====== Referências ====== %bibtex entries @Book{kn:PP05, author = "Estelle M. Philips and Derek S. Pugh", title = "How to Get a {PhD}", publisher = "Open University Press", edition = "{F}ourth", year = 2005, isbn = "0-335-21684-6" } @Phdthesis{kn:Fra94-thesis, author = "Franz, M.S.O.", title = "Code-Generation On-the-Fly: A Key to Portable Software", school = "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich", address = {ETH Z\"urich}, year = 1995 } @Techreport{kn:Mat93, author = "Manuel A. Matos", title = "Normas para Apresentação de Dissertações, Bases Essenciais", institution = "Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto", month = "Maio", year = 1993 } @Article{kn:ZPMD97, author = "Debora J. Zukowski and Apratim Purakayastha and Ajay Mohindra and Murthy Devarakonda", title = "Metis: A Thin-Client Application Framework", organization = "Usenix Association", journal = "Proceedings of the Third Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems", pages = "103--114", month = "Junho", year = 1997 } @Inproceedings{kn:MVL06-xata, author = "Filipe Marinho and Paulo Viegas and J. Correia Lopes", title = "{SVG} na Visualização de Sinópticos", pages = "99-112", booktitle = "{XATA2006}, XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas (Portalege, 9 e 10 de Fevereiro de 2006)", editor = "José Carlos Ramalho and J. Correia Lopes and Alberto Simões", publisher = "Universidade do Minho", year = 2006 } @Misc{kn:Tha01, author = "Ming Tham", title = "Writing Research Theses or Dissertations", howpublished = "University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, disponível em \url{http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/dept/Tips/writing/thesis/thesis-intro.htm}", month = "Maio", year = 2001 } @Misc{kn:Lip08, author = "Lipsum", title = "Lorem Ipsum", howpublished = "Disponível em \url{http://www.lipsum.com/}, acedido a última vez em 19 de Maio de 2008", year = 2008 } @Misc{kn:svgbatik, author = "Apache", title = "Batik {SVG} {T}oolkit", howpublished = "Disponível em \url{http://xml.apache.org/batik/}", month = "Junho", year = 2005 } @Misc{kn:svgibm, author = "IBM", title = "Program with {SVG}", howpublished = "Disponível em \url{http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-matters40/}", month = "Maio", year = 2005 } @Misc{kn:svgw3c, author = "{W3C} --- {World Wide Web Consortium}", title = "{W3C} --- {About SVG}", howpublished = "Disponível em \url{http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/intro.html/}", month = "Abril", year = 2005 } @Misc{kn:svgdoc, author = "{W3C} --- {World Wide Web Consortium}", title = "{W3C SVG Specification}", month = "Junho", year = 2005, howpublished = "\url{http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/}" } @Misc{kn:svgscada, author = "Rodrigo García García", title = "\svg{} for {SCADA}", howpublished = "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Disponível em \url{http://www.svgopen.org/2004/papers/SVGforSCADA/}", month = Abril, year = 2005 } @Misc{kn:batik, author = "Apache", title = "Batik \svg{} {T}oolkit {A}rchitecture", howpublished = "Disponível em \url{http://xml.apache.org/batik/architecture.html\#coreComponents}", month = "Junho", year = 2005 }