantile Hemangiomas", 2017
  78. Sofia de Sousa Almeida, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Performance assessment and prediction of football players: Tailoring an architecture with spatiotemporal positional and physiological features", 2017
  79. Claudia Sofia Alferes Ribeiro da Silva Silveira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Driver's Fatigue State Monitoring using Physiological Signals", 2017
  80. Joao Tiago Ribeiro Pinto, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Continuous Biometric Identification on the Steering Wheel", 2017
  81. Salik Ram Khanal, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Machine Learning for Supermarket Data Analysis", 2016
  82. Tiago Daniel Santos Freitas, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "3D Face Recognition Under Unconstrained Settings Using Low-Cost Sensors", 2016
  83. Ricardo Reis Marques Silva, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Measuring Impedance in Congestive Heart Failure", 2016
  84. Rui Cardoso Esteves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Mobile multimodal biometric identification for african communities", 2015
  85. Ana Filipa Domingues Geros, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Capture and analysis of the trajectories of anatomical points on the face to support and evaluate reconstructive plastic surgery", 2015
  86. Hugo Miguel Felgueira de Andrade, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Image processing methodology for blood cell counting via mobile devices", 2015
  87. Pedro Manuel Nunes Sequeira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Hierarchical Dynamical Systems", 2015
  88. Andre Filipe Ferreira de Castro, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Reconhecimento de simbolos musicais em imagens cinza de partituras manuscritas", 2014
  89. Marisa Mendonca dos Reis, MSc St. FCUP (co-supervisor), "A Comparative Study on Fingerprint Matching Algorithms", 2014
  90. Carlos Jorge Alves da Hora Martins, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Contributions to the Automatic Recognition of Portuguese Sign Language", 2014
  91. Filipe Oliveira Ramos Trocado Ferreira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Video Analysis in Indoor Soccer with a Quadcopter", 2014
  92. Joao David Pereira da Costa, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Ensemble Methods in Ordinal Data Classification", 2014
  93. Ana Rute Caetano Louro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Liveness Detection in Biometrics", 2014
  94. Ana Rita Carvalho Moreira, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Dynamic Analysis of Upper Limbs Movements after Breast Cancer Surgery", 2014
  95. Pedro Miguel Ferro da Costa, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Kinect Based System for Breast 3D Reconstruction", 2014
  96. Vitor Joel do Nascimento Araujo, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Human detection solution for a retail store environment", 2014
  97. Rui Miguel Filipe da Silva, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Mobile framework for recognition of musical characters", 2013
  98. Joao Paulo Leite Botelho, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "KITE - Tracking da bola em jogos de futsal com video", 2013
  99. Juliano Ferreira Jorge Murari, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Deteccao de vivacidade em sistemas de reconhecimento de iris", 2013
  100. Joana Cristina Lopes da Fonseca, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Pre-CADs in Breast Cancer", 2013
  101. Claudia Marina Correia Castro, MSc St. FMUP (supervisor), "Estudo do impacto da densidade mamaria no cancro da mama", 2013
  102. Vitor Hugo Couto Vidal, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Staffline detection and removal in the Grayscale Domain", 2012
  103. Marco Alexandre Dias Silva, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Kinect Based System Applied to Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment", 2012
  104. Joao Pedro da Silva Monteiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Automatic Behavior Recognition in Laboratory Animals using Kinect", 2012
  105. Joao Carlos de Sousa Monteiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Robust Iris Recognition under Unconstrained Settings", 2012
  106. Miguel Jorge Pereira Cova, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Global localization of vertical road signs using a car equipped with a stereo vision system and GPS", 2011
  107. Diogo Santos Martins, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Biometric recognition based on the texture along palmprint principal lines", 2011
  108. Diogo Machado Carneiro Dias, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Computational Vision Applied to the Segmentation and Morphometric Characterization of the Sciatic Nerve in Microscopic Images", 2011
  109. Joao Miguel Trigo Soares, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Uncalibrated Stereo Vision applied to Breast Cancer Treatment Aesthetic Assessment", 2011
  110. Helder Jose da Silva Matos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Reconhecimento Biometrico Baseado na Geometria da Mao", 2011
  111. Joao Paulo da Silva Ferreira Monteiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Computer Aided Detection in Mammography", 2011
  112. Igor Francisco Areias Amaral, MSc St. FCUP (supervisor), "Content-Based Image Retrieval for Medical Applications", 2010
  113. Jose Graciano Almeida Ramos, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Algoritmos Colaborativos para Sistemas de Recomendacao", 2010
  114. Telmo Tiago Barbosa Pinto, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Music Score Binarization Based on Content Knowledge", 2010
  115. Ezilda Duarte Almeida, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Classificacao Ordinal com Opcao de Rejeicao", 2010
  116. Luis Alberto de Sousa Rangel das Neves, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Sistema Web Semi-automatico para Anotacao Colaborativa de Media H.264 e Flash Video", 2010
  117. Andreas Dieter Mendes Seufert, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Investigacao e Aperfeicoamento de Algoritmos de Reconhecimento de Simbolos Musicais", 2010
  118. Pedro Augusto Fernandes Antunes Martins Vitoriano, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Avaliacao Automatica do Resultado de Intervencoes Cirurgicas", 2010
  119. Rui Alexandre Rodrigues Carneiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Unificacao e expansao da interface de pesquisa no webmail", 2009
  120. Marcia dos Santos Pinheiro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Sistema Web para o Reconhecimento de Partituras Musicais", 2009
  121. Sergio Manuel Colaco de Sa, MSc St. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Adaptacao Preditiva de Conteudo Multimedia", 2009
  122. Andre Miguel Passos Baltazar, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Extraccao de Informacoes Ritmicas de Movimentos de Danca Atraves de um Sinal de Video", 2009
  123. Ricardo Jorge Gamelas de Sousa, MSc St. FCUP (supervisor), "Automatic aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment", 2008
  124. Ana Maria Silva Rebelo, MSc St. FCUP (supervisor), "New methodologies towards an automatic optical recognition of handwritten musical scores", 2008
  125. Pedro Luis Cameira Sollari Allegro, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Singing Voice Detection in Polyphonic Music Signals", 2008
  126. Luis Daniel Torres Rebelo, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Avaliacao objectiva do resultado estetico dos tratamentos do cancro da mama", 2007/2008
  127. Luis Miguel Marques Soeiro Batista, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Sistema automatico de reconhecimento de formularios manuscritos", 2007/2008
  128. Luis Jorge Trindade Certo, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "QuidPyx mobile - Sistema de recomendação de musica em dispositivos moveis", 2007/2008
  129. Joao Carlos Loureiro de Jesus Oliveira, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "A Smarter YouTube - Sistema de organizacao automatica de video com base no seu conteudo semantico", 2007/2008
  130. Guilherme Artur Conceicao Capela, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Reconhecimento de simbolos musicais manuscritos na framework Gamera", 2008
  131. Filipe Emanuel Amaro Coelho, MSc St. FEUP (supervisor), "Sistema automatico de reconhecimento do montante de um cheque", 2008
  132. Guilherme Artur Conceicao Capela, undergraduate st. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Sistema automatico de reconhecimento de pautas musicais manuscritas" (system design and implementation), 2007
  133. Ana Maria Silva Rebelo, undergraduate st. FCUP (co-supervisor), "Reconhecimento automatico de pautas musicais manuscritas" (algorithm investigation and implementation), 2007
  134. Silvia Maria Faria Saramago, undergraduate st. FEUP (co-supervisor), "Extracção 3D da estrutura da cena e dos parâmetros da câmara", 2003

