Publicações Publicações internacionais LEON. DfDTT H-O Sumário Índice |
Sumários e Índices Publ. pedagógica LEONARDO DfDTT (Hands-On): This document contains the notes supporting the hands-on material for the training action Design for Debug and Test Techniques, a part of the Design for Debug and Test module within workpackage 2 of the Leonardo INSIGHT II project. The objective of this hands-on material consists of introducing the attendees to advanced techniques on the use of the IEEE 1149.1 Standard (Boundary Scan Test) for supporting the debug and test of microcontroller-based systems. 1 - INTRODUCTION 2 - GENERAL ARCHITECTURE Microcontroller associated circuitry
3 - THE WIRE-WRAPPING BOARD Problems faced during mounting
4 - THE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD Components placement and final masks
5 - SOFTWARE PACKAGE Graphical User Interface