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[patents] [Books]
[Thesis] [International
Publications] [National Publications]
João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro C. Diniz, Compilation Techniques for Reconfigurable Architectures, Springer, 234 p., October 2008, ISBN 978-0-387-09670-4.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Michael Huebner (eds.), Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign, 311 p., Springer; 1st Edition (September 2011), ISBN-10: 1461400600, ISBN-13: 978-1461400608.
João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro Diniz, José Gabriel Coutinho, Zlatko Petrov (eds.), Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems: An Aspect-Oriented Approach, Springer, 2013 edition, ISBN 978-1-4614-4894-5.
2015 |
Nuno Paulino, João M.P. Cardoso, and João Canas Ferreira, “A Reconfigurable Architecture for Binary Acceleration of Loops with Memory Accesses,” in ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), ACM New York, NY, USA, Volume 7, Issue 4, Article 29, January 2015.
Ali Azarian, João M.P.
Cardoso, “Reducing Misses to External
Memory Accesses in Task-Level Pipelining,” in Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'15), Lisbon,
Portugal, May 24-27, 2015,
(to appear)
João Bispo, Luís Reis, João M. P. Cardoso, “C and OpenCL Generation
from MATLAB,” in 30th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2015), Apr.
13-17, 2015, Salamanca, Spain, ACM Press, 2015 (to appear).
Nuno Paulino, João Canas Ferreira, João Bispo, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Transparent Acceleration of Program Execution using Reconfigurable Hardware,” in Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE’2015), Hot Topic - Transparent use of accelerators in heterogeneous computing systems, Grenoble, France, Mar 9-13, 2015, IEEE. (to appear)
2014 |
João M. P. Cardoso, José G. F. Coutinho, Tiago
Carvalho, Pedro C. Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, Wayne Luk, and Fernando Gonçalves, Performance Driven Instrumentation and
Mapping Strategies Using the LARA Aspect-Oriented Programming Approach, in Software: Practice and Experience (SPE),
John Wiley & Sons Ltd (“Wiley”), USA, Dec. 2014. (Article first Published
online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/spe.2301:
11 DEC 2014).
B. Al Farisi, K. Heyse, K. Bruneel,
J. Cardoso, Enabling FPGA routing
configuration sharing in dynamic partial reconfiguration, in Design Automation for Embedded Systems,
Springer US, September 2014, pp. 1-33.
André C. Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C.
Diniz, Diogo R. Ferreira, and Zlatko Petrov, Specifying Dynamic Adaptations for Embedded Applications Using a DSL,
in IEEE Embedded System Letters,
6(3): 49-52 (Sept. 2014).
Vanderlei Bonato, Marcio Fernandes, João M.P.
Cardoso, and Eduardo Marques, Practical
Education Fostered by Research Projects in an Embedded Systems Course, in International Journal of Reconfigurable
Computing (IJRC), vol. 2014, Article ID 287205, 12 pages, 29 June 2014.
André C. Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, Diogo R. Ferreira, and Zlatko Petrov, A DSL for Specifying Run-time Adaptations for Embedded Systems: An Application to Vehicle Stereo Navigation, in Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, NY, USA, Abril 2014, pp. 1-31.
Ali Azarian, João M.
P. Cardoso, “Coarse/Fine-grained
Approaches for Pipelining Computing Stages in FPGA-Based Multicore
Architectures,” in Euro-Par 2014:
Parallel Processing Workshops, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 8806, 2014, pp 266-278.
Nuno Paulino, João Canas Ferreira, and João M.
P. Cardoso, “Trace-Based Reconfigurable
Acceleration with Data Cache and External Memory Support,” In 12th IEEE International Symposium on
Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-14), Milan,
Italy, August 26-28, 2014, pp. 158-165.
Luiz G. A. Martins, Ricardo Nobre, Alexandre C.
B. Delbem, Eduardo Marques, João M. P. Cardoso, “A clustering-based approach for exploring sequences of compiler
optimizations,” in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
(CEC’14), Beijing, China, July 6-11, 2014, pp. 2436-2443.
João Bispo, Luís Reis, and João M.P. Cardoso, “Multi-Target C Code Generation from
MATLAB,” in ACM/SIGPAN International
Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming
(ARRAY’2014), co-located with PLDI, Edinburgh, UK, 13 June, 2014.
Cristiano Bacelar De Oliveira, Eduardo Marques,
and João M.P. Cardoso, “High-Level
Synthesis from C vs. a DSL-based Approach,” in 21st Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2014), Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW '14), Phoenix
(Arizona) USA, May 19-20, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2014, pp. 257-262.
Ricardo Nobre, Pedro Pinto, Tiago Carvalho, João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro C. Diniz, “On Expressing Strategies for Directive-Driven Multicore Programing Models.” In Proceedings of Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures and Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms (PARMA-DITAM '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
2013 |
João M.P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, José G.F.
Coutinho, Ricardo Nobre, Razvan Nane, Pedro C. Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, Wayne Luk,
and Koen Bertels Controlling a Complete Hardware Synthesis Toolchain with LARA Aspects,
In Elsevier Journal on Microprocessors
and Microsystems, Volume 37, Issue 8, Part C, Nov. 2013, pp. 1073-1089.
João Bispo, Nuno Paulino, João Cardoso, and João Canas Ferreira, “Transparent Runtime Migration of Loop-Based Traces of Processor Instructions to Reconfigurable Processing Units,” in International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing (IJRC), Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 340316, 20 pages,
Nuno Paulino, João Canas Ferreira and João M. P. Cardoso, "Architecture for Transparent Binary Acceleration of Loops with Memory Accesses," in 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC'2013), March 25-27, 2013, Los Angeles, USA, LNCS 7806, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp. 122-133.
