====== WindsPT v0.4 Specification ====== The “windscanner.pt e-Science platform” manages the windscanner.pt infrastructure, supports the design and execution of open air field tests, and disseminates collected datasets and related information, in accordance with an Open Access policy (c.f. Data Management Plan). This e-infrastructure is accessible by humans (via Web portals and mobile applications) and by machine programs. The WindsPT Web Application documentation is included in this document: requirements, design/architecture, user documentation. Internal [[winds:feup:index|Project management documentation]] is available for team members: [[https://trello.com/windspcode|Trello]], [[https://windsp.slack.com/|Slack]], [[https://github.com/WindsPCode|GitHub]]. ===== - Introduction ===== {{page>intro&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Actors and User stories ===== The functional requirements of the WindsPT application are described using an agile methodology. First, the actors are identified. Later, their usage scenarios are described using the user stories idiom. ==== - Actors ==== "An actor represents anything or anyone that interfaces with your system. This may include people (not just the end user), external systems, and other organizations. Actors are always external to the system being modelled; they are never part of the system.” [Ambler04] {{page>actors&noheader&nofooter}} ==== - User stories ==== "A usage scenario is a description of a potential business situation that may be faced by the users of a system — the focus is on behavioral requirements issues, not technical design issues." [Ambler04] {{page>ustories&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Technical requirements ===== {{page>technical&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Conceptual model of the domain ===== “Conceptual domain modelling, also called conceptual modelling or domain modelling, is the task of discovering the entity types that represent the things and concepts, and their relationships, pertinent to your problem space.” [Ambler04] {{page>classes&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Physical models ===== {{page>arch&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Data models ===== TBD ===== - Sitemap ===== {{page>sitemap&noheader&nofooter}} ===== - Bibliography ===== [Ambler04] Scott Ambler, //The Object Primer//, Cambridge University Press, 3rd Edition, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-521-54018-6 \\ --- //[[jlopes@fe.up.pt|Correia Lopes]] 2018/09/11 12:44//