Table of Contents

WindsPT v0.4 Specification

The “ e-Science platform” manages the infrastructure, supports the design and execution of open air field tests, and disseminates collected datasets and related information, in accordance with an Open Access policy (c.f. Data Management Plan).

This e-infrastructure is accessible by humans (via Web portals and mobile applications) and by machine programs.

The WindsPT Web Application documentation is included in this document: requirements, design/architecture, user documentation.

Internal Project management documentation is available for team members: Trello, Slack, GitHub.

1. Introduction

The WindsPT tool is a web application that offers support to the planning, execution, and data archiving for any number of experimental campaigns.

WindsPT provides a single-point of access for campaign managers, participants and institutions alongside all the campaign phases.

WindsPT provides:

1. Collaboration intention surveys: to collect partners' intention of collaboration while building a categorization structure and involved equipment information.

2. General purpose experiment information: general information that will be useful for all experiment participants, such as: location, contact, dates, topography and roughness maps.

3. Collaboration intentions' summaries by experiment: one page summary of all resources for one experiment: equipment, wind flow models and personnel.

4. Field stations installation and equipment: a functionality, allowing the Experiment Manager to create stations and equip the tower stations with the equipment required.

5. Equipment inventory: the data base of all the equipment by: category and manufacturer, with datasheets and manuals.

6. Dataset repository: access to all datasets by: device, model, category, scenario, campaign and site.

7. Administrative management functionalities: management of the whole platform: user accounts, equipment and wind flow models data curation.

8. Equipment and experiment documentation: Equipment specification and calibration documents can be associated with specific models. All purpose documentation area per experiment allows participants to store files associated with the experiment.

9. Experiment logbook: Participants of an experiment can add events to the logbook, these events can have files and photos associated with them. Some default categories are: issue, scheduled, installation and social. Categories can be managed by both the admin and campaign managers.

To be continued…

2. Actors and User stories

The functional requirements of the WindsPT application are described using an agile methodology. First, the actors are identified. Later, their usage scenarios are described using the user stories idiom.

2.1 Actors

"An actor represents anything or anyone that interfaces with your system. This may include people (not just the end user), external systems, and other organizations. Actors are always external to the system being modelled; they are never part of the system.” [Ambler04]

WindsP has the actors of the following figure described in the table.

Id. Description
User Unauthenticated user that can only access public information available at the portals.
Visitor Unauthenticated user that signs up and signs in to be known by the system.
Researcher Authenticated user that may use the system to access campaign information and the datasets available in the open access policy.
CampaignManager Authenticated user that has full administration privileges for the information of a particular campaign.
DataCurator Authenticated user that has the quality control responsibilities over campaign information.
Participant Authenticated user that participates in one or more campaigns as a Measurement engineer or a Technician.
InstitutionManager Authenticated user that has full administration privileges for the information of a particular institution.
ProjectManager Authenticated user that manages projects and related campaigns.
Admin Authenticated user that has full administration privileges to the e-infrastructure including managing CampaignManager and InstitutionManager.
DataServer External API to the data server (TDS).

2.2 User stories

"A usage scenario is a description of a potential business situation that may be faced by the users of a system — the focus is on behavioral requirements issues, not technical design issues." [Ambler04]

The usage scenarios, described as user stories, are divided by actors.


Id. Name Description spec.
US101 About As User I want to see public information about the application to know about its main functionalities and used technologies. v0.1
US102 Contact As User I want to contact the platform administrators, so that I can suggest new functionalities, report existing problems, etc. v0.4
US103 Manual As User I want to access a manual with information about how to use the platform, so that I can repidly learn how to navigate use its features. v0.4
US104 Contextual Information As User I want to access contextual information about the page I am currently visiting, so that I can rapidly check how to use the features of the corresponding page. v0.4
US105 See campaign information As User I want to browse the campaign information to have access to detailed information about the stations or device equipment that produce datasets. v0.2
US106 View logbook As User I want to see the content of the public categories of events of the campaign logbook so I know the events related to the information I can see. v0.2
US107 Save stations CSV As User I want to save stations to a CSV file so that I can use it independently of the system. v0.1
US108 Save stations KMZ As User I want to export stations to KMZ so that I can analyse them on other software, such as Google Earth. v0.1
US109 View equipment As User I want to view WindsPT equipment so that I know about where it was used, what datasets it produced and its details. v0.3
US110 Share document/logbook event As User I want to generate a link to a document / logbook event so that the resource can be shared with others. v0.3