Brahim Al Farisi, Karel Bruneel, João M. P. Cardoso, Dirk Stroobandt, "An automatic tool flow for the combined implementation of multi-mode circuits," in 16th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE'13), March 18-22, 2013, Grenoble, France, pp. 821-826.
José G.F. Coutinho, João M.P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, Ricardo Nobre, Sujit Bhattacharya, Pedro C. Diniz, Liam Fitzpatrick, and Razvan Nane, "Deriving Resource Efficient Designs Using the REFLECT Aspect-Oriented Approach (extended abstract)," in 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC'2013), March 25-27, 2013, Los Angeles, USA, LNCS 7806, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp. 226-228.
André C. Santos, João
M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, Diogo R. Ferreira, “Specifying Adaptations through a DSL with an Application to Mobile
Robot Navigation,” in 2nd Symposium
on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE'13), June 2013, OASICS
vol. 29, pp. 220-234. [Best paper award]
João Bispo, Pedro Pinto, Ricardo Nobre, Tiago
Carvalho, João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, “The MATISSE MATLAB Compiler - A MATrix(MATLAB)-aware
compiler InfraStructure for embedded computing SystEms,” in IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2013), Bochum,
Germany, 29-31 July 2013, IEEE Xplorer, pp. 602-608.
Zlatko Petrov, Pavel G. Zaykov, João M. P.
Cardoso, José G.F. Coutinho, Pedro C. Diniz, and Wayne Luk, “An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Designing
Safety-Critical Systems,” in IEEE
Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, Mar 2–9, 2013, IEEE, pp. 1-10.
Ali Azarian, João M. P. Cardoso, Stephan Werner, Juergen Becker, “An FPGA-based Multi-Core Approach for Pipelining Computing Stages,” in 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'13), EMBS (Embedded Systems: Advances along the Hardware/Software Borderline) Track, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013, pp. 1533-1540.
2012 |
Ricardo Menotti, João M. P. Cardoso, Marcio M. Fernandes, and Eduardo Marques, “LALP: A Language to Program Custom FPGA-based Acceleration Engines,” in International Journal of Parallel Programming, Volume 40, Number 3, Springer Netherlands, 2012-06-01, pp. 262-289, DOI: 10.1007/s10766-011-0187-0.
Ali Azarian, João M. P. Cardoso, Stephan Werner, Juergen Becker, "An FPGA-based Multi-Core Approach for Pipelining Computing Stages," in 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'13), EMBS (Embedded Systems: Advances along the Hardware/Software Borderline) Track, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013, pp. 1533-1540.
André Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro Diniz, Diogo Ferreira, Zlatko Petrov, "A Domain-Specific Language for Run-time Adaptation for Embedded Systems," in 10th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computing (Embedded-2012), Dec 17-19, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.
José G. F. Coutinho, Sujit Bhattacharya, Wayne Luk, George A. Constantinides, João M. P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, Pedro C. Diniz, and Zlatko Petrov, "Resource-Efficient Designs using an Aspect-Oriented Approach," in 2012 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE'12), 5-7 Dec. 2012, Paphos, Cyprus, pp. 399-406.
J. Bispo, J. M. P. Cardoso, and J. C. Monteiro, "Hardware Pipelining of Runtime-Detected Loops," in 25th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI'12), Brasília - Brazil, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2012, IEEE 2012, pp. 1-6.
João M. P. Cardoso, "Programming Strategies for Runtime Adaptability," in 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC'2012), York, UK, July 9-12, 2012. (Invited paper).
João M. P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, José G.F. Coutinho, Pedro Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, and Wayne Luk, "Controlling Hardware Synthesis with Aspects," in 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods & Tools (DSD'12), Izmir-Turkey, Sept. 5 - 8, 2012, pp. 226-233.
João M. P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, João Teixeira, Pedro C. Diniz, Fernando Gonçalves, Zlatko Petrov, "Hardware/Software Specialization Through Aspects," In International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS'XII), Special Session on Programming paradigms for Reconfigurable Multi-Core Embedded Systems, Samos, Greece, July 16-19, 2012, pp. 260-267.
Ali Azarian, João Canas Ferreira, Stephan Werner, Zlatko Petrov, João M. P. Cardoso, Michael Huebner, “Analysis of Error Detection Schemes: Toolchain Support and Hardware/Software Implications,” In NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2012), Nuremberg, Germany, June 25-28, 2012. (to appear).
Pedro Martins, Paulo Lopes, João P. Fernandes, João Saraiva, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Program and Aspect Metrics for MATLAB,” in 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), June 18-21, 2012, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, LNCS Springer (to appear).
João Cardoso, João Teixeira, José Alves, Ricardo Nobre, Pedro Diniz, José Coutinho, and Wayne Luk, “Specifying Compiler Strategies for FPGA-based Systems,” in 20th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM’2012), April 29-1, 2012, at Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
João M. P. Cardoso, Tiago Carvalho, José Gabriel de F. Coutinho, Wayne Luk, Ricardo Nobre, Pedro C. Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, “LARA: An Aspect-Oriented Programming Language for Embedded Systems,” in International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’12), Potsdam, Germany, March 25-30, 2012, pp. 179-190.
José Gabriel de F. Coutinho, Tiago Carvalho, Sérgio Durand, João M. P. Cardoso, Ricardo Nobre, Pedro C. Diniz, and Wayne Luk, “Experiments with the LARA Aspect-Oriented Approach,” in International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’12), Potsdam, Germany, March 25-30, 2012, pp. 27-30. [demo paper]
2011 |
Ricardo S. Ferreira, João M. P. Cardoso, Alex Damiany, Julio Vendramini, and Tiago Teixeira, “Fast Placement and Routing by extending Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays with Omega Networks,” in Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design (JSA), Elsevier, 57(8), Sept. 2011, pp. 761-777.
