Segurança da Informação (Information
Security) - 1º MCI
Practical work 7
Introduction to Steganography
- Google a bit for information on Steganography principles and
Steganography software.*
- From your findings, open for use some on-line tools. A suggestion of such
a tool:
- Create a setup folder on your machine for steganography experimentation
and put in it files with “secret” information and “cover” files
(where the secrets will be embedded in).
- Run the Steganography software and hide the secret information.
- Compare the original cover files (usually images) with the final ones
(with the hidden information). See also the files' timestamps.
- Exchange with colleagues some cover files with hidden data and run the
Steganography software to get hold of your colleagues' secret messages.
- Some steganography software asks for a password or passphrase when hiding
the secret. Is this part of the steganography concept?
- Take some conclusions on the interest of steganographic techniques.
* You should also take a look at www.jjtc.com/Steganography/tools.html...
(To be made after class and by oneself!)
(To be
made after class and by oneself!)
(To be made
after class and by oneself!)
Assessment 7
Assessment of Practical classes - Introduction to Steganography
In the sequence of what you have experimented in Practical work
"Introduction to Steganography" - follow the instructions here
- Download the file "3zebras.png" and look
at the picture. Nice, uh? :-)
- Well, that file is not what it appears to be: it has a secret within.
Find out what the secret is, and prove you succeeded by sending it in a
confidential S/MIME message to the teacher of MCI's course unit SEGINF.
- Ah, I was forgetting to say: the secret was embedded in the picture with
the online Steganography application www.kwebbel.net/stega/...