Id. Name Description spec.
US201 Sign up As Visitor I want to register on the system so I may authenticate myself and obtain Open Access information about Campaigns, equipment, datasets and other research objects. v0.2
US202 Sign in As Visitor I want to log in to the system so I have access to the e-infrastructure, in accordance with my role (Researcher, Participant, CampaignManager, etc). v0.1
US203 Recover password As Visitor I want to recover my forgotten password so that I can sign in to WindsP. v0.1


Id. Name Description spec.
US301 Search As Researcher I want to search using keywords in order to have access to information of my interest available as Open Access. v0.4
US303 Download dataset As Researcher I want to download a dataset so I can process the data at my premises. v0.2
US304 Publish resource As Researcher I want to upload a resource (e.g. PDF article) to be linked to the campaign history. v0.2
US305 Remove resource As Researcher I want to remove a resource that I uploaded so that I can correct mistakes. v0.2
US306 Create Research Object As Researcher I want to define a set of available resources so they will be referred to as a unit. -
US310 Change profile As Researcher I want to change my profile's information so it becomes up to date. v0.2
US311 Change password As Researcher I want to change my password for my account so I can use it to sign in. v0.1
US314 View Profiles As Researcher I want to view the profile of other members of the platform, so I can contact them and know their participations. v0.2
US315 Contact Researchers As Researcher I want to contact other platform users so that I can share private information, initiate research activities, etc. v0.2
US316 Notifications As Researcher I want to be notified (via e-mail and within the platform) whenever a User contacts me using the platform message system, so I can so that I can read the message in a timely manner. v0.2
US317 Download Documents Zip As a Researcher I want to download a folder containing documents an other sub-folders, so that I can obtain these documents in a more convenient manner. v0.4
US318 Download Datasets Zip As a Researcher I want to download a folder containing (groups of) datasets, so that I can obtain the corresponding datasets in a convenient manner. v0.4
US319 Authenticate to download Datasets As Researcher I want to authenticate myself to Download Datasets, using a previously shared password, whenever no other access role grants me that privilege. v0.4


Id. Name Description spec.
US401 Create resource As Participant I want to create a document or a folder associated with the campaign to better document it. v0.2
US402 Manage event As Participant I want to create, edit and delete campaign events and also associate various resources to them so that the logbook is up to date. v0.2
US403 Install device As Participant I want to register that a device has been installed and if necessary create the equipment instance, to have up to date information about the devices in use in the campaign. -
US404 Manage scenarios As Participant I want to create, edit and delete scenarios and also associate resources to them so that the operation of the devices is well documented. v0.3
US405 Stations timeline As Participant I want to visualize a timeline of the measurement stations installation, operation and installation periods, so that I can better understand which stations where operating in a given period. v0.4
US406 Personnel timeline As Participant I want access to visualize a sumary of the researchers' in the field participations, so that I can know who where in the field at a given point in thime. v0.4