João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, Koen Bertels, Michael Hübner, Hans van Someren, Fernando Gonçalves, José Gabriel de F. Coutinho, George Constantinides, Bryan Olivier, Wayne Luk, Juergen Becker, Georgi Kuzmanov, Florian Thoma, Lars Braun, Matthias Kühnle, Razvan Nane, Vlad-Mihai Sima, Kamil Krátký, José Carlos Alves, and João Canas Ferreira, REFLECT: Rendering FPGAs to Multi-Core Embedded Computing, book chapter in Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign, João M. P. Cardoso, and Michael Huebner, (eds.), Springer, 1st Edition (August, 2011), pp. 261-289.
Pedro C. Diniz, and João M. P. Cardoso, Code Transformations for Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Architectures, in Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering III, International Summer School, GTTSE 2009, Braga, Portugal, July 6-11, 2009, Revised Papers, Fernandes, J.M.; Lämmel, R.; Visser, J.; Saraiva, J. (Eds.), LNCS 6491, Springer, Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 322-344.
J. Bispo, N. Paulino, J. M. P. Cardoso, and J. C. Ferreira, "From Instruction Traces to Specialized Reconfigurable Arrays," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig '11), November 30– December 2nd 2011, Cancún, Mexico, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 386-391.
J. Bispo and J. M. P. Cardoso, "Techniques for Dynamically Mapping Computations to Coprocessors," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig '11), November 30– December 2nd 2011, Cancún, Mexico, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 505-508.
Adriano K. Sanches, João M. P. Cardoso, Alexandre C. B. Delbem, “Identifying Merge-Beneficial Software Kernels for Hardware Implementation”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig '11), November 30– December 2nd 2011, Cancún, Mexico, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 74-79.
André C. Santos, Pedro C. Diniz, João M. P. Cardoso, and Diogo R. Ferreira, “A Domain-Specific Language for the Specification of Adaptable Context Inference,” In The 9th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC’2011), October 24-26, 2011, Melbourne, Australia. IEEE, pp. 268-273.
João M. P. Cardoso, Razvan Nane, Pedro C. Diniz, Zlatko Petrov, Kamil Krátký, Koen Bertels, Michael Hübner, Fernando Gonçalves, José Gabriel de F. Coutinho, George Constantinides, Bryan Olivier, Wayne Luk, Juergen Becker, and Georgi Kuzmanov, “A New Approach to Control and Guide the Mapping of Computations to FPGAs,” in The International Conference Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA’11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011, CSREA Press. pp. 231-240.
Zlatko Petrov, Kamil Krátký, João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro Diniz, “Programming Safety Requirements in the REFLECT Design Flow,” in 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2011), July 26-29, 2011, Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 841-847.
Aravind Dasu, João M. P. Cardoso, Eli Bozorgzadeh, and Juergen Becker (editors), Selected Papers from the 17th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW2010), Hindawi Publishing Corporation, in International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2011, Article ID 574972, 2 pages.
2010 |
João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro Diniz, and Markus Weinhardt, Compiling for Reconfigurable Computing: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol. 42, No. 4, Article 13, June 2010, pp. 1-65.
Davide Figo, Pedro C. Diniz, Diogo R. Ferreira, João M. P. Cardoso, Preprocessing Techniques for Context Recognition from Accelerometer Data, in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer, London, vol.14, no.7, 2010, pp. 645-662.
André C. Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Diogo R. Ferreira, Pedro C. Diniz, and Paulo Chainho, Providing User Context for Mobile and Social Networking Applications, Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), Elsevier, Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 324-341.
André C. Santos, Luís Tarrataca, João M. P. Cardoso, The Feasibility of Navigation Algorithms on Smartphones using J2ME, in Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Springer US, April 2010.
A. J. Rosado, and J. M. Cardoso, "A query processing strategy for conceptual queries based on object-role modeling," in International Conference on Data and Knowledge Engineering (ICDKE’10), held as part of the 4th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS’2010), Melbourne, Australia, 1-3 September, 2010, pp. 398–403.
João Bispo, and João M. P. Cardoso, "On Identifying Segments of Traces for Dynamic Compilation," in 20th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’10), PhD Forum, Milano, Italy, Aug. 31st - Sept. 2nd, 2010, pp. 263-266.
Adriano Sanches, and João M. P. Cardoso, “On Identifying Patterns in Code Repositories to Assist the Generation of Hardware Templates,” in 20th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’10), PhD Forum, Milano, Italy, Aug. 31st - Sept. 2nd, 2010, pp. 267-270.
Ricardo Nobre, João M.P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz, “Leveraging Type Knowledge for Efficient MATLAB to C Translation,” in 15th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC’10), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, July 7-9, 2010.
Ricardo Menotti, João M. P. Cardoso, Marcio M.
Fernandes, and Eduardo Marques, “On Using LALP to Map an Audio
Encoder/Decoder on FPGAs,” in IEEE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’2010), Bari, Italy,
July 4-7, 2010, pp. 3063-3068.
André C. Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Diogo R.
Ferreira, and Pedro C. Diniz, “Challenges in the Development of
Context-Inference Systems for Mobile Applications,” in Programming Methods for Mobile and Pervasive Systems (PMMPS’10),
workshop part of The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing
(Pervasive’2010), 17-20 May 2010 - Helsinki, Finland.
André C. Santos, João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro C.
Diniz, and Diogo R. Ferreira, “'Wearable Prototype for Sensor Data
Acquisition and Context Inference,” in The
Eight International Conference on Pervasive Computing Demos, 17-20 May 2010
- Helsinki, Finland.
João M. P. Cardoso, Pedro Diniz, Miguel P.
