Computer Security: pointers to some books

Some books of academic interest on Computer Security
Author Title Year ISBN Editor Obs.
Stallings & Brown Computer Security: Principles and Practice 2007 978-0-13-600424-0 Prentice Hall Covers most issues of interest.
Academic textbook.
Pfleeger & Pfleeger Security in Computing, 4/E 2006 978-0-13-239077-4 Prentice Hall
Gollmann Computer Security, 2/E 2005 978-0-470-86293-3 John Wiley Concise & mostly clear!
Bishop Introduction to Computer Security 2004 978-0-321-24744-5 Addison-Wesley Yet the academical textbook on computer security!
There is a more complete version of the book.
Garfinkel & Spafford Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 3/E 2003 978-0-596-00323-4 O'Reilly
Anderson Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, 2/E 2008 978-0-470-06852-6 John Wiley Very, very comprehensive!
Not mathematical.
Good for overall picture of security issues.
Conklin et. al. Principles of Computer Security, CompTIA Security+ and Beyond 2009 978-0071633758 McGraw-Hill Osborne Media Covers most issues of interest.
Little mathematical.

Pieprzyk, Hardjono, Seberry

Fundamentals of Computer Security 2003
978-3642077135 Springer Very mathematical.
Bagad Information Security 2011 978-9350381571 Technical Publications Small & simple.
Stamp Information Security: Principles and Practice, 2/E 2011 978-0470626399 John Wiley Interesting: some mathematics. Lacks some high-level subjects.
Andress The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice 2011 978-1597496537 Syngress

Interesting: basic.

Zúquete Segurança em Redes Informáticas, 2ªed. 2008 978-972-722-565-197 FCA Em português!
Boas explicações.
Não gosto do aspecto gráfico (FCA!) e de diversos aspectos do português.
Some books of technological interest on Computer Security
Author Title Year ISBN Editor Obs.
Tony Howlett Open Source Security Tools: Practical Guide to Security Applications 2004 978-0321194435 Prentice Hall Excellent information on tools for protection of informatics' installations. Unfortunately, many of the mentioned tools are outdated. Nevertheless, the base information and advices are very sound and so I highly recommend the book.
The book is available online!!!