Id. Name Description spec.
US501 Manage Stations As CampaignManager I want to create, edit and delete stations to help me plan the campaign. v0.2
US502 Instrument Tower stations As CampaignManager I want to instrument a tower station to specify which equipment models will be installed. v0.2
US503 Change access permissions As CampaignManager I want to change access permission to certain files or folders so that only users that are allowed can view and edit them. v0.2
US504 Hide logbook event As CampaignManager I want to hide certain events from the logbook so I can remove incorrect and unimportant information. -
US505 Plan timelines As CampaignManager I want to set start and end dates for the planning, execution and dismantling stages to better detail the execution plan of the campaign. v0.2
US506 View timelines As CampaignManager I want to view timelines (personnel and stations) to prepare for future events. v0.2
US506 Add Campaign Manager As CampaignManager I want to add new campaign managers to help with the managing tasks. v0.2
US507 Check status As CampaignManager I want to see the campaign's collaboration status to control its planning. v0.2
US508 Check summary As Campaign Manager I want to see the questionnaires summary so that I can be better informed about the campaign participations. v0.2
US509 Hide dataset As CampaignManager I want to hide a dataset that has been found to be invalid so that the researchers only have access to valid datasets. v0.3
US510 Manage WMS Overlays As CampaignManager I want to add and remove WMS overlays to/from the experiment map so that the map is easily customizable. v0.2
US511 Send Email As CampaignManager I want to send emails to a list of participants of the campaigns that I manage, so I can quickly send information to all participants. v0.2
US512 Add participants As CampaignManager I want to register add new participants, so that their participation can be saved. v0.4
US513 Datasets Access of Non-Participants As CampaignManager I want to add/remove Users to a list of "Usersa authorized to download Datasets". v0.4


Id. Name Description spec.
US601 Create equipment As InstitutionManager I want to create new equipment sub-categories to expand the platform equipment catalog. v0.2
US602 Create simulation model As InstitutionManager I want to create simulation models to describe the models used in the campaign. v0.2
US603 Manage manufacturers As InstitutionManager I want to create and edit equipment manufacturers to expand the platform catalog. v0.2
US604 Manage equipment models As InstitutionManager I want to create and edit equipment models to expand the platform catalog. v0.2
US605 Interest to participate As InstitutionManager I want to express my intention to participate in one or more campaigns to inform the CampaignManager. v0.2
US606 Detail Equipment As InstitutionManager I want to detail the institution's participation in terms of equipment models and simulation models for each campaign to inform the CampaignManager. v0.2
US607 Manage users As InstitutionManager I want to create, edit and deactivate a user associated to my institution so that he can participate in campaigns. v0.2
US608 Associate participant As InstitutionManager I want to indicate a campaign participant to let the manager know who is participating. v0.2
US609 Manage devices As InstitutionManager I want to add, edit and remove devices inventory so that my institution can later use them on a particular campaign. -
US610 Associate device As InstitutionManager I want to make a device available for the campaign so that it can be included on it. -
US611 Add InstitutionManager As InstitutionManager I want to add a new institution manager to help with the managing tasks. v0.2
US612 Send Message As InstitutionManager I want to send messages to a list of members of the institution that I manage, so I can quickly send information to all members. v0.2


Id. Name Description spec.
US701 Manage equipment As DataCurator I want to create, edit and remove equipment sub-categories to normalize the catalog. v0.2
US702 Manage personnel As DataCurator I want to create, edit and remove personnel sub-categories in order to better organize personnel. v0.2
US703 Manage manufacturer As DataCurator I want to create, edit and remove equipment manufacturers to normalize the catalog. v0.2
US704 Manage equipment model As DataCurator I want to create, edit and remove equipment models to normalize the catalog. v0.2
US705 Manage simulation model As DataCurator I want to create, edit and remove simulation models to correct errors. v0.2
US706 Write Contextual Information As DataCurator I want o create, edit and remove contextual information. v0.4

Project Manager

Id. Name Description spec.
US801 Create Campaign As Project Manager I want to create a Campaign and its CampaignManager so that the preparation and execution of a new campaign may be initiated. v0.2
US802 Manage questionnaires As Project Manager I want to open and close questionnaires intended for institutions to express intention to participate and to detail their participation so that I can control both their start and end. -
US803 Check status As Project Manager I want to see the questionnaires status to control campaign planning evolution. v0.2
US804 Check summary As Project Manager I want to see the questionnaires summary so that I can be better informed about the campaign participations. v0.1
US805 Add Project Manager As Project Manager I want to add new project managers to help with the planning of the project. v0.2
US806 Associate Institution As Project Manager I want to associate institutions to the project so that the members of the institutions can know have detailed information about the project. v0.2
US807 Send Message As ProjectManager I want to send messages to a list of institution managers and campaign managers of the project that I manage, so I can quickly send information to all members. v0.2