Monteiro, João M. Fernandes, and João Saraiva, “A Domain-Specific Aspect
Language for Transforming MATLAB Programs,” in Domain-Specific Aspect Language Workshop (DSAL’2010), part of the 9th
International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’2010),
March 15-19, 2010, Rennes & Saint Malo, France.
Jürgen Becker, Eli Bozorgzadeh, João M. P. Cardoso, Aravind Dasu: Welcome message. 24th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPDPS’2010), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 19-23 April 2010 - Workshop Proceedings, Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW’10). IEEE 2010, pp. 1-2.
2009 |
Pedro C. Diniz, João M. P. Cardoso, Compilation for Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Architectures, GTTSE 2009: Pre-proceedings, Generative and and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, João M. Fernandes, Ralf Lammel, João Saraiva, Joost Visser (eds.), June, 2009, Braga, Portugal, pp. 293-314.
Rui Marcelino, Horacio Neto, and João M. P: Cardoso, “Unbalanced FIFO Sorting for FPGA-Based Systems,” in 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’09), 13-16 December 2009,Yasmine Hammamet, TUNISIA. (to appear)
André C. Santos, João M.P. Cardoso, Diogo R. Ferreira, Pedro C. Diniz, “Mobile Context Provider for Social Networking,” in Fourth International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for social applications (MONET´09), Vilamoura, Algarve-Portugal, Nov. 1-6, 2009, LNCS 5872, Springer Verlag, pp. 464-473.
Rui Marcelino, Horacio Neto, and João M. P: Cardoso, “A Comparison of Three Representative Hardware Sorting Units,” in IEEE IECON 2009 the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Alfandega Congress Center, Porto, Portugal, 3-5 November 2009.
R. Menotti, J. M. P. Cardoso, M. M. Fernandes, and
E. Marques, “LALP: A Novel Language to Program Custom FPGA-based Accelerator
Architectures,” in 21st International
Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
(SBAC–PAD’2009), Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 28-31, 2009, IEEE Computer Society
Press, pp. 3-10. [winner of the Julio Salek Aude Award 2009 - Best Paper of the Conference].
R. Menotti, J. M. P. Cardoso, M. M. Fernandes, and E. Marques, “Automatic Generation of FPGA Hardware Accelerators Using a Domain Specific Language,” in 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’2009). Czech Republic, August 31 to September 2, 2009. (to appear)
João M. P. Cardoso, João Bispo, and Adriano K. Sanches, The Role of Programming Models on Reconfigurable Computing Fabrics, Chapter XII in the book: Behavioral Modeling for Embedded Systems and Technologies: Applications for Design and Implementation, Luís Gomes, João M. Fernandes (eds.), IGI Global, ISBN: 978-1-60566-750-8, July 2009.
André C. Santos, Luís Tarrataca, João M. P. Cardoso, Diogo R. Ferreira, Pedro C. Diniz, and Paulo Chainho, “Context Inference for Mobile Applications in the UPCASE Project”, In Proceedings of the 2nd International ICST Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (Mobilware’09), Berlin, Germany, April 28-29, LNICST, Vol. 7, Springer, 2009, pp. 352-365.
André C. Santos, Luís Tarrataca, João M. P. Cardoso, “An Analysis of Navigation Algorithms for Smartphones using J2ME”. In Proceedings of the 2nd International ICST Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (Mobilware’09), Berlin, Germany, April 28-29, LNICST, Vol. 7, Springer, 2009, pp. 266-279.
Ricardo Ferreira, Alex Assis, Tiago Teixeira, Julio Vendramini, João M. P. Cardoso, “On Simplifying Placement and Routing by Extending Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays with Omega Networks,” in International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2009), 16-18 March 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, Springer LNCS 5453, pp. 145-156.
Luís Tarrataca, André C. Santos, and João M. P. Cardoso, “The Current Feasibility of Gesture Recognition for a Smartphone using J2ME,” in Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’09), Technical track: Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques, Hawaii, USA, March 8-12, 2009.
2008 |
Bispo, João M. P. Cardoso, “Synthesis of
Regular Expressions for FPGAs”, International
Journal of Electronics (IJE), Taylor & Francis, Volume 95,
Issue 7, January 2008, pp. 685-704.
Yiannis Sourdis, João Bispo, João M. P. Cardoso, and Stamatis Vassiliadis, “Regular Expression Matching in Reconfigurable Hardware,” in The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Volume 51, Number 1, April, 2008, pp. 99-121.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro Diniz (Eds.), Guest Editorial: IJE special issue on reconfigurable hardware systems, in International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis), Volume 95, Issue 7, January 2008, pages 601-602.
João M. P. Cardoso, “A teaching strategy for developing application specific architectures for FPGAs,” in International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), volume 24, number 4, Part II, July 2008, pp. 833-842.
Carlos Morra, João Bispo, João M. P. Cardoso, and Juergen Becker, “Combining Rewriting-Logic, Architecture Generation, and Simulation to Exploit Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures,” in The Sixteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM’08), Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 14-15, 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.
Carlos Morra, João M. P. Cardoso, João Bispo, and Juergen Becker, “Retargeting, Evaluating, and Generating Reconfigurable Array-Based Architectures,” in 6th IEEE Symposium on Application Specific Processors (SASP 2008), 8-9 June 2008, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim CA, USA, pp. 34–41.
Rui Marcelino, Horácio Neto, João M. P. Cardoso, "Sorting Units for FPGA-Based Embedded Systems," in IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES'08), Milano, Italy, September 7-10, 2008, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Springer, Boston, Distributed Embedded Systems: Design, Middleware and Resources; Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann, Wayne Wolf (eds.), Volume 271, Springer, July 2008, pp. 11-22.
