2016/2017: Segurança em Sistemas Informáticos (Computer Security) - MIEIC

Specification of the Mini-project


Promoting the learning and training of the study, programming and operation of security devices or techniques in real situations.


The Mini-project, to be assigned to a group of students, consists of the study of a specific security topic in order to allow the clarification of the subject and the development of code or other artifacts that can be useful to interested users; the study and final products are to be presented to the curricular unit's attendants.
The final products should:

Operational issues

Each Mini-project will be assigned to a group of students.

The exact specification of the work is left to each group, but will be adjusted by the teacher in terms of scope, level of difficulty and depth in order to try to homogenize the global effort of every group to the Mini-project.

The timeline of the tasks to be performed by each students' group is:

Evaluation for grading

The evaluation will focus on the degree of depth, difficulty and quality of the final product; it will be conducted globally, with no predefined values ​​for the weights applied to each of the aspects mentioned. A qualitative peer assessment, will be taken into consideration for adjusting the final grade.

There is one public moment of importance for assessment: the presentation in-class of the final product (15 minutes).


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