2024/25: Sistemas Operativos (Operating Systems) - 2º L.EIC

Events' Calendar:
Date Week
Time Room Event N.
23.sep.24 - FEUP Beginning of 1st semester of L.EIC 2024/25 325
22.Nov.24 8h30... B104 + ... 1st Test
20.dec.24 - FEUP End of 1st semester of L.EIC 2024/25
20.jan.25 14h30... B104 + ... 2nd Test
4.feb.25 8h30 B104 Exam of the Special Call

Classes' Calendar:
W Date Week
Class #
- Grp.
Summary #
Doc. Comm.
1 18.sep.24 P -14 -
-6 -
2 25.sep.24 P 1-14 Exercise Sheet 0: "The Unix (Linux) Command Shell" 19
1-6 Idem. 21
3 2.oct.24 P 2-14 Exercise Sheet 1: "Some Topics on the C Language (part I)" 20
2-6 Idem. 22
5 9.oct.24 P 3-14 Exercise Sheet 2: "Some Topics on the C Language (part II)" 16
3-6 Idem. 20
6 16.oct.24 P 4-14 Exercise Sheet 3: "Processing Text and Files (using Standard C Library functions)" 14
4-6 Idem. 15
7 23.oct.24 P 5-14 Exercise Sheets 1, 2, 3 (concl.). 12
5-6 Idem. 13
8 30.oct.24 FEUP's week
9 6.nov.24 P 6-14 Exercise Sheet 4: "File Processing (using the kernel API)". 14
6-6 Idem. 10
10 13.nov.24 P 7-14 Exercise Sheet 4 (cont.). 17
7-6 Idem. 14
11 20.nov.24 P 8-14 Overview of previous Exercise Sheets. 13
8-6 Idem. 15
12 27.nov.24 P 9-14 Exercise Sheet 5: "Process Management (using the kernel API)". 12
9-6 Idem. 7
13 4.dec.24 P 10-14 Exercise Sheet 5 (concl.). 12
10-6 Idem. 15
14 11.dec.24 P 11-14 Exercise Sheet 6: "Inter-Process Communication (using the kernel API and the Standard C Library)". 12
11-6 Idem. 15
15 18.dec.24 P 12-14 Exercise Sheet 6 (concl.). 8
12-6 Idem. 10