João Bispo, and João M. P. Cardoso, “A Preliminary Idea for Adapting Programs to Parallel Environments,“ In Proceedings of ACACES 2008 Poster Abstracts: Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, Academia Press, Ghent, Belgium, 2008. pp. 231-234.
Adriano K. Sanches, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Pattern-Mining over Repositories of Benchmarks to Identify and Suggest Reconfigurable Functional Units: A Preliminary Step”, In Proceedings of ACACES 2008 Poster Abstracts: Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, Academia Press, Ghent, Belgium, 2008. pp. 227-230.
2007 |
Pedro C. Diniz, Eduardo Marques, Koen Bertels, Marcio M. Fernandes, and João M.P. Cardoso (Eds.), Reconfigurable Computing: Tools Architectures and Applications, Third International Workshop, ARC 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 2007, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4419, March 2007.
João M.P. Cardoso, Koen Bertels, George Constantinides, and Stamatis Vassiliadis (Eds.), Guest editorial: Special Issue on Reconfigurable Hardware Systems, in International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 94, Issue 5 May 2007, pp. 431-433.
Rodrigues, and João M. P. Cardoso, “On Pipelining Sequences of Data-Dependent
Loops,” in Journal
of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Vol. 13, Issue 3, 2007, pp.
Rui Rodrigues, João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro C. Diniz, “A Data-Driven Approach for Pipelining Sequences of Data-Dependent Loops,” in 15th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM’07), Napa Valley, CA, USA, April 23 - April 25, 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Ricardo Menotti, Eduardo Marques, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Aggressive Loop Pipelining for Reconfigurable Architectures,” in 17th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’07), PhD Forum Poster, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-29 August 2007.
José A. de Holanda, Jecel Assumpção Jr., Denis F. Wolf, Eduardo Marques, and João M. P. Cardoso, “On Adapting Power Estimation Models for Embedded Soft-Core Processors,” in IEEE Second International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'2007), July 4-6, 2007, Hotel Costa da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 345-348.
Vanderlei Bonato, Rafael Peron, Denis Wolf, Jose Holanda, Eduardo Marques, and João M. P. Cardoso, “An FPGA implementation for a Kalman filter with application to mobile robotics,” in IEEE Second International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'2007), July 4-6, 2007, Hotel Costa da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 148-155.
Carlos Morra, João M. P. Cardoso, and Juergen Becker, “Using Rewriting Logic to Match Patterns of Instructions from a Compiler Intermediate Form to Coarse-Grained Processing Elements,” in 14th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW’07), Long Beach, California, USA, March 27 - 28, 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press.
João Bispo, Yiannis Sourdis, João M. P. Cardoso, and Stamatis Vassiliadis, “Synthesis of Regular Expressions Targeting FPGAs: Current Status and Open Issues,” in International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC’07), Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 27-29, 2007, Springer, LNCS 4419, pp. 179-190.
Ricardo Ferreira, Alisson Garcia, Tiago Teixeiras, and João M. P. Cardoso, “A Polynomial Placement Algorithm for Data Driven Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures,” in IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, May 9-11, 2007, Porto Alegre, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society Press.
2006 |
Koen Bertels, João M.P. Cardoso, and Stamatis Vassiliadis (Eds.), Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures and Applications, Second International Workshop, ARC 2006 Delft, The Netherlands, March 2006, Revised Selected Papers, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3985, August 2006.
João M. P. Cardoso, and George Constantinides (eds.), Guest Editorial: Applied reconfigurable computing, in International Journal of Electronics (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 93, No. 6, June 2006, pp. 347-348.
João Bispo, Yiannis Sourdis, João M. P. Cardoso, Stamatis Vassiliadis, “Regular Expression Matching for Reconfigurable Packet Inspection,” in IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT’06), December 13-15, 2006, Bangkok Thailand, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 119-126.
Ricardo Ferreira, Marcos Vinicius Silva, Alisson Garcia, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Mesh Mapping Exploration for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array Architectures,” in 3rd International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig’06), San Luis Potosi, Mexico, September 20-22, 2006, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 1-10.
João Lima, Ricardo Menotti, João M. P. Cardoso, and Eduardo Marques, “A Methodology to Design FPGA-based PID Controllers,” In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’06), Oct. 8-11, 2006, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan.
João M. P. Cardoso, João M. Fernandes, and Miguel Monteiro, “Adding Aspect-Oriented Features to MATLAB,” in SPLAT! 2006, Software Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies, A workshop affiliated with AOSD 2006, March 21, 2006. Bonn, Germany.
Jorge Silva, Marcio M. Fernandes, Vanderlei Bonato, Ricardo Menotti, João M. P. Cardoso, and Eduardo Marques, “Using Mobile Robotics to Teach Reconfigurable Computing,” in The 1st International Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing Education (RC-Education), March 1, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany.
2005 |
João M. P. Cardoso (editor), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC2005), Algarve, Portugal, 22-23 February, 2005, IADIS Press, ISBN 972-99353-8-6.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Markus Weinhardt, “Compilation and Temporal Partitioning for a Coarse-grain Reconfigurable Architecture,” Chapter 9 in New Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing, Patrick Lysaght and Wolfgang Rosenstiel (eds.), Springer, April 2005. pp. 105-115. ISBN 1-4020-3127-0.
João M. P. Cardoso, “On
Estimations for Compiling Software to FPGA-based Systems,” in IEEE 16th International Conference on
Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP’05),
Samos, Greece, July 23-25, 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 225-230.
João M. P. Cardoso, “New Challenges in Computer Science Education,” in 10th ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE’05), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27-29, 2005, ACM Press, pp. 203-207.
