Walter Benjamin on collecting...

I was delighted to read Walter Benjamin’s essay on collecting entitled Unpacking my library [1], not only due to his exceptional ability to draft a stereotype of the collector person, but also because he does so in a manner that unfolds before your eyes much as if you were reading poetry. He explicitly states that it is by no means his intention to shake his reader’s distrust of this strange breed of persons, but at the same time his presentation of the collector’s obsessions is done in such a way as to reveal that there are noble attitudes underlying the act of collecting, and that from here it is possible to define a good collector. So much for my own interpretations, I leave you with a few excerpts that I particularly enjoyed reading:

[1] Walter Benjamin, Illuminations, Pimlico, 1999, ISBN 0-7126-6575-7, pp. 61-69 (Unpacking my library - A talk about book collecting).