Id. Name Description spec.
US901 Create Site As Admin I want to create a Site so that I can associate Campaigns with it. -
US902 Manage Personnel Categories As Admin I want to create, edit and remove personnel categories so that I can ensure a correct and up to date categorisation. v0.2
US903 Manage Equipment Categories As Admin I want to create, edit and remove equipment categories so that I can ensure a correct and up to date categorisation. v0.2
US904 Manage Users As Admin I want to create, edit and deactivate user accounts so that I can control platform accesses. v0.2
US905 Create Project As Admin I want to create a Project and its ProjectManager so that a new project and its campaigns can start being planned. v0.2
US906 Manage Institutions As Admin I want to create Institutions, add the InstitutionManager and edit institutions so that they can participate in campaigns. v0.2
US907 Create DataCurator As Admin I want to create a DataCurator to normalize the platform data and remove inconsistencies. v0.2
US908 Send Email As Admin I want to send emails to all members of the platform, so I can quickly send them information. v0.2
US909 Approve pending registrations As Admin I want to approve pending registrations, so that I can control who accesses the platform. v0.2
US910 New User Notification As Admin I want be notified (via e-mail and within the platform) whenever a new user registers in the platform, so that I can approve its pending registration. v0.2

3. Technical requirements

Id. Name Description
TR001 Availability The platform must be available most of the time with an up-time around 99% of the 24h period.
TR002 Performance The platform must have a response time that does not degrade the user experience.
TR003 Reliability The platform must consistently perform according to its specifications by minimising the technical errors.
TR004 Fault tolerance The platform must be prepared to deal with runtime errors and continue to operate.
TR005 Maintainability The platform must be designed to facilitate isolation and correction of defects and their causes.
TR006 Usability The platform must be simple and easy to use.
TR007 Web app The platform must be implemented as a web application with dynamic pages (HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3) to allow for universal access on any operating system.
TR008 Open source The platform must be implemented using open source technologies.

4. Conceptual model of the domain

“Conceptual domain modelling, also called conceptual modelling or domain modelling, is the task of discovering the entity types that represent the things and concepts, and their relationships, pertinent to your problem space.” [Ambler04]

The WindsP Universe of Discourse (UoD) is presented using UML class diagrams.




AKA "Project Experiments"



Campaign Collaborations



FIXME EquipmentModel is not used in the schema
FIXME MeasurementPoint is not used in the schema

Data measurement

FIXME relationship Dataset with Station
FIXME Scenarios not used




5. Physical models

6. Data models


7. Sitemap

  • Search All
  • Search Equipment
  • Search Campaigns
  • Search Users
  • User Profile
  • Campaign page
    • Logbook
    • About
    • Maps
    • Stations
      • Station Page
    • Documents
    • Datasets
    • Personnel Timeline
    • Stations Timeline
    • Useful Links
  • Campaign dashboard
    • Collaborations status
    • Collaborations summary
    • Stations
    • Participants
    • Useful Links
    • Overlays
    • About
  • Institution dashboard
    • Users
    • Devices
    • Surveys
    • Info
  • Project dashboard
    • Collaborations status
    • Collaborations summary
    • Experiments
    • Info
  • Researcher dashboard
    • Messages
    • Info
    • Change Password
  • Admin/Data Curator dashboard
    • Users
    • Simulation models categories
    • Equipment models categories
    • Projects
    • Equipment subcategories
    • Equipment models
    • Equipment manufacturers
    • Simulation models
  • Survey1: Collaboration Intention
  • Survey2: Collaboration Details
  • Contact
  • Manual
  • About
  • Sign Up
  • Login
  • Recover Password

8. Bibliography

[Ambler04] Scott Ambler, The Object Primer, Cambridge University Press, 3rd Edition, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-521-54018-6

Correia Lopes 2018/09/11 12:44