Ricardo Ferreira, João M. P. Cardoso, Andre Toledo, and Horácio C. Neto, “Data-driven Regular Reconfigurable Arrays: Design Space Exploration and Mapping,” in Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation 5th International Workshop, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Andy D. Pimentel, Jarmo Takala, Stamatis Vassiliadis (Eds.), SAMOS 2005, Samos, Greece, July 18-20, 2005, LNCS 3553 Springer, pp. 41-50.
João M. P. Cardoso, “Data-driven array architectures: a rebirth?,” in SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005 Symposium, Seville, Spain, May 9-11, 2005, SPIE Vol. 5837, pp. 479-490.
João M. P. Cardoso, “CHIADO: compilation of high-level computationally intensive algorithms to dynamically reconfigurable computing systems,” in SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2005 Symposium, Seville, Spain, May 9-11, 2005, SPIE Vol. 5837, pp. 893-901.
João M. P. Cardoso, “Dynamic Loop Pipelining in Data-Driven Architectures,” in Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF’05), Ischia, Italy, 4-6 May 2005, ACM Press, pp. 106-115.
Rui Rodrigues, and João M. P. Cardoso, “A Test Infrastructure for Compilers Targeting FPGAs,” in International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC2005), held in conjunction with IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2005, Algarve 22-23, Portugal, pp. 168-175.
Rui Rodrigues, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Pipelining Sequences of Loops: A First Example,” in International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC2005), held in conjunction with IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2005, Algarve 22-23, Portugal, pp. 147-151.
Rui Rodrigues, and João M. P. Cardoso, “An Infrastructure to Functionally Test Designs Generated by Compilers Targeting FPGAs,” Interactive Presentation at the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE’05), Munich, Germany, March 7-11, 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 30-31.
2004 |
Ricardo Ferreira, João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio C. Neto, “An
Environment for Exploring Data-Driven Architectures,” in 14th International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL’04), Antwerp, Belgium, August 30 -
September 1, 2004, LNCS 3203, Springer-Verlag,
Jürgen Becker, Marco Platzner, Serge Vernalde (eds.), August 2004, pp. 1022-1026.
Vanderlei Bonato, Adriano K. Sanches, Márcio Fernandes, João M. P. Cardoso, Eduardo Simões, and
Eduardo Marques, “A Real Time Gesture
Recognition System for Mobile Robots,” In International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and
Robotics (ICINCO’04), August 25-28, Setúbal,
Portugal, 2004, INSTICC, pp. 207-214.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Pedro C. Diniz, “Modeling
Loop Unrolling: Approaches and Open Issues,” in International Workshop on Systems,
Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (SAMOS IV),
Samos, Greece, July 19-21, 2004. Computer
Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, LNCS 3133, Springer Verlag, Andy Pimentel and Stamatis
Vassiliadis (Eds.), July 2004, pp. 224-233.
João M. P. Cardoso, “Self
Loop Pipelining and Reconfigurable Dataflow Arrays,” in International Workshop on Systems,
Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (SAMOS IV),
Samos, Greece, July 19-21, 2004. Computer
Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation, LNCS 3133, Springer Verlag, Andy Pimentel and Stamatis
Vassiliadis (Eds.), July 2004, pp. 234-243.
Gil Moreira, João M. P. Cardoso, “Easy
Development of GUIs Using XML and Java Reflection,” in Proc. of the IADIS International Conference Applied Computing,
Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 March, 2004.
2003 |
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio C. Neto, “Compilation for FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Hardware,” IEEE Design & Test of Computers Magazine, March/April, 2003, vol. 20, no.2, pp. 65-75.
João M. P. Cardoso, “On Combining Temporal Partitioning and Sharing of Functional Units in Compilation for Reconfigurable Architectures,” in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 52, No. 10, October 2003, pp. 1362-1375.
João M. P. Cardoso, “Loop Dissevering: A Technique for Temporally Partitioning Loops in
Dynamically Reconfigurable Computing Platforms,” in 10th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop
(RAW 2003), Nice, France, April 22, 2003, 17th Annual International Parallel & Distributed Processing
Symposium (IPDPS 2003), IEEE Computer Society Press.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Markus Weinhardt, “From C Programs to the
Configure-Execute Model,” in Proc.
of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE’03), Munich,
Germany, March 3-7, 2003, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 576-581.
R. A. Gonçalves, P.A. Moraes,
J. M. P. Cardoso, D. F. Wolf, M. M. Fernandes, R. A. F. Romero, E. Marques, “ARCHITECT-R: A System for
Reconfigurable Robots Design,” in ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2003), March 9-12, Melbourne, Florida,
EUA, 2003, ACM Press, NY, USA, pp. 679-683.
2002 |
João M. P. Cardoso, and Markus Weinhardt, “XPP-VC: A C Compiler with Temporal Partitioning for the PACT-XPP
Architecture,” in 12th International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'02), Montpellier, France, Sept.
2-4, 2002, Proceedings LNCS (Lecture Notes on Computer Science) 2438, Springer Verlag, M. Glesner, P. Zipf, M. Renovell (Eds.), August 2003, pp. 864-874.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Markus Weinhardt, “Fast and Guaranteed C
Compilation onto the PACT-XPP Reconfigurable Computing Platform,” In Proc. of the IEEE 10th Symposium
on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'02), Napa Valley,
California, USA, April 21 - 23, 2002. In Kenneth L. Pocek
and Jeffrey M. Arnold (Editors), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA,
USA, pp. 291-292. [presented as a poster]
2001 |
João M. P. Cardoso, “A Novel Algorithm Combining Temporal Partitioning and Sharing of
Functional Units,” In IEEE 9th Symposium on
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'01), Rohnert Park, California, USA, April 30 – May
2, 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, pp. 31-40. [Presentation Slides in Power Point]
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio C. Neto, “Compilation Increasing the Scheduling Scope for Multi-Memory-FPGA-based Custom Computing Machines,” In 11th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'01), G. Brebner, and R. Woods (Eds.), Field-Programmable Logic and Applications 11th International Conference, FPL 2001, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, August 27-29, 2001, Proceedings LNCS (Lecture Notes on Computer Science) 2147, Springer Verlag, Gordon J. Brebner, Roger Woods (Eds.), August 2001, pp. 523-533.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, “Architectural Synthesis Exposing Parallelism and Increasing the
Scheduling Scope for FPGA-based Digital Systems,” In Proc. of the 5th
World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics (SCI’01) and the 7th Int. Conf. on Information Systems
Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS’01), July 22-25, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol.
