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feupteses LaTeX style

%% how to use feupteses (English version)
%% FEUP, JCL & JCF, 31 July 2012
%% PLEASE send improvements to jlopes at fe.up.pt and to jcf at fe.up.pt

The sources are available directly in your course documentation.

There's also a template at Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/feup-dissertation-format/qrsrxjjwzrzf

External options

  • Language: portugues (English by default)
  • Degree: meec, meic, mem, mesw (PRODEI by default)
  • Layout: juri, final ("provisional" by default)
  • Media: onpaper ("online" by default)
  • Internal references: backrefs (not used by default)

Private documentation is available in: Developers' feupteses LaTeX style.


  • Use pdflatex instead of latex.
  • The main file is thesis.tex (meic-thesis.tex, meec-thesis.tex). Please read the instructions inside.
  • The style is defined in feupteses.sty.
  • To re-create the example edit the Makefile and run
  • Or else do:
pdflatex thesis
bibtex thesis
pdflatex thesis
pdflatex thesis
  • The file thesis.pdf contains the result.
  • The file plainnat-pt.bst is needed to process references in the format (author,date) in Portuguese; in English use plainnat.bst.
  • The file alpha-pt.bst is needed to use alphabetic references in Portuguese.
  • The character set used in the editing tool should be reported through the appropriate option:
   For the MAC use native encoding instead of UTF-8
  • Using the MiKTeX distribution, to have the correct hyphenation, select the Portuguese language in "Start→ Programs→ MiKTeX 2→ MiKTeX Option".
  • About the figures:
    • pdf(la)tex works with the following formats: png, jpeg, tiff and pdf. Files produced by Metapost (which are written in a simplified version of Postscript) can also be used. To convert eps (Encapsulated Postscript) figures to pdf, the epstopdf program can be used. To remove existing space around pdf figures, pdfcrop can be used.
    • To use the same eps figures with pdflatex and latex, as well as using figures created with the package pstricks, the package pst-pdf.sty can be used (It is justified only in very special cases!)
  • To automate the calls to latex, bibtex, etc. the auxiliary program latexmk can be used. It is available in TeXlive and MikTeX (http://texcatalogue.sarovar.org/entries/latexmk.html).

JCL & JCF, 2011-07-31


Distribution: FEUP-TESES
Current version: v2021
feupteses.sty: 1.2.0

Changes for v2021:
1. Appendices after bibliography
2. Single page documents by default
3. Link colors are now 'engineering'
4. Automatic centering of figure and table contents with extra space

Changes for v2017:
1. added mesw option for MESW
2. master thesis use numeric referencing (sorted)

Changes for v2014:
1. use indentfirst for portuguese
2. added miem option (Daniel Moura) for MIEM

Changes for v2012b:
1. references before the numbered appendixes

Changes for v2012:
1. new logo (UPorto FEUP)
2. new Portuguese spelling rules 
3. uses feupteses.sty 1.1
4. new option (backrefs) for reversed references from bibliography to citation page
5. new command to define additional text for the front page (\additionalfronttext)

Changes for v2011b:
1. support for url and lastcheckd fields in bibliographies (conversion
done with urlbst: http://ctan.mackichan.com/biblio/bibtex/contrib/urlbst/urlbst.htm)

Changes for v2011a:
1. correct indication of technical report in unsrt-pt.bst (thanks to Marcelo Almeida)

Changes for v2011:
1. new option scheme
2. support for line numbers in jury version
3. changes to status indication (jury, final)
4. removed support for versioning

Changes for v2009f:
1. option onpaper: hide hyperlinks

Changes for v2009e:
1. plainnat-pt.bst: finished conversion to Portuguese.
2. unsrt-pt.bst: added to the distribution
teach/feupteses.txt · Last modified: 17/12/2023 22:00 by Correia Lopes

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