2024/2025: Segurança da Informação (Information Security) - 1º MCI


Practical work 7

Introduction to Steganography

  1. Google a bit for information on Steganography principles and Steganography software.*
  2. From your findings, open for use some on-line tools. A suggestion of such a tool:
  3. Create a setup folder on your machine for steganography experimentation and put in it files with “secret” information and “cover” files (where the secrets will be embedded in).
  4. Run the Steganography software and hide the secret information.
  5. Compare the original cover files (usually images) with the final ones (with the hidden information). See also the files' timestamps.
  6. Exchange with colleagues some cover files with hidden data and run the Steganography software to get hold of your colleagues' secret messages.
  7. Some steganography software asks for a password or passphrase when hiding the secret. Is this part of the steganography concept?
  8. Take some conclusions on the interest of steganographic techniques.

* You should also take a look at www.jjtc.com/Steganography/tools.html...


(To be made after class and by oneself!)

(To be made after class and by oneself!)

(To be made after class and by oneself!)

Assessment 7

Assessment of Practical classes - Introduction to Steganography

In the sequence of what you have experimented in Practical work "Introduction to Steganography" - follow the instructions here presented.

  1. Download the file "3zebras.png" and look at the picture. Nice, uh? :-)
  2. Well, that file is not what it appears to be: it has a secret within. Find out what the secret is, and prove you succeeded by sending it in a confidential S/MIME message to the teacher of MCI's course unit SEGINF.
  3. Ah, I was forgetting to say: the secret was embedded in the picture with the online Steganography application www.kwebbel.net/stega/...