XI, Information Systems Technology.
1999 |
M. P. Cardoso, and Mário P. Véstias, “Architectures and Compilers to Support
Reconfigurable Computing,” Crossroads, the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Magazine, topic: Computer
Architectures, Spring 1999, Issue 5.3, ACM Press, New York, USA, pp. 15-22.
Version online at:
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, “An Enhanced Static-List Scheduling
Algorithm for Temporal Partitioning onto RPUs,” In Proc. of the IFIP TC10 WG10.5 X
International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI'99),
Lisbon, December 1-3, 1999 (Session:
High-level Synthesis and Verification of Embedded Systems). VLSI: Systems on a Chip, Luis M. Silveira, Srinivas Devadas and
Ricardo Reis (Editors), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, pp. 485-496.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, "Fast Hardware Compilation of Behaviors into
an FPGA-Based Dynamic Reconfigurable Computing System," In Proceedings
of the XII Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI’99),
Natal-RN, Brazil, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1999, Co-Sponsored by the Brazilian Computer
Society and the IFIP WG 10.5. In
Vladimir C. Alves, Marcelo Lubaszewski and Ivan S. Silva (Editors), IEEE
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, pp. 150-153.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, "Macro-Based
Hardware Compilation of Java(tm) Bytecodes into a Dynamic Reconfigurable
Computing System," In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Symposium on
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'99), Napa Valley,
California, USA, April 21 - 23, 1999, In Kenneth L. Pocek
and Jeffrey M. Arnold (Editors), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, CA, USA, pp. 2-11.
1998 |
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, "An Approach to Hardware Synthesis from a
System Java(tm) Specification," In the Proceedings of the 1st
International Workshop on Design, Test and Applications (WDTA'98),
Sponsored by IEEE Region 8 and IEEE TTTC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 8-10, 1998,
pp. 149-152.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, "Towards
an Automatic Path from Java(tm) Bytecodes to Hardware Through High-Level
Synthesis," In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International
Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'98), Lisbon,
Portugal, September 7-10, 1998, pp. 85-88.
1996 |
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio
C. Neto, "A Parameterizable
Processor Core for Fast Turnaround Co-Synthesis of Embedded Systems,”
In Proceedings of the XI SBMicro Conference (SBMICRO’96),
Águas de Lindóia - SP -
Brazil , July 29 - August 2, 1996, pp. 16-21.
João M. P. Cardoso, Horácio
C. Neto, "A
Co-synthesis Environment for Embedding Digital Systems in a Sea-of-gates IC,”
In Proceedings of the XI Conference on Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
(DCIS'96), Sitges (Barcelona), November
19-22, 1996, pp. 411-416.
João M. P. Cardoso, and José Carlos Alves
(eds.), Actas das Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC2005),
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 21 February 2005, ISBN 972-9341-41-9.
Paulo Chainho, João M. P. Cardoso, Diogo
S. Ferreira, “UPCASE (User Programmable Context-Aware Services),” in Revista
Saber&Fazer Telecomunicações, Portugal Telecom, Portugal, 2008.
João Vilela Teixeira, Jose C. Alves, João
M. P. Cardoso e Zlatko Petrov, “Hardware
acceleration of a Stereo Navigation application with high-level C to HW
synthesis,” In VIII Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’2012), 9–10 de
Fevereiro de 2012, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisboa,
Portugal. [artigo longo]
Nuno Paulino, João C. Ferreira, João M. P.
Cardoso, “Generation of Coarse-Grained
Reconfigurable Processing Units for Binary Acceleration ,” In VIII Jornadas
sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’2012), 9–10 de Fevereiro de 2012, Instituto
Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal. [artigo longo]
Alfredo Silvestre, and João M. P. Cardoso,
“Cofi: A CFG to FSMD Programming Language and Tool,” in VII Jornadas sobre
Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’2011), Faculdade de Engenharia de Universidade do
Porto, 3-4 de Fevereiro de 2011. (artigo longo)
João Bispo, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Using
the MegaBlock to Partition and Optimize Programs for Embedded Systems at
Runtime,” in 2º Simpósio Nacional na Área da Informática (INForum’10), 9 e 10
de Setembro de 2010, Braga – Portugal. Sessão: Sistemas Embebidos e de
Miguel Monteiro, João M. P. Cardoso, and
Simona Posea, “Identification and Characterization of Crosscutting Concerns in
MATLAB Systems,” in 2º Simpósio Nacional na Área da Informática (INForum’10),
9-10 Setembro, 2010, Braga, Portugal. Track: CoRTA2010: Compilers, Programming
Languages, Related Technologies and Applications.
Manuel Reis, João M. P. Cardoso, João
Canas Ferreira, “The Performance Impact for Optimizing Mapping Algorithms on an
FPGA-based Mobile Robot,” in VI Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis
(REC'2010), Universidade de Aveiro / IEETA, 4-5 de Fevereiro de 2010, pp.