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Mass Segmentation in Mammograms: a Cross-Sensor comparison of deep and tailored features

Jaime S. Cardoso, Nuno Marques, Neeraj Dhungel, Gustavo Carneiro, Andrew Bradley
Conference Papers Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)


@inproceedings{JaimeICIP2017, author = "Jaime S. Cardoso and Nuno Marques and Neeraj Dhungel and Gustavo Carneiro and Andrew Bradley", title = "Mass Segmentation in Mammograms: a Cross-Sensor comparison of deep and tailored features", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)", url = "", year = "2017", }.

Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications

Gustavo Carneiro, Diana Mateus, Loic Peter, Andrew Bradley, Joao M. R. S. Tavares, Vasileios Belagiannis, Joao Paulo Papa, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Marco Loog, Zhi Lu, Jaime S. Cardoso, Julien Cornebise
Edited bookFirst International Workshop, LABELS 2016, and Second International Workshop, DLMIA 2016, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 21, 2016, Proceedings


@book{CardosoMICCAIDLMIA2016, year="2016", title="Deep Learning and Data Labeling for Medical Applications", subtitle = "First International Workshop, LABELS 2016, and Second International Workshop, DLMIA 2016, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 21, 2016, Proceedings", volume="10008", editor = "Gustavo Carneiro and Diana Mateus and Loïc Peter and Andrew Bradley and João Manuel R. S. Tavares and Vasileios Belagiannis and João Paulo Papa and Jacinto C. Nascimento and Marco Loog and Zhi Lu and Jaime S. Cardoso and Julien Cornebise" }

Discriminative Directional Classifiers

Kelwin Fernandes, Jaime S. Cardoso
Journal Paper Neurocomputing


@article{KelwinNC2016, author = "Kelwin Fernandes and Jaime S. Cardoso", title = "Discriminative Directional Classifiers", journal = "Neurocomputing", year = "2016", type = "article", pages = "141--149", url = "", }

Robust Iris Localisation in Challenging Scenarios

Joao C. Monteiro, Ana F. Sequeira, Helder P. Oliveira, Jaime S. Cardoso
Book Chapter Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications (Springer)


@inbook{JoaoCMonteiro2014, author="Joao C. Monteiro and Ana F. Sequeira and Helder P. Oliveira and Jaime S. Cardoso", editor= "Sebastiano Battiano and Sabine Coquillart and Robert Laramee and Andreas Kerren and Jose Braz", title = "Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications", chapter= "Robust Iris Localisation in Challenging Scenarios", pages = "146--162", publisher = "Springer", year= "2014", url = "", }

Current Teaching

  • 2019 2018

    Statistics and Probability

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 2 year, T and P

  • 2019 2018

    Machine Learning

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

Teaching History

  • 2018 2017

    Statistics and Probability

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 2 year, T and P

  • 2018 2017

    Machine Learning

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2017 2016

    Programming 2

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 1 year, L

  • 2017 2016

    Image Analysis and Recognition

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2017 2016

    Statistics and Probability

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 2 year, T and P

  • 2017 2016

    Machine Learning

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2016 2015

    Information Theory

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2016 2015

    Information Theory

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, MEINF

  • 2016 2015

    Computational Learning

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, MEINF

  • 2016 2015

    Statistics and Probability

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 2 year, T and P

  • 2016 2015

    Machine Learning

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2015 2014

    Information Theory

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

  • 2015 2014

    Information Theory

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, MEINF

  • 2015 2014

    Computational Learning

    2nd semester, FEUP/DEEC, MEINF

  • 2015 2014

    Statistics and Probability

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, MIEEC, 2 year, T and P

  • 2015 2014

    Machine Learning

    1st semester, FEUP/DEEC, PDEEC

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I am at my office every day, but you may consider a call to fix an appointment.

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I am at my office every day, but you may consider a call to fix an appointment.