(artigo longo)
Ricardo Menotti, João M. P. Cardoso,
Márcio M. Fernandes, Eduardo Marques, “Uma Linguagem para Geração Automática de
Arquitecturas Baseadas em Computação Reconfigurável,” in VI Jornadas sobre
Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC'2010), Universidade de Aveiro / IEETA, 4-5 de
Fevereiro de 2010, pp. (artigo longo)
Teixeira, Ricardo Ferreira, João M.P. Cardoso, “Explorando com
Meta-Heurística o Espaço de Projeto de Arquiteturas Reconfiguráveis de Grão
Grosso,” in V Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC'2009, Faculdade
de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte de Caparica,
Portugal, 5-6 Fevereiro 2009.
Ferreira, Alex Damiany, Julio Vendramini, João M. P. Cardoso, “Mapeamento em
Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis de Grão Grosso com Redes Multiestágios,” in V
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC'2009, Faculdade de Ciências e
Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte de Caparica, Portugal, 5-6
Fevereiro 2009.
Bispo, Yiannis Sourdis, João M. P. Cardoso, Stamatis Vassiliadis, “Síntese
de Expressões Regulares em FPGAs: Estado Actual,” in III Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’07). 8 e
9 de Fevereiro de 2007, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Lisboa,
Rui Marcelino, Horácio Neto, João M. P. Cardoso, “On Implementing Sorting Network Machines with FPGAs,” in III Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’07). 8 e 9 de Fevereiro de 2007, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal.
A. de Holanda, Lírio O. B. de Almeida, Vanderlei Bonato, João M. P. Cardoso,
Eduardo Marques, “Determinação do Perfil de Consumo de Potência em Nível de
Instrução para Processadores Soft-core,” in III Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC’07), 8 e 9 de
Fevereiro de 2007, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 60-65.
Rodrigues, Ricardo Ferreira, and João M. P. Cardoso, “Utilização da
Tecnologia XML no Desenvolvimento de Arquitecturas Específicas,” in XML Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
(XATA2006), Portalegre, Portugal, February 9-10, 2006.
Silva, Milton Godinho e João M. P. Cardoso, “Sistema Implementado em FPGA
para Reconhecimento de Comandos baseados em Posturas de Mãos,” in REC2006, Jornadas sobre Sistemas
Reconfiguráveis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, 16-17 Fevereiro 2006.
Lima, João M. P. Cardoso e Eduardo Marques, “Metodologia para Implementação
de Controladores PID em FPGAs,” in REC2006,
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, 16-17
Fevereiro 2006.
F. L. Marcelino, e João M. P. Cardoso, “An Introduction to Commercial
Reconfigurable Processing Architectures,” in REC2006, Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, FEUP, Porto,
Portugal, 16-17 Fevereiro 2006.
Ferreira, João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio C. Neto, “EDA: An Environment for
Exploring Data-Driven Architectures,” in Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC2005), Universidade do
Algarve, Algarve, February 21 2005, (extended version of the paper presented at
M. P. Cardoso, M. M. Fernandes, Vanderlei Bonato, E. D. V. Simões, Eduardo
Marques, “Proposta de um Ambiente para Codesign de Hardware/Software em
Plataformas de FPGAs com Aplicação em Robótica Móvel,” in Simpósio Latino Americano em Aplicações de
Lógica Programável e Processadores Digitais de Sinais em Processamento de
Vídeo, Visão Computacional e Robótica – SLALP’2004, Departamento de
Engenharia Elétrica, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos – USP, São Carlos - SP
– Brasil, 8 a 10 de Novembro de 2004.
João M. P. Cardoso, and Horácio C. Neto, “Compilation of High-Level Languages onto Fine-Grain FCCMs with Exploitation of Instruction-Level Parallelism,” In Proc. of the 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (CONTROLO'2000), 4-6 October 2000, Guimaraes, Portugal, special session MESC (Methodologies for the Engineering of Control Systems)
“Method and Device for Partitioning Large Computer Programs,”
Patent Number: EP1470478,
Publication date: 2004-10-27
for Processing Data”
Patent Number: US2004015899; Publication Date: 2004-01-22
of Compilation”
Patent Number: US2005132344; Publication Date: 2005-06-16
Patent Number: WO03071418, Publication date: 2003-08-28
Inventor(s): Cardoso
João (de); Vorbach Martin (de); Weinhardt Markus (de), applicant(s): Cardoso
João (de); Vorbach Martin (de); PACT XPP Technologies AG (de); Weinhardt Markus
“Data Processing Method,”
Patent Number: US2004243984; Publication date: 2004-12-02
Patent Number: EP1402382, Publication date: 2004-03-31
Patent Number: WO02103532, Publication date: 2002-12-27
Inventor(s): May Frank (de); Nueckel Armin (de); Vorbach Martin (de); Weinhardt Markus (de); Cardoso Joao (pt). Applicant(s): May Frank (de); Nueckel Armin (de); Vorbach Martin (de); PACT XPP Technologies AG (de); Weinhardt Markus (de); Cardoso João (pt):
“Integrated cell matrix circuit has at least 2 different types of cells with interconnection terminals positioned to allow mixing of different cell types within matrix circuit”
Patent Number: DE10129237, Publication date: 2002-04-18, Inventor(s): May Frank (de); Nueckel Armin (de); Vorbach Martin (de); Weinhardt Markus (de); Cardoso João (pt), applicant(s): PACT Inf Tech Gmbh (de).
João M. P. Cardoso, “Compilation of JavaÔ Algorithms onto Reconfigurable Computing Systems with Exploitation of Operation-Level Parallelism,” Ph.D. Thesis (in Portuguese), IST, Lisbon, October, 2000. [research adviser: Prof. Doutor Horácio C. Neto]
João M. P. Cardoso, “Co-Synthesis of Embedded Systems onto Gate-Array Technology,” Master Thesis (in Portuguese), IST, Lisbon, November, 1996. [research adviser: Prof. Doutor Horácio C. Neto]